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Chitra Paddathi - Symmetry

931. lOkathArAkAmachArA kavirAjadhurAvachA
     thArA gathE pAdharAma rAjathE rAmapAdhukA
lo ka tA rA kA ma chA rA
ka vi rA ja dhu rA va chA
thA rA ga thE pA dha rA ma
rA ja thE rA ma pA dhu kA
kA dhu pA ma rA thE ja rA
ma rA dha pA thE ga rA thA
chA va rA dhu ja rA vi ka
rA chA ma kA rA tA ka lo

lo ka tA rA kA ma chA rA
ka vi rA ja dhu rA va chA
thA rA ga thE pA dha rA ma
rA ja thE rA ma pA dhu kA
kA dhu pA ma rA thE ja rA
ma rA dha pA thE ga rA thA
chA va rA dhu ja rA vi ka
rA chA ma kA rA tA ka lo


lo ka tA rA kA ma chA rA
ka vi rA ja dhu rA va chA
thA rA ga thE pA dha rA ma
rA ja thE rA ma pA dhu kA
kA dhu pA ma rA thE ja rA
ma rA dha pA thE ga rA thA
chA va rA dhu ja rA vi ka
rA chA ma kA rA tA ka lo


lo ka tA rA kA ma chA rA
ka vi rA ja dhu rA va chA
thA rA ga thE pA dha rA ma
rA ja thE rA ma pA dhu kA
kA dhu pA ma rA thE ja rA
ma rA dha pA thE ga rA thA
chA va rA dhu ja rA vi ka
rA chA ma kA rA tA ka lo


lo ka tA rA kA ma chA rA
ka vi rA ja dhu rA va chA
thA rA ga thE pA dha rA ma
rA ja thE rA ma pA dhu kA
kA dhu pA ma rA thE ja rA
ma rA dha pA thE ga rA thA
chA va rA dhu ja rA vi ka
rA chA ma kA rA tA ka lo


To read the figure

The first 4 rows are the sloka and the next 4 rows have the same sloka

Starting from the top left cell, the row & column reads symmetrically

lo ka tA rA kA ma chA rA

And starting from the bottom right the row & column read symmetrically backwards

rA chA ma kA rA tA ka lo

The same holds true for every row & column

Meaning & Details

The Paaduka of Lord Rama is capable of providing salvation to the 
whole world. Its movements are lovable to all viewers. Master-poets 
(like Valmiki) can hardly achieve a complete praise-poem on it. It 
has sweet melody and effulgence. (It brings to our doorstep the 
Lord's Feet!) So much is the greatness of the Paaduka! Yes, Yes!

Namo Narayana,

SriMuralidhara Dasan

Special Notes by V.Sadagopan (V.S)
SlOkam 931: This verse  is set in Ardha Bramaka yamaka bhandham.
In this geometric pattern , there are 64 squares(8 by 8) made up of 
8 rectangles. The 32 aksharAs of this verse fit sequentially into the 
first 4 rectangles. The remaining 4 rectangles accomodate the reverse 
form of this slOkam starting from akshara 32 and ending in akshara 
1. UtthamUr  Swamy's anubhavam: It is true : Raama PaadhukAs improve
the status of the universe. They have the movement with the Lord's 
feet to improve the lot of inhabitants of the universe. Poets can not 
describe completely their glories. They have a sweet sound , when in 
motion. They have lustre and bring the Lord's holy  feet  to the 
righteous. They shine with all of the above auspicious attributes ..
2.SrImath Andavan's anubhavam: The inner meaning is: AchAryAs 
incarnate  in this universe on command from their Lord as well as
by their own desires. Their purpose is to protect the chEthanams 
out of their infinite compassion. The people anticipate with joy 
the sanchArams of these AchAryAs. Any one of the great poets can
not describe adequately even a fraction of the glories of the 
AchAryAs. Their sanchArams will cause many auspicous happenings. They 
will arrive with majestic and sweet words preceding them .. Wherever 
they travel, they will banish nescience with their lustre. The Lord 
arrives before the chEthanams due to their intercession . Their 
upadEsams clear away the darkness in minds and reveal the Lord seated 
in the heart lotus of the chEthanams.  
3. The sacred Raama PaadhukAs shine in the following manner
( Raama PaadhukA aama rAjathE ) : They are the agents of protection 
for those , who sought their rakshaNam ( lOka thArA ); They travel
wherever they wish without interference ( KaamachArA ) ; They have
the sanchAram that is enjoyed by all ( aakAma chArA) ; Their glories
can not be adequately described by even the greatest poets ( kavirAja
dhurAvachA ); they emante supremely effulgent rays and delightful
nAdham  as they engage in sanchAram ( gathE taarA paadha raa
Raama PaadhukA raajathE )...(V.S).