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dear shri arvavind,
it appears to me that Srimad Andavan's quote perhaps refers to the LOrd's (especially Aravamudan's) capability of making even fiercely independent Jeevatmas lose themselves in His beauty and bhOgyatvam. Normally, when the Lord says to the Jeeva, "You are mine", the Jeeva responds with a fierce assertion of its false independence, by retaliating with "I belong to none but myself". However, the beauty of Sri Aravamudan is such that it instantly enslaves the onlooker, despite his protestations of independence, and makes him say "adiyen", adopting the attitude of a SEsha. Srimad Andavan's quote is obviously based on Sri Nammazhwaar's pasuram on Tirukkudandai--"Aravamude adiyen udalam ninpAl anbAyE, neerAi alaindu karaya urukkukindra nedumALE!", and comments on the juxtaposition of the words "Aravamude" and "adiyen" in the pasuram. a parallel might be found in the Jitanta Stotram beginning with "JitantE PundarIkAskha!", where the Mahrashis of the Sveta Dveepa admit to abject defeat despite themselves, having been won over by the Lord's lotus eyes.  another pasuram that could have a bearing on the matter is that of Sri Nammazhwar, beginning with "tOttrOm mada nenjam emperumAn naraNarkku". 
regards, sadagopan
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 10:45 AM
Subject: Re: "Tvam me"

Dear Swami,
Thanks very much for fwding this nice article. This slokam of bhattar is quoted by desikan in Sri Saram. But adiyen wanted to know the proper construction of the following sentence in which first few words are picked from this slokam. the sentence runs something like this " tvam mE yendral aham mE yendru thimirappannumavan "AravamudhEn" yendral "AdiyEn" yenban  !!  ". adiyen wants to know whether this is the correct framing of this famous sentence showing the greatness of Aravamudan.


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