News Library News Online
Vol. 22, No. 4/Summer 2000

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By Leigh Poitinger

Leigh Poitinger

As I take up the News Library News editing reins, I'm a bit stumped about what to say. I've been so busy shepherding the editorial process along that I've not given much thought to my own contribution!

Luckily, this issue of NLN comes with a ready-made theme: the 2000 SLA conference. By the time this issue lands on your desk, the Philadelphia conference might be a just summer memory. But thanks to contributions from many wonderful News Division members you can review those great conference tips, web sites and words of wisdom that might have gotten lost in the shuffle of post-conference life.

This issue is especially valuable for those who didn't attend conference this year. Alas, I was one of those folks, but after reading all of the great articles in this issue of News Library News I feel like I was there. Sandy Levy gives a whirlwind tour of the best conference sessions, and Dana Gordon offers great tips from the CE course on computer assisted reporting. And first time conference attendee Jessica Baumgart learned what every newcomer does - that sometimes it's almost impossible to choose which session to go to.

I'd like to thank the many people who've contributed to NLN in the past two years, especially Jennifer Evert. Jen has done a wonderful job as editor, and I hope that NLN will continue to be a useful and fun part of the News Division in the future. Thanks, too, Jen for entrusting me with NLN. I'll do my best!

I'd also like to echo Jen's plea for content from the last issue. As she said, this is your newsletter, and the best way to make it really useful is to share your ideas and practices. What occurs to me as I write this (on deadline) is that we are all pressed for time and juggling multiple tasks at once. Indeed, one of the strengths of news librarians is that we are so good at keeping all those balls in the air. Research, archiving, web development, information stores, digitizing projects -- these are just some of the items that have appeared in News Library News in the past few years. There are lots of interesting projects going on and so many unique solutions to the common problems we all encounter. So please take a little time and share your projects and ideas.

Happy reading!

Leigh Poitinger is the News Research Webmaster at the San Jose Mercury News. You can contact her at

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