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Dear Raama BhakthAs:

Today , we will study the second of the Ten chapters 
of the SrI Sookthi entitled " para Tatthva NirNayam".

SrImad RaamAyaNam is Veda UpabrahmaNam or the grantham
that explains the meaning of the VedAs. Among those works,
which serve in these categories is the SvEthasvathAra Upanishad,
which focuses on two cardinal points: (1) Sarva SaraNya Para 
Tatthva vishayam ( The Lord serving as the Supreme Potector/
Rakshakan for one and all)(2) Sarva adhikAra SaraNAgathi Roopa 
Parama Hitha vishayam( the supreme UpAyam , which is in the form of
SaraNAgathy that is open to all adhikAris).

1)Sarva SaraNya Para Tathtvam
When it comes to the examination of who is the Supreme
most protector for one and all , who seek the refuge,
It is easy to prove that SrIman NaarAyanan taking 
the different VibhavAtharams like Narasimhan , 
Raamachandran and krishNan is the Supreme Godhead(ParamAthmA).
Some times , the confusion about his fundamnetal truth 
arises due to the competing claims of this status by
two Others : (1) BrahmA and (2) Sivan. Brahma is the son of 
SrIman NaarAyaNan and Sivan is the son of BrahmA and therefore
is the grandson of SrIman NaarAyaNan.It is accepted that 
SrIman NaarAyaNan has no equal or superior , when it comes
to being the unfailing Supreme protector of all , who seek
His rakshaNam. His parathvam (Supermacy) is considered as
" SarvasmAth Paraathvam" (Superior to every one).This is 
acknowledged by BrahmA and Sivan themselves . Let us cite
some direct Quotations from BrahmA and Sivan about the fact
that PerumAl is indeed Sarva VilakshaNa Parabrahmam ( The One 
with unique and unmatched glories as SaraNAgatha Rakshan):

1. Oh Raamachandra! You are the Unchanging Para Brahmam and is
eternal ( Aksharam Brahma Sathyam cha)--Yuddha KaandaM: 120-14).
These are BrahmA's words as he salutes his Lord , the victorious
Raamachandran in front of him .

2.You are the root cause of all the three Worlds and
their beings and is the Lord of them all ( Thvam ThrayANAm
hi lOkAnAm aadhikarthA Svayam Prabhu: Yuddha KhANDam: 120-19).
These are again BrahmA's own words.

3. Oh RaamabhadrA! The whole world is Your SarIram ( Jagath
Sarvam sarIram tE ; Yuddha KaaNDam:120-26).Quintessence of 
VisishtAdhvaithanm is revealed here by the overawed BrahmA .

4. Oh RaamachandrA! You are the UpAyam/means and the fruit of
SadhanA for Moksham . You are the Moksham granting Lord
( SaraNyam saraNam cha Thvam aahu: Maharishaya:Yuddha 
KaaNDam: 120.18).

The above are all the direct statements of Chathur Mukha BrahmA.
The following passage of SvEthasvathara Upanishad asserts that
SrIman NaarAyaNan created that BrahmA :

yO BrahmANam vidhadhAthi poorvam yO vai VEdAmsccha prahiNOthi Tasmai
tamm ha dEvAthmabuddhi prakAsam mumukshurvai SaraNamaham prapadhyE
..SvEthasvatharam: 6-18 

(" I an aspirant after liberation seek refuge in 
(Surrender unto ) that effulgent Lord , who creates 
BrahmA FIRST (at the time of creation) and who endows
Him with the VedAs also and on account of whom 
the intellect of mine shines out").This is the manthram
for performing SaraNAgathy at the sacred feet of the Lord.

BrahmA's message to SrI Raaman through Yama Dharman
When the avathAra Kaaryam of Lord Raamachandran is completed ,
Yama dharma Rajan brings the message of BrahmA to the Lord at
AyOdhdi and requests Him to return to His natural abode ,
SrI Vaikuntam , now htat the avathAra Kaaryam is over .Here 
is the plea of Brahmaa:

Oh Lord Raamachandra ! You created me(BrahmA) in Your navel
lotus and commanded me to engage in the creation of 
the Universe and its beings. You gave me the power of
Jn~Anam and Sakthi to perform my duties of creation 
without obstruction .You incarnated as VishNu from 
the Para VaasudEva form for the sake of protection of
the world and its beings...You were born as the son of
King DasaraTA in the form of a human to destroy RaavaNa ,
who was causing harm to the dEvAs and all Janthus..RaamAyaNam,
Utthara KaaNDam: 104-7 to 11.

Our Lord serves as the protector even for BrahmA and
other Gods . They seek Him as their surest refuge. He is
therefore the Para Tatthvam defined by Veda BhAgams 
and Upa Brahmanams like SrImad RaamAyaNam .

The above passage is in the Utthara RaamAyaNam , where He 
(Lord Raamachandran)is requested by BrahmA to return 
to His Supreme abode of SrI Vaikuntam now that
His avathAra Kaaryam is completed ; this establishes 
His (Lord Raamachandran's) Parathvam.Here is the request
for the Lord to return to His Supreme abode as SarvEsvaran:

aagaccha VishNO Bhadram tE dhishtyA prApthOsmi Raaghava
BhrAthrubhi: saha DEvAbhai: pravisisva svakAm tanum

VaishNaveem thAmm mahaatEjastadhvaakaasam sanAtanam
Thvam hi lOkapathirdEva na ThvAm kEchana jAnathE
ruthE mAyAm VisAlAkshIm Tava poorvaparigrahaam
Yaamichcasi MahAtEjasthAm tanum pravisa svayam 

--RaamAyanam: utthara KaaNDam: 110-8 to 12 

(Meaning): Oh Lord VishNu! MangaLam to You ! 
Please return to Your aasthAnam ; that would be
our BhAgyam. Please take the form of Your choice 
with Your brothers . Please take the form of VishNu 
or whatever form You wish to take.You are the sole 
refuge for all the worlds.Some do not know about this 
cardinal truth .None except MahA Lakshmi , who never ever 
leaves You , She alone knows fully about the full
extent of Your glories. Please enter into
the form of Your choice and return to Your 
Supreme abode.

That Raamachandran is the direct avathAram of 
SrI Vaikunta Naathan/Para VaasudEvan is referred to
by BrahmA here and His role as the unfailing 
SaraNAgatha Rakshakan underlying His Parathvam
is emphasized here by none other than BrahmA.
Swamy Desikan establishes His Para Tatthvam first 
before delving in to His power as a SaraNAgatha
Rakshakan . 

In the next posting , we will study together 
the upadEams by Swamy Desikan on "SaraNAgathy 
Taathparya Prapancham". 

SaraNAgatha Rakshaka SrI Raamachandra PrabhavE Nama:
Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan 

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