News Library News Online
Vol. 25, No.1/Fall 2002

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By Kathryn Pease

At press time, our own "Cronin of Boston," John Cronin, was recovering from triple bypass surgery. John is the Library Director at the Boston Herald, and we all wish him a speedy recovery.

Dee Lyon, who is retired from The Baltimore Sun, has been seriously ill for some months now. While she is not up to receiving phone calls or visitors, I am sure she would love to hear from those of you who know her through work and conferences. Her address is: 7934 Dunhill Village Circle, Baltimore, MD 21244. Please keep both of these News Division members in your thoughts and prayers.

On the Move

Sammy Alzofon, Library Director at The Palm Beach Post, has two new researchers on board: Melissa Taylor and Krista Pegnetter. Melissa comes to the Post from the United Technologies Research Center at Pratt & Whitney in Florida. Krista was previously at the Palm Beach County Public Library, however she has a past that includes work for National Geographic Television. Sammy also reports that she's dragged Michelle Quigley back to the paper on a part-time basis after being a full-time mom.

Marlinda Karo, who received her MLIS and attended her first SLA conference this summer, is now working as a News Librarian Researcher/Fact Checker for Ms. Magazine in Beverly Hills, California. Congratulations, Marlinda!

And I'm on the move myself. I recently traded balmy weather at the South Florida Sun-Sentinel for a change of seasons at Newsday on Long Island.

Awards & Acknowledgements

Debra Bade, Deputy Information Editor at the Chicago Tribune, reports that Jim Ray, the Information Center's webmaster, played a key role in the creation and design of a CD-ROM commemorating September 11, which was delivered to all its readers on September 8, 2002.

Anne P. Mintz, Director of Knowledge Management at Forbes Inc., edited the recently published book "Web of Deception: Misinformation on the Internet." Anne says, "The book looks at the many ways in which intentionally misleading or erroneous information on the Web can wreak havoc on the health, privacy, investments, purchases, business decisions, and legal affairs of online users. The book brings together 10 information experts in order to illuminate the issues and help readers recognize and deal with a flood of deception and misinformation in numerous fields and subject areas." You can order it directly from the publisher at or online through Amazon or Barnes & Noble etc. If you want an autographed copy ($21.00 includes shipping), contact Anne at

SLA's Long Island Chapter is pleased to welcome three News Division members to it's board for the 2002-2003 term: Laura Mann of Newsday is now President, Erika Yanez of Conde Nast Publications is Secretary and Chris Hardesty of Newsday serves as Public Relations Chair.

Kathryn Pease is a Librarian at Newsday. You can contact her at


Last Updated: 11/22/02
Leigh Poitinger