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Dear BhakthAs : A devotee from Middle East had asked
for help with the Text of the Seven slOakams that are 
traditionally recited at the beginning of the PaarAyanam of 
SrI LakshmI Sahasra Naamam . MahA LakshmI is none other than 
SrI HemAbhja Valli ThAyAr of Thiruvahindrapuram and the dear
consort of Lord DhaivanAyakan of this dhivya dEsam.

Here are the 7 DhyAna SlOkams for Her dhyAnam :

1. PadhmAnanE PadhmakarE sarva-lOkaiaka-poojithE
saannidhyam kuru mE chitthE VishNu-VakshasTala-sTithE

2. Bhagavath dakshinE paarsvE SrIdEvI sahasOtthiTAm
IsvarIm sarvabhUthAnAm Jananeem SarvadEhinAm

3. ChaarusmithAm ChArudatheem ChArunEthrAnana-bhruvam
SukapOlAm sukarNaagra-nyastha-moukthika kuNDalAm

4. sukEsAm chAruBhimBhOshteem raktha-tunga-ghana-sthaneem
alakaagrair-alinibhai: alankrutha mukhaambhujaam

5. lasath kanaka sankaasa peenasundara kandharaam
nishkaruNDeem sthanaalambhi mukthaahaara viraajithaam

6. neela kunthala madhyasTAm maaNikya makuDOjvalaam
sukla-maalyAmbhara-dharaam taptha haaDaka varNineem

7. ananya sulabhais-thairguNai: saamya yuthaam nijai:
anuroopaa anavadhyaangeem HarEr-nithyAnapaayineem

After these dhyAna SlOkams , the LakshmI Sahasra Naamam
starts with the first slOkam :

SrI VaasudEva MahishI PumpradhAnEsvarEsavari
achinthyAnandha-vibhavA BhAvAbhAva-vibhAvinee 

and concludes with the last slOkam:

Sarva-lakshaNa-lakshaNyA Sarva-lOka-priyankaree
Sarva-mangaLa-mAngalyA dhrushtAdhrushta phalapradhA 

Dhrushta Phalan is riches in this universe(Immai) and
adhrushta phalan is Moksham through the anushtAnam
of saraNAgathi in the other world (Her Lord's supreme

With SrI HemAbhjavalli's anugraham , our prayers 
to have RathnAngi SamarpaNam for Her Lord would be
answered . 

On this occasion , let us recite the famous slOkams
from VishNu PurANam that reveals the sookshmArthams 
of SrI Tatthvam first and then follow it up with
three more slOkams from SrI NadathUr AmmAL's
Prapanna PaarijAtham.

nithyaivaishA JaganmAthA VishNO: SrIranapAyini
yaTA SarvagathO VishNu: taTaivEyam dhvijOtthama

dEva-thiryang-manushyEshu PunnAmA BhagavAn Hari:
SthrInAmnI LakshmI MaithrEya ! naanayOrvidhyathE param

(Meaning): The Mother of the Universe , MahA LakshmI ,
is never ever separated from Her Lord VishNu even for
a fraction of a second. Like Her Lord , She is also Vibhu 
(not an aNu) and is pervasively present every where.Among DevAs , 
animals and humans , the male name is that of Hari and the female
among them have the name of Lakshmi (LakshmI amsam).

SrI HemAbja Valli's glories as MahA LakshmI in 
residence at ThiruvahIndhrapuram are celebrared 
by SrI NadathUr AmmAL , the primary sishyar of
YengaLAzhwAn , who wrote the commentary for 
SrI VishNu PurANam :

aparAdhaikasakthAnAm anarhANAm chiram nruNAm
BharthurAsrayENa poorvam svayam PurushakArathAm

vaalabhyENAnuthishtanthIm vaathsalyAdhyubabrumhiNeem
UpAya samayE Bharthu: Jn~Ana-sakthyAdhi-vardhinIm

mukthAnAm bhOgavruddharyam soundharyAdhi-vivardhineem
aakArathraya sampannAm AravindhanivAsineem
arOjajagadhIsithreem vandhE Varadha-vallabhAm 

(meaning): The humans repeatedly commit sins ,
transgress the Lord's SaasthrEyic injunctions and
stay for aeons of time in a desolate state ,
where they lose the opportunity to seek the protection
of the Lord. Using Her power of persuasion with the Lord ,
MahA Lakshmi pleads ( PurashakAram) and intercedes 
with Her Lord and qualifies these perrenial sinners
to approach Her Lord. At the time of their approach ,
She kindles the Vaathsalyam (affection ) of the Lord for
Their erring children. When these sinners perform 
SaraNAgathy ( UpAya anushtAnam ) , MahA Lakshmi
makes the Lord's sanklapa Jn~Anam (to protect 
His children ) blossom and grows His determination 
to come to their rescue as the Omnipotent Lord.
She stays thus in the state of UpAyam at this time 
and grows the Lord's Jn~Anam and Sakthi.

When the jeevan through prapatthi anushtAnam
changes from Bhaddha ( bound ) state to that of
Muktha (liberated ) state, MahA LakshmI 
stays in the state of UpEyam and enhances 
the Soundharyam of Her Lord in companionship
with Her so that the Muktha Jeevan can increase
furhter their devotion to the Lord. 

Thus She stays in the three states(aakAram) of 
PurushkAram , UpAya aakAram and UpEya aakAram.
She is therefore saluted as the one staying in
all the three states (aakAra Thraya sampannAm).

She resides on the Lotus flower (AravindhavAsini).
She is the IsvarI for all the worlds ( IsvarIgum
sarvabhUthAnAm according to SrI Sooktham).
She is the divine consort of the boon granting
VaradrAjan . adiyEn salutes this MahA Lakshmi
of multifaceted abode of auspicious GuNams
(GuNa rathna KOsam).She has svabhAvika Isvaryam
and through Her own sankalpam has become 
VishNu pathni. 

She stays in the PurushakAra-UpAya-UpEya
dasais as SrI RanganAyaki (aakAra Thraya 
SampannA )at SrIrangam , as "Aravindha nivAsini"
at Thiruppathi and as PerumdEvi ThAyAr , the dear
consort of the boon-granting Varadhan ( Varadha
VallabhA) at Kaanchi.

At ThiruvahIndhrapuram , we indicated earlier 
that Lord Dhaiva Naayakan is the the Nadu Nattu 
Dhivya dEsa SrInivAsan . Hence HemAbja Valli
or Senkamala Valli ThAyar can be saluted by us 
as AalrmEl Mangai of this dhivya dEsam . 

May SrI HemAbhja Valli ThAyAr as Sarva Isvarya Prahda
MahA Lakshmi and Her Divine Lord grant us the Kaimkarya
SrI to complete His RathnAngi Kaimkaryam on October 15,
2003 ( PurattAsi SravaNam /EkAdasi day ). 

ThAmm PadhmanEmim PrapdhyE alakshmIrmE nasyathAmThvAm vruNE
Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchArI SadagOpan

P.S: Please conrtribute your mite to the Lord's
RathnAngi Kaimkaryam and recieve the anugraham of
SrI HemAbja Valli ThAyaar Of Thiruvaheendhrapuram
fr the growth of Your Kainkarya SrI and Vaidhika SrI. 
Please contact me for help with your particpation. 

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