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Thursday , Dec 20 : "Mayanai Mannu VadaMathurai Maindhan " 
Fifth ThiruppAvai Dinam

ANDAL ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam


Dear RasikAs of Swamy NammAzhwAr's dhivya prabhandhams:

On this Fifth ThiruppAavi day , adiyEn will continue with 
the Sixth SlOkam of DTR:

prAchyE sEvAnuguNyAth Prabhumiha sathakE-amamstha mukthErupAyam
muktha-prApyam dhvithIyE Munir-anuBhuBhudhE bhOgyathA-vistharENa
prApyathvOpAya bhAvou Shubha-subhagathanOr-ithyavAdhIth, thruthIyE 
ananya-prApyas-chathurTE samubhavath itharair-apyananyAbhupAya:

(meaning): In this slOkam , Swamy Desikan states briefly 
the essence of the Patthu Patthus (10x 100 pasurams) 
of ThiruvAimozhi.

In the first one hundred (mudal Patthu) pAsurams , 
Swamy NammAzhwAr concluded that the Lord is the UpAyam 
for Moksham as a result of Him staying as the object of 
worship ( "prAchyE sathakE prabhum sEvAnguNyAth mukthE:
upAyam amamstha"). 

In the second patthu , SaThakOpa Muni revealed that 
the Lord is the delectable object of enjoyment by 
those who attain Moksha Siddhi ( " dhvithIyE BhOgyathA-
visthArENa muktha-prApyam anuBhuBhudhE")through elaborate 
description of His bhOgyathvam .

In the third Patthu , our Kula-pathi declared that 
the Lord is the One , who banishes all the dhOshams of 
those , who seek Him as refuge and that he through 
the unmatched beauty of His ThirumEni makes Muktha Jeevans 
and Nithya Sooris vie with one another to perform nitya-
Kaimkaryam to Him and thereby enjoy paripoorNa BrahmAnandham . 

In this third Patthu (sathakam ) , Swamy NammAzhwAr
instructs us that Sriman NaarAyaNan alone is the upAyam 
(means)and UpEyam ( the object of attainment as Parama 
PurushArtham ("ThruthIyE PrApyathva-UpAya Bhavou Shubha-
subhaga TanO: ithi avAdhIth"). Subha Tanu stands for SubhAsraya 
ThirumEni of the Lord , which banishes all the dhOshams of 
those , who seek refuge at His scared feet.The Subhaga ThirumEni 
refers to the dhivya MangaLa Vigraham aspects of this ThirumEni. 

In the Fourth Patthu , SaTHAri Soori asserted that He rejected 
completely the alpa (insignificant ) PurushArthams of Isvaryam 
(riches in this world ) and kaivalyam ( aathmAvalOkanam and 
aathmAnubhavam ) and chose the Lord alone as Parama PurushArtham
( ChathurtthE ananya-prApya:samubhavath).

In the rest of the patthus ,Swamy NammAzhwAr demonstrated that 
He has no upAyam except Sriman NaarAyanan for his Moksham. 
SaThAri Soori also established that the Lord stands as UpAym 
for those , who long to reach His Supreme abode, Sri Vaikuntam. 
VaguLAbharaNar described the individual guNams that make
the Lord stand as UpAyam forthe Mumukshus (itharai: ananyApupAya:).

The verbs that Swamy Desikan used to describe the accomplishments 
of Swamy NammAzhwAr are wonderful to reflect upon . In the first 
Patthu it is "amamstha" . In the case of the second patthu , 
it is "anubhubhudhE". For the third patthu , it is "avAdhIth". 
In the case of the fourth patthu , it is " samubhavath". These
different choices reveal subtelities of Swamy NammAzhwAr's
blessings. "amamstha and anubhubhudhe " means KaruthiuLLAr in
Tamil (viewed or considered). "avAdhIth" means aruLinAr.
"samubhavath" stands for therivitthAr (declared ). The Kavi
Simham's saili is incomparable.May the genius and DayA of
Swami Desikan protect us always. 

Sri RanganAyaki SamEtha Sri RanganAtha ParabrahmaNE Nama: 
Daasan, Oppiliappan Koil VardAchAri SaThakOpan 

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