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here is the requested simple meaning for the part of the sitarama Vivaaha churnika posted by the Raama bhakta.

Sadagopan <sgopan@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I tried sending this message to post to the ramabhakthi group but
> did not for some authentication issues. I was wondering whether you
> could be kind to post in the group as well as the SriVaishnavam
> group.
> Thank you.
> - --------------------------------------------------------------------
- --
ShRI sItA-lakshmaNa-bharata-Shatrughna-hanUmat samEta
ShRIrAmAbhirAn tiruvaDigaLE caraNam.

I know this is a belated post and request, but I just stumbled upon
the posting on ShRI rAma's lineage in conjuction with the sItA-rAma
kalyANam, the last on which subject I am writing this post and
request. The following is the Sanskrit cUrNikA on the description
of the wedding between ShRI rAmAbhirAn and ShRI sItA pirATTi, for
which I wondered whether posters could provide the meaning. Thank

ShRI sItA rAma vivAha cUrNikA

atha janaka nrupatiH manOratha mahArNava pAraMgatvA paramAnanda
jaladhauH (ni) magnaH jagacchakshuH kulabhUshaNasya
jagatrayadIkshitasya natajana kalpatarOH ShRI kOdaNDa dIkshA gurOH
vivAha mahOtsavAya |

kshitiratha varapUrita bhagIrathavamShajAtam daSharatha mahArAjam
rathagajaturagapadAdi sahitam samantri purOhitam saputrakaLatram
saparivAramAnAyya satkrutya |

nAnAvidha kramuka nArikEla rambhAdiphalayukta sahasra ShAtakumbha
stambhabhUshitE jambhAricirakAngkkshitE |

paripUrNa manOratha paramAmOda paurabhaktajana paraspara kruta
sallApE sakalajana manOharAlApE |

kirITa kuNDala kavaca kEyUra nUpura muktAhAra vibhUshita nAnAvidha
mrudaLa citrAsanastha nAnAdEShAgata rAjavarya brundE lOcanAnandE |

nAnAvidha svarNapushpa stabaka kOTi dEdIpyamAna malaya candanAgaru
gukgulu gOghrutAdi parimaLavastu ghumughumAyamAna sabhAntarE
nirantara maNikhacita mukura paramparE |

bhErI mrudanga matdaLa kAhaLa dutdubhi turya tumburu vINA vENu
muraja maDDuka DinDima Damaruka jallari jharjhari dhavaLa Shangkha
paNava paTahA ashTAdaSha vAdyaghOsha santata ShabdAyamAna
sakaladigantarE nArada tumburu vINAgAna manOharE |

savatsa gOsahasrAdyanEka kOTi hiraNya vastrAbharaNa bhUdAna
bahumAna santOshita pAtrabhUta ubhayasambandhi rAjaShrEshTha
vamShAvalI nAma gOtra pravarOccAraNa nipuNa vasishTha vAmadEva
viShvAmitra ShatAnandAdi sakalamunigaNa sangkIrNa vEdimadhyE kruta
vividha stava siddhamaharshisanghE |

abjabhava vishNubhava AdityagaNa saptamarutyashTavasuyakshagaNa
siddhajana rudragaNa mitrakularatna suguNa stava samasta praShasta
birudastOma ninadE nirasta dhanadEndra birudhE |

sangkrandanAdyamara brundAvakIryamANa mandAra pramukha nandavana
kusuma nivaha varshE navaratna khacita kanakamaNimanTapE |

ki~ncidArabdha tAruNyam natajanaika kAruNyam vidalita mahEShacApam
vidhimukhasurAviditaprabhAvam parihruta munijana tApam bhAnukula
ratnadIpam sampUrita bhaktajana kAmam sajala jaladharaShyAmam
sakala lOkAbhirAmam ShrIrAmam sannivEShyaH |

kEtakI campakA mallikA kusumAlangkruta nIlAlakavENIm
kalahaMsagAminIm karuNAvalOkinIm anarghamaNikhacita hEma nishka
kaNThIm hAtakamaNimaya tATakAlangkruta kapOlAm agaNita kalyAnaguNa
ShIlAm aravinda sundara mandahAsa mukhIm ShRI aghunandanAbhimukhIm
sItAm ca sannivEShyaH ||

ShRI sItA rAma vivAha cUrNikA
 atha janaka nrupatiH manOratha mahArNava pAraMgatvA
=Then (after SriRama broke  Siva's bow), King Janaka , having reached the other shore of the great ocean that was his ambition,

 paramAnanda  jaladhauH (ni) magnaH
=immersed in a sea of great happiness,

jagacchakshuH kulabhUshaNasya  jagatraya samrakShaNadIkshitasya  natajana kalpatarOH ShRI kOdaNDa dIkshA gurOH vivAha mahOtsavAya |

 for the great festival of wedding,  of the ornament of the Sun's race, of one dedicated
to the protection of the three worlds, of the boon-giving celestial tree of those who are bowing to Him, and the preceptor of KodanDa bow's exploits,  

 kshitiratha varaparipUrita manOratha bhagIratha vamShajAtam daSharatha mahArAjam rathagajaturagapadAdi sahitam samantri purOhitam saputrakaLatram
 saparivAramAnAyya satkrutya |
= having arranged for the presence of the great King Dasaratha, who was born in the lineage of Bhagiratha who was blessed with gratification by Indra who had The Earth as his chariot, who was accompanied by his full battallion of chariots, elephants, cavalry and the army, along with ministers and priests, and sons and wives and other retinue, 

 nAnAvidha kramuka nArikEla rambhAdiphalayukta sahasra ShAtakumbha
 stambhabhUshitE jambhAricirakAngkkshitE |

= (In the hall) adorned by a thousand golden pillars covered with  several types of betelnuts and coconuts and plantain fruits and long-awaited by Indra or long-coveted by Indra,

 paripUrNa manOratha paramAmOda paurabhaktajana paraspara kruta
 sallApE sakalajana manOharAlApE |
=In which the thronging devoted citizens who were fully contented and in great joy, struck mutual conversations, which were pleasing to all the people,

 kirITa kuNDala kavaca kEyUra nUpura muktAhAra vibhUshita nAnAvidha
 mrudaLa citrAsanastha nAnAdEShAgata rAjavarya brundE lOcanAnandE |

= which (hall) was a pleasure to the eye, with hoardes of Kings adorned with crowns, earrings, armours, arm bracelets, anklets, and pearl necklaces and seated in   variegated soft colorful sofa suites,

 nAnAvidha varna svarNapushpa stabaka kOTi dEdIpyamAna malaya candanAgaru
 guggulu gOghrutAdivya parimaLavastu vAsanAdi ghumughumAyamAna sabhAntarE nirantara maNikhacita mukura paramparE |
=In the hall which was burnished and glittering with many types and colors of golden flowers and bouquets, and intoxicatingly fragrant with malaya sandal agaru sambrani cowghee and other scented perfumed materials, and every inch of space set with diamond mirrors,

 bhErI mrudanga maddaLa kAhaLa dundubhi tUrya tumburu vINA vENu
 muraja maDDuka DinDima Damaruka jallari jharjhari dhavaLa Shangkha
 paNava paTahA ashTAdaSha vAdyaghOsha santata ShabdAyamAna
 sakaladigantarE nArada tumburu vINAgAna manOharE |
=which was resounding in all directions with the incessant beating and playing of eighteen types of instruments like drums, mrudangas, bugles, veenas, stringed and percussion instruments flutes and cymbals, white conches etc.  and specially made attractive by the playing of Sage Narada's tumburu veena,

 savatsa gOsahasrAdyanEka kOTi hiraNya vastrAbharaNa bhUdAna
 bahumAna santOshita pAtrabhUta ubhayasambandhi rAjaShrEshTha
 vamShAvalI nAma gOtra pravarOccAraNa nipuNa vasishTha vAmadEva
 viShvAmitra ShatAnandAdi sakalamunigaNa sangkIrNa vivAhavEdimadhyE kruta
 (vividha) stava siddha (maharshisanghE) sAdhyE |

= the wedding stage was bursting with merited and deserving sages like  vasishTha vAmadEva viShvAmitra ShatAnandA and so on who were profusely gifted with thousands of cows with calves, crores of gold and ornaments and attires and gratified with gift of lands, who belonged to both sides of the alliance and who were experts in reciting the names gotras and lineage of great kings of both sides ; in which hall the celestial siddhas and sAdhyas were reciting the auspicious praising psalms,
 abjabhava vishNubhava ( jiShNumukha hrishTasakala tridasha)  (AdityagaNa) saptamarudashTavasu yakshagaNa siddhajana rudragaNa (susatkrita pavitratara) mitrakularatna suguNa stava samasta praShasta birudastOma ninadE nirasta dhanadEndra birudhE |

=  where the hailing sounds of  the appreciable good qualities and all auspicious titles and encomiums of the jewel (SriRama) of the sacred Sun's race venerated by Brahma, Indra and so on, seven winds, eight vasus, yakshagana, siddhajana rudragana etc reverberatred in the hall.

 sangkrandanAdyamara brundAvakIryamANa mandAra pramukha nandavana
 kusuma nivaha varshE navaratna khacita kanakamaNimanTapE |

= celestials like Indra and others groups were raining celestial flowers like mandAra etc in the golden hall which was bedecked with nine type jewels  ,

 ki~ncidArabdha tAruNyam natajanaika kAruNyam vidalita mahEShacApam

= whose youth had just started, who had mercy for people bowing down to Him,  and who had broken the bow of Siva,

 vidhimukhasurAviditaprabhAvam parihruta munijana tApam bhAnukula
 ratnadIpam sampUrita bhaktajana kAmam sajala jaladharaShyAmam
 sakala lOkAbhirAmam ShrIrAmam sannivEShyaH |

= having seated SriRama whose valour was not comprehensible to celestials like Brahma and others,  who removed the agitation and troubles of the sages, who is a diamond light of the Sun's race, who fulfilled the wishes of devotees, who was dark as the water-laden cloud and who is attractively handsome for the whole world,

 kEtakI campakA mallikA kusumAlangkruta nIlAlakavENIm
 kalahaMsagAminIm karuNAvalOkinIm anarghamaNikhacita hEma nishka
 kaNThIm, swarajita kalakanThIm,  hAtakamaNimaya tATankAlangkruta kapOlAm agaNita kalyAnaguNa ShIlAm aravinda sundara mandahAsa mukhIm ShRI RaghunandanAbhimukhIm
sItAm ca (dAtukAma:) sannivEShyaH ||

= having seated Sita (with the intention of giving in marriage), who had the bluish tresses decked with flowers like ketaki champaka and mallika, walking like a charming swan, with merciful looks,    having a necklace of golden coins and set with invaluable and impeccable jewels, and having conquered the sweet throated Koel with her sweeter voice, with her cheeks adorned with cheek ornament filled with gold and precious stones, merited with countless auspicious qualities, having a lotus-like beautiful charming face with a light smile and who was facing the scion of Raghus


Ramanuja dasan


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