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9. 'On account of conduct'; not so, since (karana) connotes works; thus Kârshnâgini thinks.

In the phrases 'those whose works were good' (ramanîya-karanâh), and 'those whose works were bad' (kapûyâ-karanâh), the word karana does not denote good and evil works (i.e. not such works as the Veda on the one hand enjoins as leading to certain rewards, and on the other prohibits, threatening punishment), for, in Vedic as well as ordinary language, the term karana is generally used in the sense of âkâra, i.e. general conduct. In ordinary speech such words as âkâra, sîla, vritta are considered synonymous, and in the Veda we read 'whatever works (karmâni) are blameless, those should be regarded, not others. Whatever our good conduct (su-karitâni) was, that should be observed by thee, nothing else' (Taitt. Up. I, 11, 2)--where 'works' and 'conduct' are distinguished. Difference in quality of birth therefore depends on conduct, not on the remainder of works performed with a view to certain results.--This primâ facie view the Sûtra sets aside, 'not so,because the scriptural term karana connotes works; thus the teacher Kârshnâgini thinks.' For mere conduct does not lead to experiences of pleasure and pain; pleasure and pain are the results of works in the limited sense.

Next: 10. 'There is purposelessness'; not so, on account of the dependence on that