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Oppiliappan List Archive: Message 00222 Sep 1999

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Dear BhakthAs : Sriman Jayakrishna Vijayaraghavan of Boston
has volunteered first to sponsor this section on Q&A for
children with the requested contribution of 250$ to
enrich the CD ROM prior to release .

It is my pleasure to thank Sriman Vijayaraghavan
and his aasthIkyam to come forward so quickly
to cover the expenses in connection with the section.

It will take us a few more days to complete the development
work at Bangalore . We are also exploring the links to a detailed
SaathumuRai thru a hyperlink on the CD ROM . This may
or may not work out.We will give it a try .If it works out,
you would be able to hear the authentic, unabridged
SaatthumuRai with audio clips and Text . This si
the only way to save real estate on the CD ROM and yet
connect to one of the the SampradhAyic SaatthumuRai.
Beyond this , I can not think of anything holding up the release .
The unavoidable delays have been due to iterative
work based on inputs from BhagavathAs and the sponsor
to enrich the content .There comes a time , when we have to
achieve closure .That is now in sight . This CD ROM should serve
many levels of customers from the enthusiastic learners to
accomplished stalwarts in the sampradhAyam .Atleas tthat
is how it has turned out to be .I am sure , we can even do more .
We as volunteers have learned a lot in conceptualization /
visualization of this ambitous undertaking and implementing this project
from here in cooperation with the excelelnt Multimedia Teams in
Mysore and Bangalore . We will now finish the expanded section
on the Q&A on AchAryA's Life and its impact on Sri VaishNavam
for ever.I tis our fervent hope to reproduce the copies here
and begin the distributions for the supporters of the project .

May I request you to send in Questions that you would like to see
included from your children's , yours and Your Family's
perspective.It will be timely to select out of them 60-75
Questions and provide answers.What would you recommend
as the topics that need to be covered .We have some ideas , but it
will be wonderful to have your inputs since this Kaimkaryam is
about serving you and addressing your enthusiastic interest to
learn more about Bhagavath RaamAnuja SiddhAntham .

Thanks in advance ,
Apt 6B-Scarborough Manor
Scarborough , NY 10510
(Tel): 914-762-6690
home pages:

Sadagopan wrote:

> Dear BhakthAs :
> As we were ready to copy the CD ROm and distribbute
> this pioneerign CD ROM , some of the reviewers have
> suggested that the Children of Sri VaishNavA families
> would benefit a great deal from an rxpanded Question and
> Answer section (60-70 Q&A) on AchAryA RaamAnujA's life to 'go along with the
> rich images,graphics and the texts of the current CD ROM .
> I think it is an excellent idea to interst children in
> an interactive way .A score card will be provided for
> feedback on responses and help them go back to improve their scores.
> We need a one time $250 sponsorship from a Bhaktha
> to dedicate this section to them and to cover the
> additional expenses to fix this CD ROM with this feature.
> AdiyEn will accept the first offer of $250
> to dedicate this section to them .
> Pleas ehelp. Thanks ,
> V.Sadagopan
> '
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Srimate Sri Laksminrisimha Divya Paduka Sevaka
> Srivan Satakopa Sri Narayana Yatindra Mahadesikaya Nama

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