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IndhIvaradhaLa-SyAma: PuNDarIkanibhEkshaNa:

--Raama KarNAmrutha SlOkam 

( Neela mEgha SyAmaLan with the lotus soft and 
beautiful eyes is Lord Ramabhadran with KOdhandam
and arrow in His hand is my sole refuge).

visAla nEthram paripoorNa ghAthram 
SitA KaLathram sura-vairi-jaithram
KaruNya paathram jagatha: pavithram

--Raama KarNAmrutham SlOkam 

( I prostrate before the gem of Raghu Vamsam ,
Raama Rathnam always. I bow before that 
Lord of SitA Devi known for His broad eyes ,
and majestic , upright body . He is the abode of 
mercy and the unfailing victor over the enemies
of the DevAs.He is the most sacred ParamAthman
in all the worlds. I bow before Him always ).


Dear SrI Raama BhakthAs:

adiyEn will cover the rest of the slOkams of 
SrI ParamArTa Sthuthi in this final posting .

SlOkam 6
krupaNA: sudhiya: krupAsahAyam
SaraNam ThvAm RaNapungava PrapannA:
varivasyA rasam yEkam aadhriyanthE

Oh Lord Vijaya RaaghavA! Oh The most celebrated
(foremost) among Warriors(RaNa Pungava)! Those 
buddhisAlis (SudhiyA:) who recognize their unfitness 
to stand up to the rigors of practising Bhakthi yOgam
feel importunate (krupaNA:)and perform SaraNAgathi 
at Your holy feet fully knowing that You are 
the ocean of Mercy and that You will protect them.
They are clearly aware of Your KaruNai as Your primary
help ( KaruNA SahAyam ) and perform SaraNAgathi as
prapannAs ( ThvAM SaraNam PrapannA:). They do not get 
distracted by any tatthvam except Your anantha kalyANa 
guNams and SaraNAgatha rakshaNa Vratham (ananya BhAvA:)
and perform prapatthi unto You . They wish for only
one Phalan ( YEkam aadhriyanthE). What is it these
Sudhiya: wish a svboon form You? They only seek 
the kaimkarya Aanandham (VarivasyA Rasam )to You and 
Your Devi at SrI Vaikuntam as a sukham arising from 
Moksha Sidhdi. 

SlOkam 7

avadheerya chathurvidham pumarTam
BhavadharTE viniyuktha jeevitha: sann
labhathE Bhavatha: phalAni janthu:
nikhilAnyathra nidharsanam JaDAyu:

Oh Lord of Thriupputtkkuzhi! Any embodied jeevan ,
which casts aside the four kinds of PurushArTams
(Dharma-ArTa-Kaama-Moksham) and places its life as
samarpaNam in Your service gets in return from You
fruits of every kind (Bhavatha: nikhilAni phalAni
labhatE). In this matter , JaDAyu is the prime example 
( athra JaDAyu: nidharsanam).

During Your incarnation as SrI Raamachandran ,the eagle
king JaDAyu fought with RaavaNan to free Your dear Consort
from him and got mortally wounded. It gave all what it had
inspite of its advanced age. It fought heroically without
asking anything in return from You. What did you do for
that noble JaDAyu? You blessed JaDAyu superior worlds
and then Moksham. For those , who perform kaimkaryam 
to You without anticipating anything in rturn all 
the isvaryams in this and the other world come their
way automaticaly. 

SlOakm 8

SaraNAgatha-rakshaNa-vrathI maam
na vihAthum RaNapungavaarhasi Thvam
vidhitham bhuvanE VibhIshaNO vaa 
yadhi vaa RaavAna ithyudhIritham tE

Oh Lord of Thirupputtkkuzhi! Foremost among Your
Vrathams is that of protecting those who perform 
SaraNAgathi at Your Thiruvadi .You are the SaraNAgatha
RakshaNa DhIkshithan. It is not fit for You as the one
who has undertaken SaraNAgatha RakshaNa dhIkshai to
abandon adiyEn SaraNagata-rakshaNa vrathI Thvam 
maam vihAthum na arhasi). People of the world know
very well Your command to SugrIvan at Sehtukkarai 
(TE udhIritham bhuvanE vidhitham): Be it VibhIshaNan or 
RaavaNan himself bring them to Me . I will grant them 
abhayam .When You are known all over the world for this
Vratham , adiyEn alone should not be abandoned by You
inspite of my paapams .That wont be consistent with 
Your role as Sarva-lOka SaraNYan.

SlOkam 9:

BhujagEndhra GaruthmadhAdhi labhyai:
Thvadhanuj~naa- Anubhava pravAha bhEdhai:
SvapadhE RaNa-pungava Svayam mE
paricharyA vibhavai: parishkriyETA:

Oh Vijaya RaaghavA! At Your Supreme abode (Sva padhE)
AdhisEshan ( BHujagEndhra:), GaruDan , the other Nithya
Sooris as well as Muktha Jeevans enjoy You in a manner 
befitting Your wish . Their enjoyment overflows as flood
in many directions . Many special kaimkaryams that please
Your ThiruvuLLam arise form their kaimkarya prApthis. 
It is adiyEn's prayer to You for gaining such kaimkarya
prApthi at Your Parama Padham . The anubhavam of enjoying 
You should blossom forth in the shape of many Kiamkaryams
to You. Those kaimkaryams should be accepted by You
and should cause pleasure to You. It is well known that You 
feel happy over nishkAma Kaimkaryams by ParamaikAnthis.

SlOkam 10:

vimalAsaya VenkatEsa JanmA 
ramaNIyA RaNapungava-prasAdhAth
anasooyubhi: aadharENa bhAvyA
ParamArTa-sthuthi: anvaham prapannai:

This delectable (RamaNIya ) eulogy named 
ParamArTa sthuthi arose from the VenkatEsa Kavi of
blemish free mind . This happened as a result of
the grace of Thirupputtkkuzhi VijayarAgava PerumAn.
The PrapannAs , who have performed SaraNAgahti at
the Thiruvadi of the Lord get cleansed from the dhOshams
such as Jealousy and intolerance. May Those PrapannAs 
free of dhOshams recite this Sthuthi daily with
sraddhA and gain the anugraham of SrI Maragathavalli
SamEtha Sri Viujaya Raaghavan! 

On the way to our PuNya BhUmi to participate
in the Swamy Desikan focussed KshEthrAdanam ,
adiyEn seeks the blessings of PrapannAs and
the great ones (MahAnthO anugrahNanthu)!

adiyEn's journey would start with the avathAra Sthalam 
of Swamy Desikan , His agrahAra Dhaivam , SrI DhIpa
PrakAsan , who was eulogized in SrI SaraNAgathi DhIpikai 
and will move on to His AarAdhana Moorthy,Lord VaradarAjan 
on top of Hasthigiri.

>From Kaanchi it will continue on to ThiruvahIndhrapuram,
where he blessed us with many SrI Sookthis and attend 
the Adi Pooram celebrations (GodhA Sthuthi)there.

Next the RathnAngi Sevai of Uthsavar Oppiliappan
(Ponnappan ) and BhUmi Devi with MaaNikka KoNDi)
on their golden rathams and the adhyAsccharya Sevai of 
Moolavar ThiruviNNagarappan (DakshiNa VenkatEsan).

Subsequent to that stay at my birth place ,
adiyen plans to move on to SrIrangam , where
Swamy Desikan ascended to parama Padham.

The final stop would be the dhivya Desam , where 
DayA sathakam originated (Thirumalai) and the blessings of
UdhayAsthaman Sevai on August 15.

With the Sevai of Lord Venkata KrishNan at ThiruvallikkENI
and Azhagiya Singar (TweLLiya Singham ) , this special and
brief journey should conclude.

adiyEn's thanks to all the BhaagavathAs , who have
supported many kaimakryams oer the past few years.

may the Dhivya dampathis bless you all!

AdiyEn plans to bring with me the final version
of Volume I of the Life and Vaibhavam of the 12 AzhwArs.
This volume contains the lives and audio recitations
of the dhivya prabhandhams of PeriyAzhwAr,
Godha PirAtti, ThiruppANar and ThoNDaradippodi.

Kavi-taarkika SimhAya KalyANa-guNa-saalinE
SrimathE VenkatEsAya VedAntha GuravE nama:

SrI VijayarAghava ParabrahmaNE Nama:
Swamy Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam,
Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan 

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