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Dear Swamy Desika BhakthAs :
Let us study 6 more Sahasra NaamAs of Swamy Desikan today :
742)   Saara Sangraha kruthE nama: 
Salutations to the AchAryan , who blessed us with
the  chillaRai rahasyam of Saara Sangraham .
The essence of vishayams that  the Mumukshus
should know are covered in this chillaRai rahasyam.
743)  nyAsigrAhyaagrAhya vibhAga vidhE nama:
Salutations to the AchAryan , who knew the things to be
practised and the things to be rejected by a Prapannan
and recorded it in Saara Sangraham for our benefit .
These "dos and don'ts" relate to the topics covered in Saara Sangraham
under the chapter of ThyAjya upAdhEya vibhAgam . For instance ,
Some  of the Bhagavath-BhakthAs will not abandon dEvathAnthara-
sambhandhams because of their desire for insignificant Phalans .
Swamy Desikan instructed ParamaikAnthis to stay away from
such people with dEvathAnthara Sambhandhams .There are others ,
who might wait to be blessed with kshudhra phalans but will
approach BhagavAn only for the same . One such person is
King Ambhareeshan . Such bhakthAs will reject dEvathAntharams .
Even BhagavAn celebrates such bhakthAs. One thing is clear.
There will be no harm to Moksham by seeking alpa phalans from
the Lord . Such effort only blocks Bhagavath anubhava rasam .
Further , Prapannan's code of conduct for pravrutthi (engagement)
and nivrutthi ( abandonment ) acts by Manas , Vaak and Sareeram
should have the following features :
1. The svaroopam of Manas , Vaak and Sareeram(Three KaraNams)
are unconditional servants (sEsham) to the Lord (Sarva Seshi).
2.They are under the total control of the Lord.
3. Any fruits arising from their activities belong only to the Lord.  
744) prapanna sveekruthi krutha poorthyapoorthy vichArakAya nama:
Salutations to the AchAryan , who assessed the plus and minuses
that Bhagavan experiences , when He accepts the Prapatthi of a jeevan.
These are covered in the ChillaRai rahasyam of Saara Sangraham .
For the Jeevan , who has performed Bhara SamarpaNam , there are no more
activities to initiate for his own protection . It is all the Lord's responsibilities .
Jeevan has no want or worry in this matter. The Jeevan has only one factor
that is missing . As long it stays in the embodied state in this world before
arrival at Sri Vaikuntam, it can not experience ParipoorNa BrahmAnandham .
Hence for the jeevan , there is a dimunition in BhOgam , while here .
For Iswaran , there is no dimuniiton on BhOgam. His anubhavam based
on the ownership of Ubhaya VibhUthi is full and perfect . Iswaran however
has a dimunition in the act that He has to perform . He has the duty to grant
Moksham to Prapannan .Until that duty is fulfilled , He is deficient in His act.
The Prapanna Jeevan should show both happiness and sorrow over
his blessings and deficencies . When will the Jeevan's want be
addressed by the Lord ? When the Lord grants the Jeevan Moksham
and brings the Jeevan to His Supreme Abode , then only this deficency
will be removed . At that time , the Jeevan will experience ParipoorNa 
BrahmAnubhavam and wipe out this deficiency of not having the full
bhOgam . After that Jeevan will possess eternal bliss . There will be
no leftover blemish whatsoever .
745) mAnAdhidasakAlamBi vivEka phala BhOdhakAya nama:
Salutations to the AchAryan , who instructed us about the Phalans
arising from the vivEkam ( clear knowledge) about the ten vishayams
(subjects) like PramANam .
In Saara Sangraham , Swamy Desikan elaborates on these ten kinds of
VivEkams associated with the ascendance of Satthva guNam due to
Bhagavath KatAksham . These ten vivEkams are :
1) The PramANa vivEkam: It  makes the chEtanan  reject Naasthikaas and
Kudhrushti mathams . The one with this vivEkam develops fitness for
UpAya anushtAnam and gains AchArya Sambhandham .
2) Rahasya Thraya VivEkam : This chEtanan understands that his
aathma svaroopam is sEsham for the Lord alone. The chEtanan now
recognizes that the key thing is the Lord's acceptance of his rakshaNam;
he comes to know that the Lord's acceptance is pradhAnam and
his upAya anushtAnam is only a vyAjam (excuse).
3) Tatthva Thraya vivEkam : This chEtanan banishes SareerAthma Brahmam .
The ChEtanan  gets rid of the thought that he is an independent entity
(AathmA Svatantran) . He understands that aathmA is the body for
4)ThriguNa (Satthva, Raajasa , TamO ) VivEkam : The chEtanan banishes
misra (mixed) satthvam and the phalan arising from it (viz)., alpa (nonlasting and
insignificant ) sukhams . The gaining of the ThriguNa vivEkam produces
unalloyed satthvam and as a result , he enjoys paripoorNa bhagavath anubhavam .
5) Aathma GuNa VivEkam : Until this vivEkam was gained , the chEtanan
did not engage in Bhagavath kaimkaryam . After gaining this vivEkam ,
the ChEtanan gets fully engaged ( Pravrutthi) in Bhagavath kaimkaryam.
6) VivEkam arising from the full awareness of Bhagavath GuNams: The chEtanan
develops the knowledge : (a) When we surrender our self through Prapatthi ,
the Lord gives Himself and the Kaimkarya selvam ( the wealth of Kaimkaryam
to Him and His BhaagavathAs and AchAryAs) in return. (2) Our Lord considers
the laabham that we gain from Prapatthi as His own gain (laabham). (3) The chEtanan
gains the comprehension that the Lord will fulfill all of our desires , if we follow
the Lord's commands .
7) VivEkam arising from the knowledge of the Sambhandham between the Lord
and the chEtanan : The chEtanan bcomes aware that as the unconditional
servant of the Lord , he can not act against the Lord's wishes . He will give up
the attachment to other karma-vasya jeevans including the dEvatAntarams
and will become attached only to the Lord , who has sarva-vidha sambhandham
with him .
8) VivEkam from knowledge of VirOdhis for successful Prapatthi:
The fruits of such a vivEkam is that the chEtanan is convinced
that he should not go against the wishes of his Master ( PrAthikoolya varjanam) .
The chEtanan will not initiate activities that will please Him on his own without
the Lord's command . When the ChEtanan gives up samsAram , this vivEkam will
make him realize that it is the Lord and not him , who is behind his abandonment of
the SamsAram . Svatantra Brahmam will be gone .
9)  VivEkam from the clear knowledge about the two UpAyams: The chEtanan
will choose Prapatthi over Bhakthi yOgam since latter is ardous and long to
yield fruit.
10) PurushArTa VivEkam : The chEtanan gaining this vivEkam will abandon
desire for alpa phalans and develop the ruchi and long for the limitless and
lasting Phalan/PurushArTam of Moksham and Bhagavath anubhavam .
The gaining of the above ten kinds of vivEkam leads to Moksha Phalan. 
While the chEtanan is in this world , he will do karmAs for pleasing 
the Lord (For Bhagavath preethi) and wait for the dropping of the physical
body to commence his journey to Sri Vaikuntam via archirAdhi Maargam 
to enjoy ParipoorNa BrahmAnandham there .  
746) Maana pramEya vidhE nama:
Salutations to the AchAryan (Swamy Desikan) who instructed us about
the  PramANams ( means of Valid knowledge ) and the things to be learned
through the PramANams .
This item ( PramANa PramEya sangraham) is also covered by Saara Sangraham .
The ChEtanan who gains a clear knowledge about PramANa-PramEyam is
blessed with :
(a) From Moola Manthram , he becomes aware that he is
the unconditional servant of the Lord .
(b) the chEtanan rejects the idea that he has svAtantryam over his acts .
(c) the chEtanan understands fully Parama PurushArTa and UpAya Sambhandhams .
(d) He abandons the VirOdhi sambhnadham through arTa panchaka Jn~Anam .
(e) The chEtanan overcomes his sorrows and engages in sEsha vrutthi
( the ocupation of being the servant of the Lord and His BhAgavathAs ). 
(f) The chEtanan loses interest in insignificant Phalans (alpa phalans).
(g) The chEtanan pushes away aathmAnubhavam (Kaivalyam ) and
chooses Saayujya Moksham instead . He recognizes that Kaivalyam
will never ever come anywhere near ParipoorNa BrahmAnubhavam
and will therefore reject Kaivalyam without a second thought .
h) Even if the ChEtanan enjoys only a small portion of Bhagavadhanubhavam
during the UpAya anushtAnam occasion ( UpAya dasai) , he spends his
assigned time in leelA vibhUthi occupied with Bhagavath-BhAgavatha
Kaimkaryam and gains moksham thereafter .
i) ParamAthmA enjoys the Muktha jeevan in Nithya vibhUthi( SrIvaikuntam).
The mukta Jeevan is overjoyed about this and engages in Bhagavath
Kaimkaryam with delight . 
747) Sishya AchArya kruthyAdhi saaravidhE nama:     
Salutations to that AchAryan , who was fully aware of the essence of
the duties of Iswaran ,  AchAryan and his sishyan.
This is also a topic covered in Saara Sangraham .  
The AchAryan's duties: To provide upadEsams for  a good sishyan
on subjects that are pertinent to gaining Moksham .
Iswaran's Duties : Granting Moksham to such a good sishyan by
directing him away from the path that are against His saasthrams
and turning him to travel on the auspicious paths consistent with
His Saasthrams.
Sishyan's duties : Comprehending the AchArya UpadEsams and
following the auspicious path laid out for him by Iswaran.
Swamy Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,
Daasan , Oppiliappan KOil VaradAchAri Sadagopan
( PS) : Please do not forget the support for ongoing Kaimkaryam
to complete the construction of the MahA Mantapam on Oushadha
Giri for  the SeVArthees of Lord HayagrIvan . A samarpaNam of $75
would permit coverage of 10 Square feet of the Mantapam and
the Pathway around the Mantapam . Please refer to the following
web site for details :
Sriman Soundararajan Desikan Swami is doing yeoman kaimkaryam
to construct this MahA Mantapam on behalf of all BhakthAs of
Sri HayagrIvan on OushadhAdhri of Thriuvaheendhrapuram , where
Swamy Desikan had Garuda and HayagrIva SaakshAthkArams .  
While browsing the , Please do not fail to have
the darsana soubhAgyam of Sri Lakshmi HayagrIvar ( Moolavar)
at His OushadhAdhri Sannidhi , Lord DevanAthan adorning RathnAngi
and the Lakshmi Hayagrivar worshipped at ParakAla Matam . This Moorthy
was presented to  to AchArya RaamAnuja by Saraswathy Devi .
That URL is :
NamO Sri Lakshmi HayagrIvAya !

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