News Library News Online
Vol. 24, No.4/Summer 2002

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By Kathryn Pease

On the Move

Ginny Hauswald, Library Manager of the Winston-Salem Journal, retired on May 31, after 10 ‡ years as manager and almost 14 years in the library. Says Ginny, "We've enjoyed tremendous progress in the Journal's news library, in great measure to the generous, diligent, intelligent, experienced, witty, conscientious and kind members of this list (NewsLib), the SLA News Division and my North Carolina chapter." While weíre sure Ginnyís grandchildren will keep her plenty busy, she does plan to keep in touch through NewsLib. Congratulations on your retirement, Ginny!

After 15 years in the newspaper business, Ric Russo left his position as Newsroom Research Director at the Bradenton Herald on June 7, but heís merely moving to the TV side of journalism. Ric is now the Web Content Editor/Research Director for Bay News 9, a 24-hour all-local news television station in the St. Petersburg area. Ray Porter will be taking his place at the Bradenton Herald. Ray previously worked at the Venice (Fla.) Gondolier and was a copy editor at the Herald when promoted to Newsroom Research Director. Please welcome Ray at

Debra Bade is excited to report that Jim Ray was recently hired as the Chicago Tribune Information Center's Webmaster/Researcher. Jim has a journalism background from the University of North Carolina, and will be working on a new editorial intranet for the Tribune. Welcome, Jim!

Lynda Schmitz Fuhrig has joined Army Times Publishing Co. in Springfield, Va., as Librarian-Information Specialist. From 1998 to 2001, she was the Editorial Library Director at The State Journal-Register in Springfield, Illinois.

Marlinda Karo recently graduated with an MLIS degree from San Jose State Universityís Fullerton Campus. A first-timer at the Los Angeles SLA annual conference, she is currently working at the Getty Conservation Institute as an Acquisitions Assistant. However, she wants to be a news librarian, preferably in the New York area. Any Empire State readers out there?

Bill Lucey has joined the South Florida Sun-Suntinel's Editorial Research Center. Most recently, Bill was with the Cleveland Public Library, but he has prior news research experience at the Cleveland Plain Dealer and the Akron Beacon Journal. Welcome back to news, Bill!

Earlier this year, Paul Wilder was promoted to Manager, Editorial Information Services at The Record in Hackensack, NJ. Paul replaced Paul Schulman, who took an early retirement after being Manager for 10 years. Paul only recently joined SLA, despite getting an MLS from Columbia in 1987. He has worked at The Record since 1981.

Awards & Acknowledgments

Washington Post researchers Alice Crites, Bobbye Pratt, Rob Thomason, Lynn Davis, and Margot Williams were credited for their contributions to the Post's coverage of the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon that won the Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting. Bobbye Pratt was also involved in a year-long investigation culminating in a series that exposed the District of Columbia's role in the neglect and death of 229 children placed in protective care between 1993 and 2000, which prompted an overhaul of the city's child welfare system. This series took the Pulitzer Prize for Investigative Reporting.

The ABC News Research Center staffs in Washington DC and New York were named as part of the ABC News staff that won the 61st Annual Peabody Award "for the network's depth and breadth of coverage of events on and subsequent to September 11, 2001." Candace Stuart said, "We have certainly never worked harder than we did in the hours following the attack and it truly is an honor to be included among those that ABC credits with its success!"

Carolyn Hardnett of The Freedom Forum World Center was chosen by the Foundation for African Media Excellence (FAME) to conduct training sessions for journalists in Johannesburg, South Africa from May 8 to May 18. She was also asked to serve on their advisory board. FAME was formally launched February 15, 2002, at the Freedom Forum World Center in Arlington, Virginia. For additional information and photos from the U.S. launch go to

Jessica Baumgart was profiled in the latest issue of the SLA Boston Chapter Bulletin (Summer 2002, pages 10-11). Jessica is the Information Resources Specialist at Harvard Universityís Office of News and Public Affairs. The article is available as a PDF at A link to the issue is currently posted on the front page of the Boston Chapter's web site at

In the same Bulletin issue, Alan Thibeault received the Chapter Achievement Award. Alan is the Assistant Chief Librarian at the Boston Herald.

Congratulations to everyone!

In Passing

On a sad note, on April 17, Kathy McKula reported the death of Patti Nute, friend and colleague for nearly 21 years at The Hartford Courant. Kathy wrote that those of us who knew Patti "Can testify to her strong spirit, sunny disposition, and sense of professionalism." Those wishing to make donations in her memory can do so through St. Joseph Church, P.O. Box 236, North Scituate, RI, 02857 or through Scituate Animal Health Fund, c/o Scituate Police Department, 116 Main Street, Hope, RI, 02837.

Kathryn Pease is the Editorial Research Supervisor at the South Florida Sun-Sentinel. You can contact her at

Last Updated: 08/27/02
Leigh Poitinger