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Computer Assisted
Reporting and Research Fellowships

Reporter Fellowships
Editor Fellowships

Reporter Fellowships

The News and Observer awards four month-long fellowships each year. These fellowships are available to all full-time reporters. The fellowships will:

The first week of the fellowship is spent learning the tools of research -- everything from the books to the online databases. The next three weeks are spent learning to get electronic data and what to do with it once you have it.

If you're interested in applying for a fellowship, prepare a one page application that tells why you want a fellowship and what you want to learn. You will have an advantage if you've already shown initiative in seeking out data or learning about new reporting skills, so make sure to list any relevant classes taken and any attempts at getting public records (electronic or paper). We try to tailor each fellowship to the individual reporter's needs. Give your application to Melanie Sill or Teresa Leonard.

If you want to learn more about a fellowship before you apply, talk to Bill Krueger, Pat Stith, Chris Hardesty, or any of the past CARR fellows:

The next CARR fellow will be:

No matter how little or how much you know, we can work out a training plan to get you where you want to go. These opportunities are open to everyone, and we encourage you to take initiative in getting the training you need.

Editor Fellowships

The News and Observer awards up to 12 week-long editor fellowships each year. These fellowships are available to all full-time editors. The fellowships will give editors an overview of computer assisted reporting and research. They will learn skills needed to help coach and guide reporters.

The majority of the week is spent learning the tools of research -- everything from the books to the online databases. Database analysis and mapping is also covered during the week. Time is built in to the week to practice newly acquired skills.

We try to tailor each fellowship to the individual editor's needs. If you're interested in applying for a fellowship, speak with Chris Hardesty or Will Sutton.

If you're interesting in learning more about a fellowship before you apply, just talk to any of the past CARR fellows:

Future CARR fellows:

Updated 7/7/98