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Introduction to Databases

A database is a organized collection of information stored in an electronic format. Databases can exist in a variety of formats like spreadsheets or text files; thusly, they can be created through a plethora of software applications. But in the most basic sense a database is just a consistent listing of information about a specific topic often organized neatly in columns and rows. Common examples of printed databases would be telephone books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and book indices.

Creating a database is most helpful when the information being compiled has a points of reference, usually called a field, consistent among every case, or record, being cited. For example, in a telephone book some of the fields compiled for each record are name, address, and telephone number. Each of these items would be considered a separate field. Each field is a columnar listing of information and each record is a horizontal grouping, in most cases, filling one line.

Here's an example:

Name Address Phone
Smith, John 123 Main St. 829-1234
Jones, Mary 456 South St. 781-5555
Waters, Jack 678 Broad St. 372-6789
Each column is a FIELD. Each column is named with a field name.

Each row in the database is a RECORD. If this database had 2000 lines (or rows), it would have 2000 records. We have databases with millions and millions of records.

Every database should have a RECORD LAYOUT. A record layout is the list of fields, the length and type of each field, and the description of each field. For example, a record layout for this database might be:

fieldname type length description
name char 30 Full name of person. Last name, first name, middle initial.
address char 50 Street number and name.
phone char 8 Phone number.

This is a very simple example. Some databases have indecipherable fieldnames so a record layout is required. When acquiring a database from an outside source, you should always get a record layout so you can be sure that the data is what you think it is.

If you have other questions about databases, please ask any of the news researchers or past CAR Fellows for help.

If you are an N&O reporter or editor, you may send a request for research to the news researchers.
If you're not affiliated with The News & Observer and need research assistance, please contact Pisys IQ.

This page was created by Charles de Bose.
Last updated by Sperry Krueger on 5/6/97.