rahasya padavi

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rahasya padavi


RahasyapadavI deals with the way of knowing the sense of three rahasyas.

A passage from Rahasya Padhavi of Swamy Desikan: 

MoonRiloru MoonRu MooviraNDu MunnAnkum
ThOnRat thulayum Thuyar

(Meaning): The samsaric sorrows will disappear for one, when that person's mind
shines with the meanings of the AshtAksharam with the Three Padhams, Dhvayam
with Six padhams and the Charama SlOkam with 12 padhams. 

The three rahasyams and their Padhams are related as 3, 3 Times 2 and 3 Times 2 Squared.


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Spelling: rahasya padavi padhavi