
People first learning about news librarianship often wonder what news librarians do. This section of the Special Libraries Association News Division Web site gives some examples of positions information professionals hold in news or journalism organizations. Additional descriptions of jobs can be found on the page of current job openings for news librarians. More profiles of news librarians are in News Library News.

A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life of a News Resourcer

A Day in the Life of a University News Office Librarian

A Journey to News Librarianship: The Story of a Wannabe

Examples of Top News Research Efforts

The more profiles about news librarians' jobs we can post on this site, the better informed people will be about what we do and the range of jobs for information professionals working in the news media and related settings. If you would like to write a profile of your job, please contact LIBRARY PROFILES c/o Hannah Sommers, National Public Radio, Washington, DC, 202.513.2064, hsommers[at]

SLA News Division Home

Last Updated: 07/20/08
Alice Pepper
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