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Dear Sri Raamachandra BhakthAs:

Today , we will study together the three Krithis 
set in RaagAs SahAna, KalakaNDi and SrI Ranjani 
that are beautiful expressions of ThyAgarAja 
SwamigaL's bhakthi for SitA PirAtti.

SahaanA Raaga Krithi

dEhi Tava Padha-Bhakthi VaidEhi!
pathitha-Paavani mE SadhA

(meaning): Oh VaidEhi! Redeemer of the Fallen! 
Pray , grant me the boon of steady devotion to Your 
sacred feet ! 


EihikAmushmika PhaladhE! Kamalaasana-anyajavara Janani!

(Meaning): Oh Grantor of riches in this (Temporal )
and the other world ! Oh Mother of Brahma Devan
and manmathan ! Please grant me constant devotion
at Your sacred feet! 

CharaNam 1

KalasavArAsi-janithE! Kanaka-bhUshaNa-lasithE!
Kalasaja-geetha-mudhitE! KaakusTa-rAja-sahithE!

(meaning): Oh Devi born out of the Milky Ocean
during the churning for nectar by Your Lord !
Oh Devi adorned with resplendent golden aabharaNams!
Oh Devi delighting in the musical sthuthi of Sage 
AgasthyA ! Oh the dear donsort of Lord Raamachandra!
Please bless me with unadultrated devotion to Your
holy feet always !

CharaNam 2:

akhilANDa-roopiNi! alikula-nibha-vEni!
makha-samrakshaNa RaaNi! mama bhAgya-kaariNi!

Oh Mother Supreme ,The whole Universe is Your form
(AkhilANDa KOTi BrahmANDa SavarUpiNi)! Your bluish black
tresses of hair have the hue of a bee . You are the empress
of the Lord , who saved the Yaagam of Sage VisvAmtihrA
at SiddhAsramam. You are the sole cause of my good
fortune (bhAgyam).

CharaNam 3

SaraNAgatha PaalanE! Sathamukha-madha-dhamanE!
TaruNArunAbhja NayanE! ThyagarAja Hrudh-sadhanE!

Oh VaidEhi! Thou art the unfailing protector of 
those that seek Your refuge at Your sacred feet . 
You are indeed the destroyer of the hautiness of
multi-headed Raavanan. Oh VaidEhi with the most 
beautiful eyes reminding one of just blossomed red
lotus ! You are the indweller of ThyAgarAjA's
heart lotus. 

KalaKaNDi Raaga krithi


SrI Janaka TanayE! Sritha-KamalAlayE!

(meaning): Oh Daughter of the Raaja Rishi JanakA !
Oh the abode of fortune to those , who seek Your
aasrayanam ( protection )!


RaajannavamaNi-bhUshaNE! SrI
RaghurAma Sathi ! Sathatham mAmava

Oh the beloved consort of RaghurAmAn , who is
resplendent with abhAraNams enmeshed with nine
types of gems ! Please protect me always ! 


Sathamakha kirIDa lasan maNigaNa
neerAjitha charaNE ThyagarAjArchithE (SrI Janaka TanayE)

(meaning): Oh Jaanaki! Thouart the ferocious wind that 
destroys the inauspicious clouds of RaakshasAs like 
the multi-headed RaavaNA . You are the indweller of
the heart lotusesthose of who those BhakthAs , who 
prostate before You. Your sacred feet are radiant with 
the jyOthi of the gems set in the crown of Indhra , as 
he prostrates before You .

SrI Ranjani Krithi

Sari yevvarE ! SrI Janaki! nee

(Oh Jaanaki MaathA! Is there any one equal
to You (in all the three worlds) ?

Anupallavi and CharaNam: 

ParamAthmunikai gaDidhEri sadha-
sirulinchuDaku chEri kolchina nee

(meaning): Oh Jaanaki! As His Saha-dharma ChAriNi ,
You have fully qualified Yourself to be with Your
Supreme Lord and perform Kaimkaryams for Him and 
keeping Him always in the state of prosperity 
(Lakshmi Sampannan). Oh Jaanaki MaathA eulogized by 
Your son ThyagarAja! You decided to accompany 
Your Lord voluntarily to the dangerous forest 
so that You can provide that Raaja KumAran all 
royal comforts and pleasures that He was used to 
at the palace in AyOdhya at all times during 
His vana Vaasam . 


vanamanthu bhayankaramaina 
thAvuna nilthunani mansu dhelisi
kanakAnki yandhandhuna Raaja SukhamBunu
galka jEsithivE , ThyagarAja-nutha (Sari-yevvarE)

In the 27th chapter of SrImad RaamAyaNam , SrI Raama 
pleads with His dear consort to stay in AyOdhyA during
His 14 years of exile in the forest and look after His parents. 
SitA Devi responds to her Lord's request and states that She is
His counterpart and therefore Her exile is implied in His
exile and that She can not bear to be separated from Him.
Although She was indignat over the request of Her Lord 
to stay behind , She stood Her ground and replied:

Na pithA nAthmajO vaa aathmA na mAthA na SukhIjana:
--AyOdhyA KaaNDam: 27.6

(Meaning): My Lord ! " In the case of women , neither father 
nor son nor their own body nor mother nor their female
companions serve as an asylum here or hereafter. 
The husband alone is their refuge at all times".

Regarding Her service to the Lord during the travels 
through the dreaded forest SitA PirAtti points out 
as to what She can do :

yadhi Thvam prasTithO dhurgam vanam adhyaiva Raaghava
agratasthE gamishyAmi mrudhganthi kusakaNDakAn
--SrImad RaamAyaNam: AyOdhyA KaaNDam: 27.7

(meaning): " If You depart this very day for the 
forest (of DaNDaka) , which is difficult to penetrate,
O Scion of Raghu , I shall walk ahead of You crushing
(under my soles of the feet) the sharp blades of 
(the sacred )Kusa grass and thorns (that lie in the way).

agrathasthE gamishyAmi bhOkshyE bhukthavathi Thvayi
icchAmi paratha: sailAn palvalAni sarAmsi cha
--SrImad RaamAyaNam : AyOdhyA KaaNDam : 27.17

(meaning): I shall walk ahead of You and shall take my 
food only , when You have finished Your meal. After that ,
I long to see mountains , ponds and lakes remainig fearless 
everywhere with You as my wise protector.

May Our Mother SithA Piraatti's blessings be with
us during this Raama Navami season , which just 
concluded at Oppiliappan Koil yesterday . 

May Her anugraham help us complete the ThriuvahIndhrapuram
Kaimakryam on time . 

SrI HemAbhja Valli SamEtha DevanAtha CharaNou 
Saranamaham PrapadhyE,
Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan 

P.S: Please do not fail to support the ongoing effort 
to construct the RathnAngi Kaimkaryam for the Lord 
DevanAthan at ThiruvahIndhrapuram . Please contact me 
on how you can help . $50-$100 samarpaNams by individuals 
will go a long way to make progress. 

The RathnAngi under construction for presentation on
October 5 , 2003 for Lord Devanathan would look some what 
similar to the one presented to Lord Oppiliappan 
few months back with all of Your help. Please have 
a darsaam of the Lord adorning His RathnAngi 
at Oppiliappan Sannidhi at : 

NamO NaarAyaNAya 

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