Portland Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram

Research Credit Sheet

Type in the relevant information, print the form, and deliver to the appropriate reporter. You will need to make two more copies: One for the editor whom the reporter works with and one for Marcia (leave in her basket.)

NOTE: If you do research for Steve Campbell or any other bureau reporters (including Paul Carrier), send a research credit sheet to them along with the faxed information.

NOTE #2: If more than one person has provided research on a story, submit ONE research credit sheet listing all of the names of the persons involved.

See following page for form… 



DATE: 12/6/01
TO: Reporter's name
FROM: Your name
RE: Research credit

You are doing a story on XXXXXXX. I have searched Nexis NewsLibrary the Internet books clippings for background information.

If you used the information or found it to be helpful in the development of your story, please add a credit line which reads:

Your name, staff researcher, contributed to this story.

The wording of this shirttail is consistent with bylines and has been approved by Jeannine Guttman.

Thank you.

cc: assignment editor's name
    David McNabb 
    Marcia MacVane

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Posted on 12/10/01
Amy Disch