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ChithrabhAnu, Adi 18 ( PatinettAm Perukku Dinam)
Sukla Paksha Dasami, KritthikA Nakshathram , Aug 3,2002)


Dear BhakthAs: 

Today , adiyEn will cover the Fifty Ninth and the last 
slOkam of Sri SaraNAgathi DhIpikai , where Swamy Desikan
lets us know as to what motivated him to compose 
SrI SaraNAgathi DhIpikai, a moving prayer to Lord
DhIpaprakAsan and SrI Maragathavalli ThAyar .

Usually , Swamy Desikan's sthuthis like AzhwAr's decads
in Dhivya Prapandham would be in the form of a Phala Sruthi
that points out the soubhAgyams that the reciters of 
these powerful SrI Sookthis will gain. Here, it is
a different ending. The focus is on the origin of 
this SrI Sookthi dealing with the most important
upAya anushtAnam : The Observance of SaraNagathy in all 
its essential aspects as established by the VedAs 
and Sath SampradhAyam. Swamy Desikan uses slEdai 
(double entendre) in this slOkam most evocatively :

SnEhOpapanna vishaya sva-dasA-visEshAth
bhooyas-tamisra-samaneem bhuvi VenkatEsa:
dhivyAm sthuthim niramimeetha sathAm niyOgAth
DhIpaprakAsa SaraNAgathi DhipikAkhyam

---SrI SaraNAgathi DhipIkai : 59th SlOkam 

Oh ViLakkoLI EmperumAnE! The VedAnthAchAryan with
the naamam of VenkatEsan composed this SrI Sookthi 
named SaraNAgathi DhIpikai about You (DhIpa PrakAsan) 
following the command of great BhAgavathAs. In this
SrI Sookthi, the Svaroopam and the SvabhAvam of You , 
who has parama Vaathsalyam to chEthanams , are explained
in great detail. Therefore , this Sthithi is bound to banish
the darkness associated with the false and viparItha Jn~Anam 
of the people of the World. 

Additional Comments:
Swamy Desikan has compared this magnificent sthOthram
to a radiant (jaajwalya) dhIpam. A DhIpam has oil, wick and
drives away the darkness and provides lustre.Using
the double meaning of the words SnEha, DasA, tamisra-
samanI and prakAsa (dhIpikaa), Swamy Desikan connects to
the different aspects of a DhIpam (lamp) such as 
oil, wick , darkness removal and the prakAsam .

This divine Sthuthi (Dhivya sthuthi)is revered 
as SaraNAgathi DhIpikai ( SaraNAgathi DhIpikAkhyam ). 
The object of this Sthuthi is Lord DhIpa PrakAsan.
The author is VenkatEsa Kavi (Swamy Desikan ).
The mood behind this composition and the SamarpaNam
is one of great affection to the Lord ( SnEha Upapannam).
The slOkams of this sthuthi removes the darkness of
ajn~Anam ( Tamisra samanam) of the people of the world.
The special approaches housed in the study to comprehend
the SvarUpam and SvabhAvam of the Lord of ThirutthaNkA/
Thoopul is described by Swamy Desikan as " Sva dasA 
VisEsham ". This sthuthi was composed at the request
and command of the Parama BhaagavathAs of the Lord
( DhIpa PrakAsa SaraNAgathi DhIpikAkhyam dhivyam sthuthim 


1. snEha Upapanna : (created )with great affection or
the Lamp having the oil as a fuel.

2. vishaya: the sthuthi about the Lord of ThirutthaNkA
or the vase containing the oil

3. sva-dasA visEshAth : through the different and special
methods used in the composition or through the reminder
of the wick soaked in the oil of the Lamp

4. tamisra samanIm: that which can remove the dark
overlay of ajn~Anam or that which can banish physical
darkness and illumiate the space around the lamp .

The clear reference is to the First Paasurams of
Mudal AzhwArs , who experienced the Lord through 
Para Bhakthi, Para Jn~Anam and Parama Bhakthi.
In his SrI DehaLisa Sthuthi , Swamy Desikan
referred to the Mudhal AzhwArs experiencing the Lord 
in their heart space (HrudhayAkAsam) with their two eyes
of SvAdhyAyam (Vedam ) and Yogam by lighting a lamp
( dhIpEna kenachith--the 6th slOkam of DehaLIsa Sthuthi).
Swamy Desikan saluted the DhIpam and its PrakAsam
at ThiruttaNkA in a way similar to that of the Mudhal
AzhwArs and explained the SaraNAgathi Tatthvam 
and its anushtAanam to banish ajn~Anam and to
gain mOksham. 

Let us enjoy the light that the Mudahal AzhwArs lit 
in the context of this 59th slOakm.

Poygai AzhwAr stated in His first Paasuram of
Mudhal ThiruvandhAthi:

" The whole world is the bowl.The seas all constitute
the ghee, for the flame and lamp of the hot-ray sun 
to light up my Jn~Anam. With this lamp of Jn~Anam , 
I composed a garland of verses to the sacred feet 
of the Lord--".

BhUthatthAzhwAr described the lamp that he lit this way:

" I have now lit a lamp for Lord NaarAyaNa by composing
Jn~Anam-laden verses . This is a service at His holy feet.
For this lamp , the bowl (container) is my love of the Lord;
the ghee (fuel) is my craze to see Him and enjoy Him;
the wick (for this lamp) is my heart that had melted in
the pleasure of doting on Him. The flame of the lamp is
my aathmA , which has virtually melted with Parabhakthi 
evoked in it--".

Pey Azhwaar concludes this extraordinary anubhavam of
seeing the Lord with His parama Bhakthi and declares 
that it is a great day , when he and his fellow AzhwArs
saw the Lord with Periya PirAtti with the light of the lamp 
that they had lit with affection (snEha Upapanna DhIpa 
PrakAsEna dhrushtam ). 

The three AzhwArs described in their 300 paasurams 
the Svaroopam and the SvabhAvam of the Sarva Loka
SaraNyan and performed SaraNAgathi to Him .

Swamy Desikan followed that path and performed 
MangaLAsAsanam for SrI Maragathavalli samEtha
SrI DhIpa PrakAsan of his avathAra sthalam. 
Swamy Desikan lit his own lamp and helped us
to use it to drive away all nescience and develop
Svaroopa Jn~Anam to gain Moksham through SaraNAgathi. 
Such is the glory of the SrI Sookthi ,
SrI SaraNAgathi DhIpikai. Let us recite
these slOkams and reflect on their meanings ! 

Swamy Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,
Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan 

P.S: Today is the Subha Dinam of PathinettAm Perukku.
This kaimakryam to post a series of articles about 
SrI SaraNAgathi DhIpikai to raise funds for the Nithya
AarAdhanam of Swamy Desikan at ThUppul and the Dhivya
Dampathis of ThirutthaNkA has been completed with our
AchArya Saarvabhouman's (Swamy Desikan's)anugraham. 

Swamy Desikan's janma Nakshathram is PurattAsi KEttai
( October 11) . This is the same AvathAra dinam of 
Thirumalai SrInivAsan ( Lord VenkatEsan) , whose 
GantAvathAram is Swamy Desikan.

Please continue to support the NithyArAdhana Kaimkaryam
core funds for ThirutthaNkA Dhivya Dampathis and
Swamy Desikan and let us pray for their blessings 
to reach the target of 20 Laks of rupees. We have
to add another 7 laks of rupees. Please donate generously 
from now until Oct 11, 2002 in a spirit of reverence
to the MahOpakAram done by Swamy Desikan to intrepret
SaraNAgathi Saasthram for our Ujjeevanam. 

NaarAyaNa , NaarAyaNa , NaarAyaNa 

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