News Library News Online
Vol. 22, No.1/Fall 1999

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Jennifer Small EvertBy Jennifer Small Evert

What a busy fall for the NLN editor! First, I am settling into a new job. At the end of the summer, I made the very difficult decision to leave the Express-News. I gained so much in my experiences as the assistant editor in San Antonio and I will miss the people in News Research who made coming to work such a joy. At the end of August, I began work as an Information Professional Consultant for Lexis-Nexis. It’s been a big change - but so far so good.

Second, I’ve been preparing for a trip to Hong Kong and Bangkok. Thanks to SLA and the Freedom Forum, I will be going to Asia to train journalists how to use the Internet in their reporting. I will be sure to report back the adventure to this group in our winter edition.

Finally, through the turmoil of job changes and planning for a trip that will take me half-way across the globe, I have been working to put the finishing touches on News Library News. We have had some trouble getting content for this issue but I think you will enjoy the feature from Julie Wilson at The Dallas Morning News. The staff of the Morning News library are working hard to market themselves as CAR gurus in the newsroom. Read about Julie’s adventures at the NICAR Bootcamp. Also, in this edition of News Library News you can read a brand new column from Stephanie Willen Brown. Stephanie uses herself as an example in her first issue of "Off the Shelf." Stephanie’s column will focus on the people that make up this division. There are so many wonderful personalities and we thought we should use this venue to introduce them to all.

This issue also marks Jeff Graveline’s departure as the editor of the People column. Jeff has done such a great job over the past couple of years. I really appreciate his effort and his attention to deadline. Jeff is the Division’s new Publicity/Public Relations Chair. Congratulations Jeff!

As always, please refer to NLN on the Web for additional content. We are still accepting all suggestions for added content. Please direct suggestions or questions to Andrea Wilson - our webmeistress at or to me. 


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