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Dear BhakthAs:

Today we will study the Third Paasuram
of Thirumangai Mannan on Lord DhaivanAyakan of
ThiruvahIndhrapuram ( Periya Thirumozhi: 3.1.3):

"VaiyyamEzhum uNDu aaliliai vaihiya Maayavan adiyArkku
MeyyanAhiya DhaivanAyakan idam mey tahu varai chaaral
moy koLL Maadhavi SeNpakam muyankiya Mullaiyamkodi aaDa
seyya Thaamaraic-chezhumpaNai thihazh taru ThiruvayIndhrapuramE"

First Line of the Paasuram
In the first line of this Paasuram , Kaliyan salutes
the Lord as the VaDapathra Saayee , who ate all the 7 universes
with their chEthanams and achEthanams and kept them all in a 
small portion of His stomach for protecction during 
the dangerous times of MahA Pralayam. He was floating 
then on a pupil leave on those swift waters. This act 
can only be performed by a Maayavan or the mysterious One , 
whose acts are not easily comprehended by ordinary mortals 
or by the DevAs. 

The Lord had swallowed in one sweep the 7 universes
(vaiyyam yEzhum uNDAn).Afterwards , He laid down on 
a pupil leaf and floated away on the waters of
PraLyam ( Aalilai vaihiya Maayavan). He is indeed
the MaayAvi to accomplish such an incredible ,
unimaginable task effortlessly. 

A KrishNa KarNAmrutham slOkam visualizes this Lord 
as Baala Mukundhan lying on the Pupil leaf and 
tasting His lotus soft toe with His lotus soft
mouth sportively:

KarAravindhEna PadhAravindham mukhAravindhE vinivEsyamAnam
VaDasya pathrasya sayAnam Baalam Mukundham manasA smarAmi
--KrishNa KarNAmrutham: 2.57

SvEtasvatarOpnishad salutes this MaayAvi in another way:

yEnAvrutham nithyamidham hi Sarvaj~na: 
kAlakAlO guNee Sarvavidhya:
tEnEsitham karma vivartatE ha 
pruTvyApyatEjOnilakhAni chinthyam 
--SvEtasvatarOpanishad: 6.2

(Meaning): " He, By whom all this is ever pervaded,
who is omniscient , who is the ordainer of time , 
who is one repository of all auspicious qualities,
who is the knower of all models is the ParamAtman,
ruled over by whom this effect of the form of the world
constituted of earth , water, fire , air and ether is
produced. This truth is to be thought over."

Such a great One lies there on the vastness of
the swirling Ocean waters on a tiny leaf as 
an innocent child holding the Universes in 
His tiny stomach for protection. Such is
the MaayAvi that Kaliyan salutes! 

He is the MaayAvi, who is subtler than subtle
and greater than the great ( KatOpanishad:2.20)

Out of fear for this MaayAvi, fire burns;the Sun
shines from fear of Him;Indra , Vaayu and death
run from fear of Him ( KatOpanishad: 6.3). 

Second line of the Paasuram 
" (Maayavan) adiyArkku meyyanAhiya Dhaiva Naayakan idam ".
Here Kaliyan points out that the place of residence of 
this MaayAvi is ThriuvahIndhrapuram. He also performs
mangaLAsAsanam for the Lord of Thiruvaindhai as 
(1)AdiyArkku Meyyan and (2) Dhaiva Naayakan .

As Adiyaarkku Meyyan , Our Lord went as the Messenger
for the PaaNdavAs and also served as the Charioteer for
ArjunA and heeded the commands of ArjunA in the battle
field. At the end of the day , He washed the horses
and pressed them with His own hands and got them 
ready for the next day's battle.What a soulabhyam
that he displayed then !

AdiyArkku Meyyan is the translation of the Sanskrit
Naamam: "Natha Sathyan". He is true to His adiyArs .
He never fails them . He never lets them down befititng
His other name : Achyuthan. He is easily accessible to
His adiyArs and is most difficult of access to others.

Thrice , SrI VishNu SahasranAmam salutes Him
as " SatyAya nama:" .He is the Satya sandhan 
according to MahA BHAratha slOkam (69.12.13):

" KrishNa is rooted in Satyam and Satyam is rooted
in KrishNa" (SatyE prathistitha: KrishNa: Sathyam
asmin prathishtitham). 

Kaliyan also salutes this Lord as Dhaiva Naayakan
or the Lord of all gods . He came to the rescue of
dEvAs in response to their prayers and took many 
avathArams to saved them from the brutalities of 
different asurAs.

Third Line of the Paasuram
" Moy koLL Maadhavi SeNpakam muyankiya Mullaiamkodi aada"

Kaliyan's gaze now shifts to the beauty of the Dhivya dEsam
adorned by mountain (Oushada giri), water (Garuda nadhi)
and the adjoining forest. These are signs of the three kinds of
nilams , Kurunji , Mullai and Marutham integrated in to one.
Here Kaliyan sees the Mullai creepers embracing Maadhavi
pandal and SeNpaka trees and waving in the gentle , cool
breeze. The beauty overwhelms Kaliyan.

Fourth Line of the Paasuram
" Seyya Thaamarai sezhum paNai thihazh taru ThiruvahIndhrapuramE"
Kaliyan looks in another direction and sees abundant red lotuses
(Seyya ThAmari) in the deep waters of the fertile rice 
fields (Sezhum paNai Thihazh). He salutes the beautiful
dhivya Desam of the AdiyArkku Meyyan, Dhaiva Naayakan as
"Thihazh Taru ThiruvahIndhrapuram"( the radiant ThiruvahIndhrapuram
abundant with natural beauty of every kind). 

SrI HemAbja Naayaki SamEtha SrI Achyutha Para BrahmaNE nama:

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan

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