News Library News Online
Vol. 24, No. 3/Spring 2002

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Jody HabayebNotes from the Chair
By Jody Habayeb

Typically in a final address to the membership, the chairperson would save their thank you for the end of their "Notes from the Chair" column. I’m breaking from tradition, to be certain that each of you know the depth of my gratitude for the opportunity to serve as your chair this past year.

To be sure, this has been one of the more interesting tenures likely served by a News Division chair, I would guess. The challenges have been great over the past year: Tasini; September 11; management changes at SLA headquarters; bylaws change proposals from the SLA board, Doris Kearns Goodwin; the crisis news libraries are dealing with; and last but not least the impact the economy has had on our industry as a whole.

My greatest hope is that I have measured up to your expectations by leading the News Division with the same dignity and desire for a continued strong, respected and forward thinking group of professionals as the chairs that preceded me so admirably have done. And we continue to grow membership and participation by all news librarians, worldwide.

You have all been an integral part of the stability and greatness of this organization. A special thank you to News Division board members and committee chairs for their commitment over the past year.

I leave you in capable hands as your new chair Michael Jesse and chair-elect Linda Henderson take over in Los Angeles this June. The new potential leaders and members of the News Division, as illustrated by this year’s winner of the Vormelker-Thomas student stipend award, Hannah Sommers, further hearten me. You will read in this issue her winning essay "From Tasini to Goodwin: It’s all about credit."

Putting Knowledge to Work in L.A.

Plans are well set for our annual conference in Los Angeles June 8-13. Michael Jesse has done a wonderful job of working with SLA and division members and has a week of sessions that are topical and informative. I guarantee you will go away with new insight and tools to tackle the challenges ahead. There will be dynamic speakers and moderators on subjects ranging from our continuing education topic "Taking Action for Change in the News Industry" to PDF archives to digitizing microfilm.

There are opportunities for fun and networking throughout the week as well, with a tour of the Los Angeles Times library, the awards banquet, nightly gatherings in our suite and the Huntington Library tour on Thursday.

Hope to see as many of you there as possible. For those of you who aren’t able to join us, we’ll make every attempt to include you throughout the week as we did last year through daily updates on NewsLib.

Proposed bylaws changes

As you undoubtedly know by now through postings, the Special Libraries Association board is seeking your input as they propose bylaws changes. Some of the recommended changes are a dramatic departure from our usual way of conducting business within the organization. That is not to say that we aren’t due for an overhaul of our bylaws to better meet the needs of SLA members.

I urge you to pay very close attention now to the proposed changes and offer your comments via the threaded discussion list provided at Click on Proposed Bylaws Changes.

Jody Habayeb is the Archive & Research Manager at The Tampa Tribune/WFLA & Tampa Bay Online in Tampa, Florida. You can contact her at