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SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha,

Translation by U.Ve. Dr. V.N. Vedanta Desikan Swamin:

276. vyUhAnupUrvAruchirAn vihArAn
padhakramENa prathipadhyamAnA
biBharShi nithyam maNipAdhukE! thvam 
muradhviShO mUrthiriva thrilOkIm

Oh Manipaaduka! Your steps that decide Lord Ranganatha's lovable 
walking gait, that are designed to suit each of the forms that He 
takes as Vyooha (Vasudeva, etc;, or Kesava etc.) or Vibhava (Matsya. 
etc.) or in a large collection (namely, of sixteen thousand gopa 
damsels in Krishna avatara) function like the Lord in giving 
life-sustenance to all the three worlds. 

Namo Narayana,
SriMuralidhara Dasan

Special Notes By V.Sadagopan (V.S):

(1) Sri UtthamUr Swamy's anubhavam: Oh PaadhukE! 
You suit Yourself appropriately and decorate
the Lord's sacred feet. The unitary Para VaasudEvan
splits into the four subsequent forms of VaasudEA ,
SankarshNA , PradhyumnA and AniruddhA during 
the state of VyUhA in parama Padham (Supreme
abode of the Lord).During that occasion, You 
divide from the state of being one pair to 
four pairs and decorate the feet of the four
Vyuha Moorthys. When the VyUha Moorthys in turn 
transform into ten incarnations of the Lord ,
You once again divide and serve every one of
those ten incarnations. You are never seperated 
from Your Lord's feet during anyone of His
transformations. In this regard , You closely 
follow Your Lord in all His activities and 
nourish this world like Your Lord. This is 
for Sure!

(2) Srimath Andavan's anubhavam: When the Lord
travels alone or travels in groups ,Paadhukai 
accompanies Him and protects the Lord's lotus
feet and the World.

(3) Oh PaadhukE! You are deeply involved
and enjoy the assembly of successive plays
of the Lord in Para , VyUha , Vibhava and
other avathArams. You protect the Lord's
sacred feet as well as the three worlds..V.S

Namo NarAyaNAya ! 

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