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There are two Ghoshtis , when it comes to paying
reverence to SrImad RaamAyanam . One is the SitA GhOshti ,
who prefer to rename RaamAyaNam as SitAyaNam (SitAyA's
Charitham Mahath) and the other is the Raama GhOshti. 
Our Lord really belongs to SitA GhOshti. Swamy ParAsara 
Bhattar belonged to the SitA GhOshti (SlOkma 50
of SrI GuNa Rathna Kosam) and Sage VaalmIki too.
Sage Vaalmiki named RaamAyaNam as SrImad RaamAyaNam 
to position the SrImad Sabdham in front of RaamAyaNam , 
it seems for that reason. 

Saint ThyagarAja SwamigaL (Vaalmiki avathAram) out of reverecne 
for his Jaanaki MaathA did not openly declare like Swamy ParAsara 
Bhattar that he belonged to the SitA GhOshti . The MahA pathivrathai 
and Loka MaathA would not hear of it . Hence , ThyagarAja 
SwamigaL composed more krithis on the Lord , Jaanaki RamaNan ,
which pleased His divine consort and She cast Her benovolent 
glances on Her son , ThyagarAja .

There would be times in which ThyagarAja Swamigal could not
contain himself and he will burst forth in songs that would salute 
the matchless nature of Jaanaki Piraatti and Her bravery in
following Her Lord to the terrifying forest , a place that
certainly was not fit for the daughter of a king , Janaka 
MahA RaajA . 

There would be times , when ThyagarAja Swamigal would
be overwhelmed by the auspiciousness conferred by Jaanaki
MaathA on Raamachandran through PaaNigrahaNam and VivAham
with Him. SwamigaL would wonder and ask : " Oh RaamA !
What would have become of You , if You had NOT taken 
the hand of our SitA (in marriage) . Could You have hoped to
get the title of RaavaNA's vanquisher and claimed to be 
called Raghuveeran , Vijaya Raaghavan? Here SwamigaL would
speak as a citizen of JanakA's kingdom with justifiable 
pride about the power of VaidEhi to confer such auspiciousness
and glory on AyOdhyA Raaman . SwamigaL would taunt Raamabhadran
and say on these occasions : " Our SitA , the MahA pathivrathai 
could easily have reduced RaavaNa to a heap of ashes with Her 
one glance ; She did not however do it because She wanted 
the credit and glory of killing RaavaNA to go to You so
that You can be saluted as RaavaNAnthakan . 

There would be times, when SwamigaL will think of 
the PattAbhishEkam scene on SrI Raama Navami day 
and will salute Her as SarvAlankAra Sundari adorned
with exquisite Jewelery , who blessed every one , 
who bowed before Her in the company of Her Lord with
immeasuarable soubhAgyams .

Four beautiful krithis dedicated to SitA PirAtti 
reveal the depth of devotion that ThyAgarAja Swamigal
had for Jaanaki MaathA . These Four krithis are:

1. Sari yevvarE? SrI Jaanaki ! Nee 
(SrI Ranjani Raagam and DEsAdhi Taalam)

2. Maa Jaanaki cheDDa BaDDaga (KaambhOji Raagam
and DesAdhi Taalam)

3. SrI Janaka TanayE! Sritha-KamalAlayE !
( Raagam: KalakanDi, Aadhi Taalam)

4. dEhi Tava padha Bhakthi VaidEhi !
Pathitha-pAvani mE sadhA (SahAna Raagam , Aadhi) 

There would be many other krithis , where 
SwamigaL would salute the Lord as Sriya: Pathi ,
Jaanaki RamaNan , SitA ManOharan and many other
nAmAs linked to SitA PirAtti , which follows 
the central doctrine established in Dhvaya 
Manthram , which can be rephrased for this occasion

SrImann Raamachandra CharaNou SaraNamaham prapadhyE;
SrImathE RaamachandrAya Nama: 

let us enjoy an interactive session , where students of 
ThyAgarAja SwamigaL"s krithis can identify the Keerthanams
which recognize Lord Raamamchandran as the Consort of 
Jaanaki MaathA . adiyEn will list the phraseology chosen by 
SwamigaL and provide the name and RaagAs for some of the krithis,
where SwamigaL slautes SrI Raamachandran as the blessed 
consort of SitA PirAtti (Lord as SitA DEvi's Husband):

1. SeethA-vara ( DEvaghAndhari Raagam)
2. SeethA-NaayakA 
3. SeethA-ManOhara
4. SeethA-lOla .
5. Jaanaki-Pathi (Naadhupai BalikEru: MadhyamAvathi)
6. AvanijA-lOla
7. AvanijAdhipa 
8. BhUjaa-lOla 
9. BhoojA-Naayaka
10. JanakajA-SamEthA 
11. SeethA-Raama (Raama SeethA- RAma, SankarAbharaNam ,
KaalaharaNa mElarA? HarE! SeethA-Raama: SuddhA SAvEri,
jE jE SeethA-Raama: SaavEri)
12. BhoojA-Kaantha
13. SeethA-Kantha (DhorakunA: Bilhari Raagam)
14. Bhooja-ManOhara 
15. Jaanaki-Vara
16. Seetha-Raaghava 
17. DharasuthA-RamaNa
18. JanakasuthA-Ramana
19. Jaanaki-Ramana
20. Jaanaki-ManOhara( SrI Jaanaki ManOhara: IsamanOhari Raagam)
21. SeethA-Ramana ( HusEni Krithi: Raama Raama Raama
SeethA-RamaNa Paapa-Harana)
22. SeethA-Pathi ( vErevvarE gathi: Surutti Raagam,
Raama KOdhaNDapANi : Bhairavi Raagam)
23. SeethA-ManOramaNa
24. BhUjeswara( Krithi: NaarAyana Hari ;
YamunA KalyANi Raagam)
25. SeethA-Hrujjaladhi sOma( SaavEri Raagam)
26. SarilEni Seetha (matchless Seetha saluted 
in ManOhari Krithi : ParithApamu)

In this series on ThiruvahIndhrapuram RathnAngi
SamarpaNa kaimkaryam , adiyEn will focus on 
the Three krithis of ThyagarAja Swamigal 
that are exclusively dedicated to salute 
the glories of SitA PirAtti , which advocates 
the reasons for SrImad RaamAyaNam to be renamed
as SeethAyaNam .SitA PirAtti is the divine consort 
of Lord DevanAthan at ThiruvahIndhrapuram 
with the name of SrI HemAmbhuja Naayaki .
adiyEn seeks her blessings to raise the funds 
needed for Her Lord's RathnAngi that She would 
dearly love to see Him adorn in Her company.

Volumes have been written about SrI Tatthvam 
by our AchAryas based on the revelations of the Lord 
Himself about the centrality and significance of 
His Consort ( Lakshmi Tantram , SrI Sooktham ,
et al).adiyEn will focus on SrImad Raamyanam
or better still SitAyanam related incidents
in the coming postings on these three krithis of
ThyAgarAja SwamigaL.

SrI HemAbhja Valli SamEtha DevanAtha CharaNou 
Saranamaham PrapadhyE,
Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan 

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