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Namo NarAyaNAya
SrimathE NigamAntha MahA DesikAya Nama:

Dear AchArya AbhimAnis:

Here is the verbatim translation of Srimath
Azhagiya Singar's GuNAnubhavam of Srimath
ParavAkkOttai Andavan of Poundarikapuram:

PazhiyAtha Nall-vinayil paDinthAr
kazhiyAtha KaDuvinayil paDintha nammaik-
kaalam ithu yenRorukkAl kaaval seythu
pazhiyAtha Nall-vinayil paDinthAr thALil
paNivitthup paasankaL adaya neekki
suzhiyAtha sevvazhiyil ThuNaivarODE
tolayAtha pErinbham tara mEl-yERRi
azhiyAtha AruLAzhip PerumAn seyyum
anthamilA Udhavi yellAm aLappAr AarE ?

--Swamy Desikan's UpakAra Sangraham: Last Paasuram

The title chosen by Srimath Azhagiya Singar for His VyAsam 
(essay) is " PazhiyAtha nall-Vazhiyil paadinthAr "( One
who has performed the blemishless and auspicious 
upAyam of Prapatthi as a sacred AchAryan).

Text of the translation
We have committed powerful sins that can not be
removed by any number of prAyacchitthams(expiatory rites). 
Emperumaan is always thinking about the appropriate time
to protect us committing such heinous paapams. When some
of the good deeds (sukruthams) fruition , then our Lord
comes forth to protect us , the paapAthmAs(sinful ones).

At that time, He does not come to our rescue directly .
He makes us fall at the feet of a SadaachAryan and 
starts us thereby to ascend the steps of Parama Padham
led by AdhivAhikars.

Who can inded measure the many and munificent 
parmaOpakArams of our Lord through linking us 
--engaged in unrelenting paapa kaaryams--
to the unbroken chain of AchArya paramparai ?
Indeed ,there is no one , who can adequately measure 
and describe the great upakArams of the Lord to 
us , the JeevAthmAs in this matter .

This UpakAra sangraham paasuram of Swamy Desikan
needs to be reflected upon by all aasthikAs.In this
tradition , many AchArya paramparais of Bhagavath
RaamAnuja SampradhAyam strive intensely for the upliftment
(ujjIvanam)of their sishyA paramparais. 

Srimath PoundarIkapuram Srimath Andavan's Aasramam
is one such illustrious AchArya paramparai. Many great
AchAryAs have adorned the peetam (seat) of this Aasramam.

The doyen of scholars , Sri Anbil V. Gopalachar Swamy 
performed KaalkshEpam with Aasrama sthala sthApakar(Founder),
Srinivasa Mahaa Desikan ( PounndarIkapuram Andavan)
and conducted annual Vidhvath SabhA for many years.
Now , Srimath PaRavAkkOttai Adavan Swamy is adorning
this AchArya peetam and blessing the sishyAs of 
this Aasramam.

The best one among Aasramam is GruhasthAsramam. Even if
there are some apachArams , gruhasthAsramam does not lead to
paapams. The SanyAsAsramam is the opposite in this regard.
Even small aparAdhams (trespasses)can not be tolerated.

Srimath ParavAkkOttai Andavan has chosen this difficult
SanyAsAsramam and has distinguished himself in a manner
celebrated by MahAns.

The acceptance of SanyAsAsramam in Ahobila matam paramparai
is very difficult.

To begin with the pursuit of SanyAsrAsrama dharmam
itself is not an easy task. The burdens of administering 
the vast Isvaryam (land , temples and property ) make 
it even more difficult. Besides , the AasthAnAdhipathi
of Ahobila matam has to perform nithya ThiruvArAdhanam for
MalOlan without dhOsham. It compounds the diffiuclties
even further. If we have to identify a MahAn , who takes
keen interest in the rigors and burdens of the Aasthaana
aadhipathyam of Ahobila Matam , it is the most compassionate
ParavAkkOttai Andavan Swamy.We have had his sambhandham 
from our poorvAsramam days . 

He is fully versed in SaasthrAs ( Saasthraj~nar),
Soft-spoken (Mrudhu BhAshi) , Supreme in anushtAnams
and AchAram (SadhAchAraparar) and is the house of many
other aathma guNams.The world knows and salutes this
MahAn's acceptance of sanyAsAsramam in this AchArya
paramparai and conducting the affairs of this Aasramam
in the most fitting manner.

One needs significant funds for the observance of Svadharmams. 
ParavAkkOttai Andavan does not travel outside . If he were to
travel, it has to be on foot. He is the only One , who observes
this vratham even today. In Ahobila Matam , it is Swamy 
NammAzhwAr's niyamanam to travel from place to place in
palanquin . We are also travelling in the palanquin these
days.In the previous times , men carried the pallakku
(palanquin ) on their backs duirng sanchArams. We do not
have access to palanquin bearing kaimkaryaparALs today.
In previous times , there were also many agrahArams adjascent
to each other and it made it easy to stop and perform 
the duties assigned by MalOlan.The situation (proximity
of agrahArams) have changed now drastically.We have to travel 
some times more than 200 miles in a day and therefore , we 
keep the pallakku in the vehicle and travel with it.
Prakrutham Sri ParavAkkOttai Andavan protects his asramam 
meticulously. Through his anushtAnam and Aathma guNam ,
he has endeared many to become his sishyAs.

After abhigamanam in the morning ,Sri ParavAkkOttai
Andavan conducts kaalakshEpam every day. His dear sishyAs
keep sending their samarpaNams for the administration of
the affairs of the Aasramam. He has assembled those 
samarpaNams and set them aside in a core fund as moola
Dhanam.He thinks carefully over every kainkaryam that 
he decides on and completes it with remarable

Sri ParavAkkOttai Andavan has been the object of 
the special krupai of Sri Mukkur Azhagiya Singar of 
the 44th Pattam. AasthikAs of today are well aware
of this special bond between them .Sri ParavAkkOttai 
Andavan has remembered this anugraham and cherishes it.

Ten years ago, when we accepted the sanyAsAsramam 
in Ahobila Matam , Srimath Andavan participated in
the aasrama sveekAram functions and blessed us. 
Afterwards, during the time of pattAbhishEkam 
(enthronement on the Peetam) , Srimath Andavan 
took part and sprinkled the consecrated waters 
and blessed us. That anugraham has yielded 
tremendous auspiciousness . As for Sri Andavan ,
he stays put at Srirangam and conducts perfectly 
the dharmams of SanyAsAsramam from there.

(paraspara hithaishiNAm parisarEshu maam varddhaya)
Just as Swamy Desikan prayed to the Lord to keep
him close to those , who wish him well , we have
the good fortune of frequent interactions with
Srimath ParavakkOttai Andavan.

He releases as Aasramam publications many sampradhAya
granthams ( Srimath Rahasya thrya Saaram , ChillaRai 
rahasyankal et al) in a grand manner with care and
deliberation. These publications have become standard 
bearers in matters of clarity and parisuddhi.

Srimath Andvan is striving to advance the ancient goals
of our SathsampradhAyam . He recognizes and rewards well
the vidhvAns of our sampradhAyam during the times of
sadas (public assemblies of Scholars).

Thus , Sri PaRavAkkOttai Andavan continues with
the performance of blemishless kaimkaryams for 
our SampradhAyam . It is our prayer to the ancient
Lord MaalOlan known for His Jagath RakshaNam to bless 
Srimath Andavan with many , many healthy years 
with firm body to perform additional Kaimkaryams 
to protect and grow our ancient sampradhAyam .

Sri SaThakOpa Sri 

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