FNLA 2003

The Florida News Libraries Association
Invites you to attend the annual FNLA meeting

Friday, May 9
At the Palm Beach Post
Registration Fee: $20 ($10 for students)

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Palm Beach Post            Sun-Sentinel



8:00-8:30 Registration and continental breakfast
8:30-9:00 Annual FNLA Business Meeting
9:00-10:30 Sarah Cohen, The Washington Post - Breaking Away from Traditional Library Research: What is Computer Assisted Reporting All About?
10:30-12:00 Tour of computer-assisted reporting work area and editorial library
12:00-1:30 Lunch
1:30-4:00 Christine Stapleton, The Palm Beach Post and John Maines, South Florida Sun Sentinel: Making Numbers Work For You and Your Newsroom

The Palm Beach Post is located at: 2751 S. Dixie Hwy, West Palm Beach FL 33405

A special rate is available for Thursday and Friday nights at the Hotel Biba (www.hotelbiba.com), 310 Belvedere Rd., half a block from The Post. Rates are $69 and $79. Call 561-832-0094 and mention that you would like the special rate.

Questions? Sammy Alzofon (561) 820-4498, salzofon@pbpost.com or
Lori Lambert (561) 820-4520 llambert@pbpost.com

PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Please return registration form below along with a check payable to SLA/News Division by April 18, 2003 to: Sammy R. Alzofon, Editorial Library, The Palm Beach Post, 2751 S. Dixie Hwy, West Palm Beach FL 33405.


FNLA 2003 Registration

Name_______________________________ Company: ________________________

Phone Number: ______________________ E-Mail address: _____________________

Total Amount Enclosed: $________________

Florida News Libraries Association
SLA News Division Home

Last Updated: 02/9/2003
Amy Disch