WARNING: This page is a sample of news library INTRANET. Some links do not work and information may not be current.

Triangle Area Library Catalogs

If you're looking for a particular book or magazine that we don't have at The News & Observer, you may be able to find it at one of the local university or public libraries. Before you make the trip, check the online catalog to see if the library has the book and if it's available to be checked out.

You can access the libraries of Duke, NCSU, UNC-CH, and the State Library of NC on the World Wide Web. In addition, you can access the Durham County Library and the Wake County Public Library catalogs by dialing in with a modem.

University Library Catalogs

North Carolina State University Library Catalog

Duke University Library Catalog

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library Catalog

State Library of North Carolina Online Catalog

Durham County Library Catalog

On a Mac

On a PC

Wake County Public Library Catalog

On a Mac

On a PC

If you are an N&O reporter or editor, you may send a request for research to the news researchers.
If you're not affiliated with The News & Observer and need research assistance, please contact Pisys IQ.

Last updated by Sperry Krueger (skrueger@nando.com) on 8/12/96.