Web Site Credits

People who have made and are making the News Division Web site possible:

Content Contributors
Pete Basofin, Sacramento Bee (Original Webmaster and creator of this web site)
Jessica Baumgart, Harvard University's Office of News and Public Affairs
Kitty Bennett, St. Petersburg Times
S. Bernstein
Ellie Briscoe, National Geographic Society
Linda S. Chapman, The Patriot Ledger
David Cole, The Cole Group
MJ Crowley, Philadephia Inquirer
Elizabeth Durso, VuText SAVE
Carolyn Edds, IRE
Elyse Eisner, UMI Information Store
Jennifer Small Evert, LexisNexis
Kathleen M. Flynn, U.S. News & World Report
Kathy Foley, San Antonio Express-News
Dru Frykberg, Greenlee School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Iowa State University
Anne Fullerton, Graduate Student, Catholic University Library School
Megan Gallup, Daytona Beach News-Journal
Jeff Graveline, Tuscaloosa News
Linda Henderson, Providence Journal
Becky Hodges, The Salt Lake Tribune
Heather Irwin, Graduate Student
Jennifer L. Jack, American University Library
John Jansson, Chicago Tribune
Michael Jesse, Indianaoplis Star
Suzanne Kincheloe, Graduate Student
Teresa Leonard, News & Observer
Toby Lyles, News & Observer
Joanne Meil, USA Today
Lorainne Moneypenny, Palmer School of Long Island University
Dan Morris, Boise State University Journalism Department
Rosemary Nelms, Commercial Appeal
Chris Orr, Benjamin/Cummings
Lynne Palombo, Oregonian
Nora Paul, Poynter Institute for Media Studies
Chandra Pierce, Spartanburg (SC) Herald-Journal (past Webmeistress)
Leigh Poitinger, San Jose Mercury News
Colline Roberts, Raleigh News & Observer
Tim Rozgonyi, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Janet Sammons, The Herald-Sun (Durham, NC)
Barbara Gellis Shapiro, Palm Beach Post
Laura Soto-Barra, The (Syracuse) Post-Standard
Thai N. Strom, The Stockton Record
Dean Tudor, Ryerson Polytechnic University School of Journalism
Alexandra Tyle
Barbara VanDeGrift, National Press Club
Stephanie Willen, Springfield Union-News
Margot Williams, Washington Post
Andrea Wilson, The Baltimore Sun
Technical Assistance
David Shedden, Poynter Institute for Media Studies
Lanette Wilbur, Poynter Institute for Media Studies
Richard Gilmore, Sacramento Bee
Mark Keedy, Keedy Design
Amy Disch, Columbus Dispatch
Special thanks to:
UNC's Ibiblio for donating the space on its Web server for these News Division pages.

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Last Update: 06/15/06
Amy Disch