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Dear BhakthAs: 

In the previous posting , we covered briefly the concepts related to 
Manthram ,Yanthram , Tanthram and Aagamam . 

Summary of the previous posting
VaishNavite Aagamams were breifly discussed to point out their
Vedic authority . It was mentioned that both the PaancharAthra and 
ViakAnasa Aagamams are considered equally sacred for the worship of
the Lord. It is intersting to point out in this context that VaikAnasa
Aagamam is used for the worship of Swamy Desikan at His ThUppul Temple ,
where as PaancharAthra Aagamam is followed at Kaanchi VaradarAja Temple. 

At ThiruvahIndhrapuram , VaikAnasa Aagamam is used both for Lord 
DevanAthan and Swamy Desikan in their AarAdhanams . I mentioned earlier
that ThiruvahIndhrapuram PerumAL is considered traditionally as
Nadu Naattu Dhivya Desa SrinivAsan ( same as at ChOLa Naatu Dhivya dEsa
EmperumAn , ThiruviNNagarappan , Northern dhivya desa PerumAL
at Thirumala).Both at ThiruviNNagar /Oppiliappan Koil , Thirumala , 
the AarAdhanam is according to VaikAnasa Aagamam. 

The SrinivAsa aspect of Lord DevanAthan can be clearly
seen from the image of the Moolavar at Thiruvahindrapuram at the URL
from the two hastha Mudhraas : 

Swamy Desikan & PancharAthra RakshA
It is important to observe that Swamy Desikan wrote the definitive
defense of PaancharAthra Aaagamam called PaancharAthra RakshA ,
one of the five RakshA Granthams . In that RakshA grantham ,
he also pointed out the equal status of VaikAnasam in worshipping
the Lord by VaishNavAs at home and at the temples.

Excerpts from PaancharAthra RakshA
Today , we will highlight the cardinal aspects of 
PaancharAthra Aagamam as revealed to us by Swamy AlavanthAr
in His Aagama PrAmANyam and Swamy Desikan's PaancharAthra
RakshA grantham. The Founder of the Munithraya SampradhAyam, 
Thirukkudanthai Desikan ( SrI GopAlArya MahA Desikan) has 
blessed us with key summaries on PaancharAthra RakshA 
in his SrI Desika Dhivya Sahasra Naamam . U.Ve. Dr. V.VasudEvAcchAr
Swamy of Thiruvananthapuram has published under the auspices 
of SrImad PuNdarIkaPuram Andavan Aasramam , a brilliant commentary 
on the above Sahasra Naamam. We will follow those commentaries 
for highlighting Swamy Desikan's PaancharAthra rakshA grantham.
SrIman N.KrishNamachari of Illinois has posted special articles
on PaancharAthra Aagamam in SaraNAgathy and Bhakthi archives .
Readers are referred to all these source articles. 

157 NaamAs connected with PaancharAthra RakshA
The Desika Dhivya Sahasra NaamAs from 524 to 680 ( 157 NaamAs ) 
relate thus to the content of PaancharAthra RakshA grantham .
In view of the vastness of the subject , we will study only a few
of the Sahsra NaamAs to highlight the PaancharAthric doctrines:

** PAANCHRAATHRAM IS PRAMAANAM : To refute the argument that 
PaancharAthram is not acceptable, Swamy Desikan established 
the validity and authority of PaancharAthram following the way
shown by Swamy AaLavanthAr and AchArya RaamAnujA.One of the 
seven arguments for PramAnam of PaancharAthram in this context 
is that the base/root (moolam)for PaancharAthram is 
the EkAyana Saakhai of the apourushEya Vedam .
The other argument in support is that this Aagamam was
blessed to us by the Lord Himself and as such it has 
no blemishes.

(2)Manthra SiddhAntham (3)Tanthra SiddhAntham and 
(4) TantrAnthara siddhAntham . 

The FIRST SiddhAntham (Aagama SiddhAntham) emphasizes 
the worship of SrIman NaarAyaNan as the four VyUha Moorthys 

The SECOND siddhAntham (Manthra SiddhAntham) 
follows the worship of the Lord with many other VyUhams, 
12 KesavAdhi Moorthys , DEvi and weapons of the Lord. 

The THIRD siddhAntham( Tantra SiddhAntham) worship of
Bhagavath Roopam outside VyUha Moorthys with or without
Devi or Aayudhams.This is closest it seems to the Taantric
worship that we alluded to earlier.

The FOURTH siddhAntham (TanthrAnthara SiddhAntham) 
focuses on the Lord with Simha Mukham (Narasimhan) , 
Horse face ( HayagrIvan) with parivArams or separately.

All the four siddhanthams in observance lead to Moksham. 
These four individual siddhAnthams should not be mixed 
with each other in practise.Once a prathishtai is done 
one way ,the aarAdhanam has to be maintained the same way . 
Sahasra Kalasa AbhishEkam is needed as parihAram (remedy) , 
when there is an inadvertent admixture among these SiddhAnthams. 
Sahasra Kalasa AbhishEkam is done also for Loka KshEmam
as wss done at ThiruveLLUr on April 16.

VaikAnasa aagamam should not be admixed with any one of 
the four PaancharAthra siddhAnthams . PaancharAthra aagamam 
is open to all.The dhvijAs , who have recieved EkAyathana
Veda SamskAram are known as MUKHYA KALPA ADHIKAARIS OF
PaancharAthram. Others including dhvijAs with other 
Kalpa samskArams can recieve PaancharAthra DheekshA 
and belong to the category of ANUKALAP ADHIKAARIS.

IN CONTRAST , Only those born in the VaikAnasa kalpa Soothra 
Paramparai can have the right to practise ViakAnasa Aagamam.

*** The worship performed for BhagavAn is known as Ijyai.
It has 8 parts (angAs). When one performs Ijyai for the Lord
with these 8 angAs, that worships is the Supreme Most and
leads to Parama Padha PrApthi without too much delay .
These 8 angAs --different from pancha kAla prakriyas of
Abhigamanam,UpAdhAnam, ijya , SvAdhyAyam and Yogam-- are
as follows according to JayAkhya SamhithA of PaancharAthram:

1) Abhigamanam : This is Hrudh ThyAgam starting from Maanasa
AarAdhanam to Athma SamarpaNam and is not the same as 
the abhigamanam of Pancha Kaala PrakriyA .

(2) BhOgam: Baahya UpachArams (external samarpaNams) such 
as offer of argyam , Flowers et al

(3) Madhuparka dhAnam: samarpaNam of the special preparation
known as madhuparkam.

(4) NivEdhanam: samarpaNam of Cooked food

(5) SampradhAnam: Distribution of Bhagavad PrasAdham

(6) Vahni SandharpaNam: Special Homam as part of this Ijyai.
This is not in use these days .

(7)Pithru Yaagam: Homam for Pitrus(manes) with
the names of VaasudEva et al.

(8)anuyAgam: PrANAgnihOthram/AntharyAmi nivEdhanam/
partaking of Bhagavath PrasAdham . 

*** PanchakAla Prakriyai: The day is split in to 5 time zones
and 5 karmAs are undertaken by all including ParamaikAnthis :

1) Abhigamanam: Approaching the Lord with Japam , DhyAnam
and Archanam and prayer for Aaradhana Kaimkarya PrApthi at 
early morning hours ( 6.00 to 8.24 A.M). This is very important 
for SanyAsis .

2) UpAdhAnam: Collection of flowers, Fruits et al 
for AarAdhanam during Mid day( 8.25 to 10.48 A.M).

3) IjyA ( 10.49 A.M to 1.12 P.M ) : Bhagavath AarAdhanam 
itself. very important to every one .

4) SvAdhyAyam(1.13 to the time of sleep): SravaNam , keerthanam ,
study of SrI Sookthis /IthihAsams/Saathvika
PurANams , Teaching of SrI Sookthis et al.

5) Yogam ( Night time): Linking of one's mind with the Lord
and resting under His sacred feet and getting up at 
Braahma MuhUrtham (after 3 A.M) to get ready for 
Abhigamanam et al .

**Even PrapannAs have to perform this Pancha Kaala PrakriyA
as Kaimkarya Roopam.AchArya RaamAnujA accepted this and
instructed us to follow this prakriyA.

**Hari SmaraNam is the interleaving angam of all these karmAs.
This Hari SmaraNam is considered as Nithyam and not Kaamyam 
or naimitthikam.Any fraction of time spent without Bhagavath
DhyAnam is full of imperfections and is a wasted time ,
since during that time the harmful states of mind controlled 
by Kaamam , krOdham ,Madham, Maatsaryam , Deha-aathma Brahamam
and other negative entities dominate and push us towards ruin.
Sathva GuNam does not dominate during those wasted moments.

** Aarambha manthram and Saathvika ThyAgam are integral
features of all karmAs related to Bhagavad AarAdhanam 
and Pancha kAla prakriyA.

** AchArya DhyAnam should be done before Hari DhyAnam 
after getting up at Brahma MuhUrtham.

These then are some of the upadesams found in
the PaancharAthara SamhithAs . 

(To Be continued)

SrImad Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam,
Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan 

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