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Dear SrI Raama BhakthAs: 

Today , we will start the study the third chapter of 
Abhaya PradhAna Saaram celebrated in the SaraNAgathy Vedam 
alias SrImad RaamAyaNam.

In this chapter, Swamy Desikan celebrates the LakshaNams/lingams/
chihnmas (distinct marks ) of a MahA Kaavyam (viz) SrImad RaamAyaNam
this way:

upakramOpasamhArou abhyAsOapUrvathA phalam
artTavAdhOpapatthee cha lingam Taathparya nirnayE

(meaning): For the determination of the central meaning
of a great composition , Six signs are essential:
(1) The beginning (Upakramam)and the ending ( UpasamhAram)
should be focussed on the same theme (2) Stressing number of times 
(abhyAsam) that central theme in the body of the work 
(3)Saying some thing new ( apoorvam:hitherto unrecorded) 
about that central theme (4)To point out the fruits (Phalam)
of the observance of the central doctrine forming 
the theme of the work (5)eulogizing /extolling that 
central doctrine and (6) pointing out the reasonings 
and clues (Yukthis) to support that central doctrine .

Swamy Desikan concludes that SrImad RaamAyaNam 
of Sage Vaalmiki dealing with the sacred charithram 
of Lord Raamachandra accomplishes all these 6 goals
to position itself on the highest level of MahA Kaavyams 
and to be saluted as an IthihAsam.

What is this central doctrine that dominates
SrImad RaamAyaNam ? 

It is the matchless , soul-redeeming doctrine of
SARANAAGAHTY so much so that the entire IthihAsam
is saluted as the fifth Vedam: SaraNAgathy Vedam.
It is the central spoke (Lynch pin, acchANi) for 
the wheels of the chariot of SrImad RaamAyaNam . 

This central spoke , SaraNAgathy Dharamam , which 
led to Lord Raamachandra being saluted as " DharmO
VigrahavAn " (The embodiment of the lofty /SrEshta 
Dharmam of SaraNAgathy ) and the granting of Abhaya
PradhAnam by our Lord in ALL THE SEVEN KAANDAMS OF

In the third chapter of Abhaya PradhAna Saaram ,
Swamy Desikan highlights the individual acts 
of abhaya pradhAnam for the SaraNAgathAs , who sought 
the refuge of Lord Raamachandra. The observance of
His self-avowed SaraNAgahty Dharmam are highlighted in
this chapter with many references to the individual slOkams
of SrImad RaamAyaNam. 

It is no wonder that great AcharyAs before and after 
AchArya RaamAnujA celebrated and taught Srimad RaamAyaNam
to their disciples . Some of them are Thirumalai Nambi ,
the uncle of AchArya RaamAnujA , who initiated his nephew
on the sookshmArthams (esoteric and the inner meanings ) 
of SrImad RaamaayaNam centred on the SaraNAgathy Dharmam.
In that tradition followed Swamy Paraasara Bhattar ,
PeriyavAcchAn PiLLai and Swamy Desikan down to 
the present day VaishNavite AchAryAs.

Let us study the 50th slOkam of SrI GuNarathna Kosam
of Swamy ParAsara Bhattar to illustrate his devotion
to SrImad RaamAyaNam . This is the most famous fiftieth 
slOkam of SrIguNa Rathna Kosam strating with the words:
" Mathar-Mythili Raakshasi Thvayi---". The detailed meanings 
of this slOkam are given in the Nov 18, 2001 Bhakthi List Posting:

In this slOkam , Swamy ParAsara Bhattar says : Maathar
Mythili ThvayA Raamasya GhOshtee laghutarA ". Your offer to
protect the rakshasis from HanumAn's wrath makes You 
superior to RaamA in SaraNAgatha rakshaNam . Your GhOshti
is thus superior to that of Your Lord . He protected 
the offending crow and VibhIshaNan ONLY AFTER they performed
SaraNAgathy . You in contrast offered to protect the RaakshasIs
who were tormenting You even before they could perform
SaraNAgathy .Such is the depth of Your DayA to make 
RaamAyaNam to be renamed as SitAyaNam! 

The incidents of SaraNAgathy in the 7 KaaNDams of RaamAyaNam
Only the Lord , who is SamarTa KaaruNikan is truly 
capable of being SaraNAgatha Rakshakan. He should be 
both SamarTan (One having the Sakthi) and KaaruNeekan
(One possessing abundant mercy/bhUtha dayA )to be fit 
to be the SaraNAgatha Rakshakan . If He is just 
a SamarTan , He may not have the DayA to be sensitive
to the appeal of the SaraNAgathan. If he were to be
just a KaaruNeekan, his heart may melt over the plight 
of the SaraNAgathan but He amy not have the Sakthi 
to protect . Thus He has to be both SamarTan and 
KaaruNikan (SamarTa-KaaruNikan). Rest of the gods 
fall by the wayside by these requirements standards.

In the third chapter, Swamy Desikan lists the different
SaraNAgatha RakshaNam episodes in each of the seven 
KaaNDams of SrImad RaamAyanam.These are:

1) Baala KaaNDam: The prapatthi of the DevAs 
for protection against RaavaNan is an example. 
This is at the begining of RaamAvathAram . 

BrahmA addresses the Lord at the Puthra Kaameshti Yaagam
performed by Sage Rishya Srungar as follows:

Siddha Gandharv YakshAsccha tatasthvAm SaraNam gathA:
Thvam gathi: paramA Deva sarvEshAm na Paranthapa
vadhAya Deva chathrUNAm nruNAm lOkE mana: kuru
--Bala KaaNDam : 25.25

(Meaning): SiddhAs , GandharvAs, YakshAs have assembled
here along with maharishis and have sought You as their 
protector (from the torment of RaavaNan). You are
the Supreme Resort for all of us , Oh punisher of all foes!
Therefore , make up Your mind to descend into manushya 
lOkam for the destruction of the enemies of the gods (dEvAs). 

As SaraNAgatha Rakshakan , our Lord responded positively:

bhayam thyajatha bhadram vOhithArTam yudhi Raavanam
hathvA krUram dhurAgarsham dEvarshINAm bhayAvaham
dasa varsha sahasrANi dasa varsha sathAni cha
vathsyAmi maanushE lOkE paalayan pruTiveemimAm
yEvam dathvA varam dEvO dEvAnAm VishNurAthmavAn

--Baala KaaNDam : 25. 28-30)

(meaning): " Oh dEvAs ! Give up your fear. May auspiciousness
come your way ! I will destroy RaavaNa , the scourge of 
dEvAs and Maha Rishis in the battle field .I shall remain 
in the world of humans to rule over this globe for eleven
thousand human years . Having blessed the dEvAs with this 
boon (and accepting to protect them ), the high-souled Lord
picked AyOdhyA as His janma BhUmi. 

2) AyOdhyA KaaNDam: LakshmaNa Swamy's SaraNAgathy 
prior to the Lord's departure for Vana Vaasam to
fulfill His father's command (Pithru Vaakya ParipAlanam).

sa BrAthru charanou gADam nipeeDya Raghunandhana:
SeethAmuvAchAthiyasA: Raaghavam cha MahAvratham
--AyOdhyA KaaNDam : 31.2

(meaning): Lakshmanan fell at his elder brother's feet and 
held on to His feet tightly and addressed these words 
aimed at Raaman and SitA PirAtti.

Kurushva Maamanucharam vaidharmyam nEha vidhyathE
kruthArToham bhavishyAmi Tava chArTa: prakalpathE 
--AyOdhyA KaaNDam :31.24

(Meaning): My revered Brother! Please accept me as Your servant 
performing kaimkaryam. There is no deficiency in accepting me
by granting my request . If you concede , adiyEn will gain
the fruit of kaimkaryam , while You would gain the fruits of 
protecting the one , who sought SaraNAgathy at Your sacred feet . 

The SaraNAgathy episodes from AarANya , KishkindhA ,
Sundara , Yuddha and Utthara kaaNdams will be covered in 
the next posting .

SrI SithA SamEtha Raamachandra ParabrahmaNE Nama:
SrI NaarAyaNa YathIndhra MahA DesikAya Nama:
Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan 

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