Residential Real Estate Sales Trends (Based on Properties Listed in the Triangle MLS) *September 1998* Average Single & Residential Multifamily Closing Price Homes Sold Durham $144,255 230 Johnston $120,067 169 Orange $208,573 108 Wake $172,608 1147 Total $168,108 1654 --------------------------------------------------------------- *1997* (year-end totals) Average Single & Total Residential Multifamily Dollar Closing Price Homes Sold Sales (Sold) Durham $138,876 2570 $361,315,569 Johnston $114,939 1415 $163,345,162 Orange $197,071 1159 $233,155,849 Wake $170,170 11314 $1,945,586,139 Total $164,261 16458 $2,703,402,719 --------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: This article is based in whole or in part upon data supplied by Participants/members of Triangle MLS. Neither the Participants, their respective Boards of Realtors, nor TMLS guarantee or are in any way responsible for its accuracy. Any market data maintained by TMLS necessarily does not include information on listings not published at the request of the Seller, listings of brokers who are not members of TMLS, unlisted properties, rental properties, etc. SOURCE: News Report from the Triangle MLS, Inc. Kimberly Senter, 406-1419 Past monthly reports are available in the file labeled "Real Estate" in the vertical files in News Research. In addition to the information here, reports include homes sold in pre-defined price ranges, number of days on the market, type of financing, and sales by zip code. LAST UPDATED: October 15, 1998