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Dear BhakthAs: This information might be of
interest to you.Sri Cadambi Sampath wanted to
know more about Sri Cadambi Aacchaan .

Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 21:38:39
To: cadambi srinivasan sampath <css_sampath@xxxx>
From: Sadagopan <sgopan@xxxx>
Subject: Re: Cadambi | Kidambi

Dear Sri Sampath:

Yes, the name arises from 
KidAmbi AacchAn . Over the years ,
it has been spelt as either KidAmpi or KidAmbi or
CadAmbi AacchAn .

He lived from 1057-1157 CE and is a descendant
of AtrEya Gothra. He was an ardent sishyar of
AchArya RaamAnujA and a great scholar in VisishtAdvaitha
VedAntham. AchArya RaamAnujA honored his scholarship by 
conferring on him the title of VedAntodayana .He lived
20 years more after the ascent of AchArya RaamAnujA to 
parama Padham.

Swamy Desikan refers to him in Srimath Rahasya Thraya
Saaram in Chapter 32 and KumAra VaradAcchAr refers to him 
in his AdhikaraNa ChinthAmaNi , a commentary on
his father's AdhikaraNa SaarAvaLI(verse 24).

Kidambi AacchAn is the nephew of the wife of
Thirumalai Nampi . He was at Thirumalai at 
his atthimbhEr's house , when PiLLAN was born
to Thirumalai Nampi dampathis. PiLLAn during his 
childhood never laughed or cried like other children .
PiLLAn was listening steadfast , whenever the KaalakshEpam
on Dhivya Prabhandham took place . After PiLLan's 
Upanayanam , Thirumalai Nampi entrusted his son 
to KidAmpi AacchAn to become the disciple of
AchArya RaamAnuja , the nephew of Thirumalai nampi.
AchArya RaamAnujA accepted KidAmpi Aacchan as His 
sishyan as well and instructed him on all SaasthrArthams.
Kidampi AachhAn took great interest in serving his AchAryan.

There was a time , when jealous Koil kaimkaryaparALs 
at Srirangam tried to poison AchArya RaamAnujA . That
attempt failed due to the intervention of Sri RanganAthan.
Periya Nampi and ThirukkOttiyUr nampi were alarmed,
when they heard about this incident and rushed to 
Srirangam . AchArya RaamAnujA rushed to meet His Gurus 
as they crossed the sands of Cauvery river in mid day's
heat.AchArya RaamAnujA fell down at the feet of his AchAryAs
and kept on offering his prostrations. Kidaampi AacchAn 
was standing next to prostrating AchArya RaamAnujA and
could not stand the weakening of the body of his AchAryan.
He criticized Periya Nampi and ThirukkOshtiUr Nampi
for not stopping AchArya RaamAnujan from repeated
prostrations and embraced AchArya RaamAnujan to protrect
him from the mid-day heat. ThirukkOshtiUr Nampi said then to
AacchAn: " My dear KidAmpi AacchAn! we were testing to see
if there is anyone , who is dear to RaamAnujan . You are
the One . We want you to protect RaamAnujan from any 
further danger . We appoint you to prepare Bikshai from 
now on for RaamAnujan and he should not go out to get 
Bhikshai from here on". KidAmpi AaacchAn accepted 
the niyamanam (Command) of the AchAryans of RaamAnujA
with pleasure and came to be known as MadapaLLi AacchAn 
because of his unique MadapaLLI Kaimkaryam for AchArya RaamAnjuA .
Our SamprahdAyam is therefore known as MadapaLLI 
Vazhi Vantha SampradhAyam .

KidAmpi AacchAn's works are no longer available to us.

Srimath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,
Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan 

At 08:18 PM 6/12/01 +0100, you wrote:
>>Often I have come across these names : Cadambi /
>>Kidambi . Is their orgin same?
>>Are they related to " Kidambi Achan" of the 74
>>simhasanathipathis and also Ramnujar's personal cook?
>> I hope someone will answer this question.
>>Cadambi Srinivasan Sampath

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