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SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha,

Translation by U.Ve. Dr. V.N. Vedanta Desikan Swamin:

768. pAdhukE! BhavaBhayaprathIpayOrBhAvayAmi yuvayO: samAgamam
sakthayOrdhanujavaIriNa: poadhE vidhyOriva parAvarAthmanO:

Oh Twin-Paaduka! The fact of both of You being jointly present at the 
Lord's Feet, in Your ready capability of dispelling fear of samsara, 
reminds me of the two vidyas-Apara-vidya being the wisdom of Brahma-
jnana, (gained from the Rg-veda onwards, by proper initiation by 
preceptors) and Paravidya, being the supreme wisdom of Bhakti-yoga 
aimed at Brhama-realization.

Namo Narayana,

SriMuralidhara Dasan

Special Notes by V.Sadagopan (V.S):

SlOkam 768

1) UtthamUr Swamy's anubhavam: " Oh PaadhukEs! You are 
attached to the holy feet of the Lord, who is the enemy
of the fear of SamsAra (Worldly afflictions). I consider
Your union as the coming together of the two Brahma VidhyAs
known as ParA and AparA". Apara VidhyA is the knowledge 
obtained as Brahma Jn~Anam through AchAryA's mercy , 
recitation of the VedAs and VedAngAs. Para VidhyA is 
the true knowledge obtained through meditation and 
God realization . Mundaka Upanishad and VishNu PurANam
deal with Para and Apara VidhyAs.

2)SrImath Andavan's anubhavam: The determination based on 
defining the deeds to be done for reaching the Lord 
thru the study of the SaasthrAs is known as apara vidhyA.
Bhagavath dhyAnam is recognized as Para Vidhyai. Oh the PaadhukE!
when we look at both of You, we are reminded of the sight of
apara and para vidhyais at one place. 

3)Oh PaadhukE! when we look at You both at the feet of
the Lord, we are reminded of the joint presence of 
Para and apara Vidhyais( DhanujavairiNa: padhE sakthayO:
YuvayO: samAgamam ParAvarAthmanO: vidhyayO:
samAgamim iva bhAvayAmi). 

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