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Sri SaraNAgatha Vathsala SwaminE Nama:
Dear All :
Let us continue with the study of
NyAsa Soothrams by Dr. V.N. VedAntha
Desikan . Today , we will study the 20
Soothrams associated with the angams of
SaraNAgathy :

57)  Nyaasa: PanchAnga-samyutha:
        athasshadvidha ithi vyavahAra:
NyAsam/SaraNAgathy is an UpAyam with 5 parts
(angams). The actual performance of SaraNAgathy
with the 5 angams makes nyAsam as an act with
Six features ( Shad vidham ).
58)  angAnyEthAni khalu dhruvam
ipseethAni nyasyathi chEtanE
It is very important that a sentient being
(ChEtanan) performing SaraNAgathy/
Bhara NyAsam/Aathma NikshWpam/
Prapatthi should shine  with fullness
in these 5 angams.
59) Upaasana  maarga anarha: nyAsAdhvarAya
visEsha yOgyathAm labhathE
One who is not qualified to engage in Bhakthi Yogam
( Upaasanaa ) is fully qualified for seeking the UpAyam of
NyAsam/ Prapatthi yOgam for gaining Moksham . 
60) Aanukoolya sankalpa: chEtana: Saasthreeya-
karmANi vihithAnyavE kurveetha ithi niyama:
The  first of the five angams is Aanukoolya sankalpam.
It is constituted by the firmness of purpose in following
ONLY the karmaas ordained by Bhagavath Saasthrams. 
61) Praathikoolya varjanam sAsthra nishiddhAni
karmANi na kuryAmithi syAyithvam
The second angam is Praathikoolya varjanam . Here ,
the Mumukshu ( one who desires Moksham) stays
clear of all acts ( karmaas) prohibited by Bhagavath
62) PrapanAdhikAree nithyamakinchanO bhUyAth ,
tadhEva tasya mukhya lkashaNam.
Aakinchanyam is the third limb of NyAsam or NyAsa
Vidhyai . It is the recognition by the Mumukshu that
he or she is helpless to seek any other means than
nyAsam for gaining release from the cycles of births and
deaths . They recognize sincerely that they do not have
the required Jn~anam , VarNam and bodily strength
to follow the rigorous Bhakthi Yogam limited to
the thrai-varNikaas alone . 
63) Yeedhrusa KaarpaNya siddhi: garvahaanim dhAsyathi .
The ChEthanams , which become cognizant of their utter
helplessness ( Aakinchanyam) reach the state of KaarpaNyam ,
where they lead humble lives in rememberance of their
unfitness to undertake the upAyam of Bhakthi yOgam .
Aakinchanyam and the KaarpaNyam (state resulting from
Aakinchanyam ) are the third limb of NyAsam .  
64) rakshAmapEkshEtha ithi gOpthruva-varaNam nirdhisyathE .
The fourth limb of nyAsam is "Gopthruva varaNam". Here ,
the Moksham seeking chEthanam seeks deliberately
the protection by Bhagavaan . The Chethanam sincerely
prays for the blessings of such a protection/rakshaNam
from the Lord . This is the Fourth limb of nyAsam/SaraNAgathy . 
65) BhagavAn nissamsyam prapannam Maamm rakshishyathy
ithi Mahaa ViswAsa: adhyavasAya athyanthaavaSyambhAvee dharma:
The fifth and the most important angam in nyAsa vidhyai
is Mahaa Viswaasam (i-e)., the unshakable/unassailable
faith in Sriman NaarayaNan as the Rakshakan( Protector).
The Prapannan has not a shred of doubt about the Lord
coming to his rescue to cross the samsAric ocean and
take him to the other shore of Sri Vaikuntam , His Supreme
abode .
66) mahathvamathra SankhApanchaka nirasanEna siddhayathi
Here , the Mahaa part of Mahaa Viswaasam qualifies that
Viswaasam ( trust/faith) as being of the highest/grandest
order . This Viswaasam is gigantic enough to pulverize
the five doubts (Sankhaa panchakam) that assail the mind
of a Prapannan . 
67) sakruthkruthOpaaSaladhishtathva -- adhikArichEtana-kaarpaNYa
virOdhi bhUyasthva purushArTaathi vilakshaNa lakshaNathva
pEkshitha kaala prApya phalathvAni SankhA-panchakam
What are these five doubts , which destroy one's Mahaa
Viswaasam and are harmful to gain Moksha siddhi by
a Prapannan ?
1. Will Sriman NaarAyaNan be moved by my Prapatthi ,
which is done by me only once and that too is done in
a very short duration of time ? Will He respond to
this upAyam , which looks meagre/insignificant ?
Is it an alpa kaaryam that will result in the gaining of
the greatst of boons (Moksham) ? It some how seems
that this little  effort ( upAyam) is disproportionate to
the mighty fruit ( Phalan) . This is alpa vyAja roopa kriya
Sankai .
2. adiyEn is a great sinner , who has trespassed with
relish Bhagavath sAsthrams countless times .
Will the Omniscient Lord ( Sarvaj~nan) overlook
these limitless bundles of my sins and respond
to my appeal for protection thru the act of Prapatthi ?
3. adiyEn committs so many apachArams that stands
in the way of gaining Moksham . Will the Lord overlook
these trespasses and will He grant me the great boon of
Moksham ?
4. Even if the Lord grants Moksham for others , my unfitness
is so prominent .Will adiyEn have an opportunity to gain Moksham?
Will it be possible for sinners and others alike to earn Moksham?
5. Can this great PurushArTam of Moksham  be gained in the short
time at the end of this janmam ?  
68) Sriya: PurushakAra: , avijn~AthEththi khyAthOapi nyAsEna
Prasanna: Swamee , alpa-vyAja-roopa kriyayeiva vaseekrutha:
nirupAdhika KaruNAkara: , Kruthajn~a: svAtantryAdhi guNavisishta :
MahOdhAra: --ithyAdhi kaaraNai: sankhA-panchakam nirastham .
These kinds of doubts can  not assail us as PrapannAs. We have
to consider : (1) MahA Lakshmi is our pleader ; She intercedes for
us with Her Lord to forgive our trespaqsses , (2) Her Lord is
an "avijn~Athaa , He has the reputation of looking away from
the deficencies of the SaraNAgathAs even when He is aware of
them ; He is of such noble conduct , (3) He takes pity on us once
we seek His refuge , (4) He is our Master/Sarva Swami , (5) We are
His bonded servants/liege and He is overcome with compassion
through our act of Prapatthi , even if it is an excuse/vyAjam to seek
Him as our protector , (6) He is avyAja KaruNAmoorthy , (7) He is
grateful for the littlest act of display of devotion for Him , (8) He is
totally independent( PoorNa svatantram) and no one is above Him
or equal to Him , (9) He is the most generous One . Reflections on
all these auspicious atributes of His will help to chase away our
five kinds of doubts (Sankhaa Panchaa) rightaway .       
69) PanchAnga-poorNathA sAmAnyEnaithihAsika-prapadhana
avasarEshu sarvEshu dhrashtavyaa .
One can come across the five angams of Prapatthi in stories
in PurANams and IthihAsams dealing with Prapatthi matters.
70) angEshu panchasu chAngithvavaadha: Phala-praSasthy
On some occasions , one of the angams will be denoted as
Prapatthi . This is to spotlight and praise that angam. 
71) anga panchaka poorthy: prapadhanakshaNE avaSyambhAvini.
All the five angams of Prapatthi should be present at
the time of Prapatthi (anga Poorthy) .This is the rule.
72) utthara-kaalE thu yadhi kascchidhaparAdhO jaayathE sa:
ParaBrahmaNaa kshAnthO bhavEth , prapannEna prAyascchittha
karmaNaa nivarthyathE vaa, yathaa PrapannO BhagavathO
athipriyO bhavEth.
After Prapatthi , if one detects incomplete fulfillment of
all the required five angams ( anga poorthy) of Prapatthi,
Bhagavan out of His fondness for the Prapannan will
excuse these little deficencies . The Prapannan can also
perform expiatiory acts (PrAyascchitthams) for destroying
those these deficencies and overcome those gaps in
the anga Poorthy. 
73) UpaasanE aayaasa: nyAsE thu viswaasa ithi lakshaNa visEsha:
surasam ghaDathE .
In Bhakthi yOgam( Upasanaa) , there is fatigue from the rigor of
the required observances . In NyAsam , Mahaa ViswAsam will
help gain Moksha siddhi without exertion . 
74) yEsha visEsha: karthu-bhEdhaajjAyathE .
This differnces between Bhakthi and Prapatthi yOgams
arise from the intrinsic nature of the chEthanan. 
75) VIKALPA: lOkE sama-vyavasTithaavithi bhidhyathE ,
tathrAdhya: svEcchayaa kimthvanya: svEcchAnadhikrutha: ,
jaathi-Jn~Ana-sakthiguNa-pramukhai: nirNeeyathE .
There are two kinds of divisions (bhEdhams/Vikalpams) :
avasthitha and Vyavasthitha   Vikalpams. In avasthitha
vikalpam ( sama vahai maaRRuttanmai) , the chEtanam
is free to choose Bhakthi or Prapatthi upAyam , since 
that chEthanam is qualified as an adhikAri for either .
In Vyavasthitha vikalpam , the chEthanam does not meet
all the prerequirements for practising Bhakthi yOgam
and becomes eligible for Prapatthi yOgam alone due to
its  akinchanathvam. 
76) Bhakthi-PrapatthyOr vikalpa: vyavasTitha krama siddha: 
The difference between Bhakthi and Prapatthi is manifested
as avasthitha bhEdham (Vikalpam)  .
The Next 37 Soothrams deal with Prapatthi anushtAnam.
( To Be continued ),
Prapanna Jana Rakshaka SwaaminE Nama:
Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan



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