MidAtlantic News Research Conference

July 17-18, 1998
Chapel Hill / Raleigh, NC

The MidAtlantic News Research Conference is designed to provide educational programming to news library and research department staffs in North and South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, and Georgia. It also provides an opportunity for news research professionals from all sizes and types of newsrooms to meet and discuss common issues. There is no charge for this two-day program, which will be held at the School of Information and Library Science in Manning Hall on the UNC-CH campus and the training center at The News & Observer in Raleigh.
Read about the 1997 MidAtlantic News Research Conference.
Hotel information for Raleigh and Chapel Hill
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How to get there
Who's coming


9 am -- Coffee and Welcome at The News & Observer -- Teresa Leonard

9:30 pm -- Public Records -- Amanda Martin
What's public and what's not? How can you get them? What about federal records? We'll hear from an expert in the field.

10:30 am -- HTML Update -- Andy Fiore, Carolyn Edds
Whether you're a beginner or an expert, there's always more to learn!

11:30 am -- Begin your Own Intranet -- Diana Diehl, Kim Hord, Sperry Krueger
If you're just getting started, take advantage of your colleague's advice. If you already have an intranet, bring sample files to share.

noon - Lunch and tour -- Chris Hardesty
Lunch on your own either in Raleigh or Chapel Hill. Optional tour of The N&O News Research Department

3:00 pm - Newsletters -- Sperry Krueger, Janet Sammons
Bring samples of your newsletters. We'll look at some success stories.

4:00 pm -- Digital Archives Update -- Barbara Semonche
A continuation of the discussion from SLA about quality control. An update on photo archive installations.

6:00 pm -- Dinner
Meet for a nice dinner in Chapel Hill.


9:30 am -- User surveys -- Teresa Leonard

10 am -- Money in your library -- Denise Jones

11 am -- Thirty Ways to WOW Your Newsroom! -- ALL

Please register by July 10, 1998




Phone: Fax: Email address:

Please list other program topics that would interest you:

Please indicate your level of HTML knowledge: Rank Beginner Competent Guru

Do you have an intranet? Yes No

Are you interested in a tour of The N&O's NRD? Yes No

Give us one idea to WOW our newsrooms:

For more information, contact Teresa Leonard at The News & Observer.

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Last Updated: 01/29/03
Amy Disch
Send comments or suggestions to newsdivisionweb@yahoo.com