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Dear SrEvaishNavites,
Sri Sadagopan swAmy now reflects on the inner meanings of the next four pAsuram-s.
The Lord's omni -presence makes the difference, when it comes to thripura samhAram -This is the third pAsuram.
The Lord mystic powers -- By swallowing the all worlds and resting on a leaf as a baby is described in the fourth.
-the difference between avAnthara praLayam and mahA-praLayam is brought out succinctly by Sri Sadagopan swAmy in the fifth pAsuram and
- In the third pAsuram the powers of the Lord in His antharyAmithvam was seen. Here, the Lord being present everywhere is reiterated in this sixth pAsuram.
thripura-smahAram-Alilai kaNNan-akAram-vyApakan
In the third Paasuram , Thirumangai Mannan salutes ThiruviNNagarappan
as the empowering force behind the Thripura SamhAra Moorthy (Rudran) :
Kuzhal niRavaNNa ! ninn kooRu koNDa , tazhal niRa vaNNan naNNAr nakaram
vizha nani malai silai vaLaivu seythangu azhal niRa ampathu aanavanE
AaNDay unnai kANpathOr aruL yenakku aruLithiyEl
vENDEn manai Vaazhkkayai ViNNagar mEyavanE ---- Periya Thirumozhi  6.1.3
Oh Lord of black hue comparable to that of  Your beautiful Bluish-Black tresses !
At one time , Lord Rudran with the reddish hue of Agni , who has been blessed to be
a part of Your sacred body (valatthinan) was approached by the DevAs as a fit person to
destroy the asurAs , who had taken the form of three cities and were menacing
the DevAs and their world . Rudran asked the DevAs to transfer him their sakthis
to enable him to destroy  the three asurAs . DevAs complied and transferred
their collective powers to Rudran to destroy their enemies . Rudran came to be known
thereafter as MahA DEvan and succeded in bending the gigantic Meru mountain
as his bow for the fight with the asurAs .  Rudran made the Agni , his own hue
into the arrow for that bow . He could not do anymore in the discharge of
that arrow. Oh ThiruviNNagarappA ! You entered into that arrow and empowered
it to destroy the three cities (asurAs) so that MahA Devan can claim the fame as
"Thripura SamhAra Moorthy " . You are the most generous One , when it comes to
granting the boons to those who pray to You for help .  
Oh Lord of ThiruviNNagaram of such Vaibhavam ! My Lord and Sarva Swami !
If You grant me the rare boon of Your darsana SoubhAgyam  to this suffering sinner ,
adiyEn will instantly cast aside this life in prakruthi MaNDalam and reject all
these perishable sukhams in favor of the nithyAnandham of kaimkaryam to You . 
Periya Thirumozhi : Pasuram 6.1.4 
nilavodu veyil  nilaviru sudarum , ulahamum uyirhaLumuNDu orukaal 
kalai taru kuzhavinuruvinayAi , alai kadal Aalilai vaLarnthavanE
AaNDAy unnaik-kaaNpathOr aruLenakku aruLithiyEl
vENDEn manai vAzhkkayai ViNNahar mEyavanE -----Periya Thirumozhi : 6.1.4
Oh My Lord ! You rested on the top of a small leaf of a  pupil tree amidst the swift moving  waters of deluge (avAnthara PraLayam )  billowing with the mighty waves . You gave Sage MarkaNDEyar ,
Your future Father-in-Law  , Your darsana SoubhAgyam as VaDapathra Saayee . At that time ,
You had the Moon , the Sun and the worlds revealed by them and the aathmAs that enjoy
those worlds in  a small portion of Your stomach and protected them all against the dangers of
the swirling waters of PraLayam . As VaDapathra Saayee, our Lord is " ThrijagathAm
UdharAsrayaNan " ( One who retains all the worlds in His stomach for their protection ).
Thirumangai relates to this Vadapathra Saayee as Sarva-Rakshakan and the only medicine
for the disease known a s SamsAric sufferings ( bhava baya yEka bhEshajam ) .
LeelA Sukhar captures the dhivya Soundharyam of the Aaalilai thuyil vaLarum 
Infant this way in Sri KrishNa KarNAmrutham (2.57) :
karAravindhEna padhAravindham mukhAravindhE vinivEsayantham 
vaDasya pathrasya puDE sayAnam Baalam Mukundham manasA smarAmi 
Thirumangai confesses that the soubhAgyam of the darsanam of that Lord
of ThiruviNNagaram in person (SaakshAthkAram ) , it will cause him to reject
this world instantly in favor of nithya Kaimkaryam to that adorable Lord .
Periya Thirumozhi : 6.1.5
Paarezhu kadalezhu malai yezhumAi , seerkezhum ivvulahEzhum yellAm
Aarkezhu vayiRRinl adakki ninRangu , Ohrezutthu ohr uru aanavanE
AaNDAi ! unnaik-kANpathOr aruL yenakku aruLithiyEl
vENDEn manai vAzhkkayai  ViNNagar mEyavanE !
In the earlier Paasuram , Thirumangai referred to avaanthara PraLayam ,
when the Lord keeps the Sun , the Moon , the worlds and the Jeevans inside a small
portion of His stomach to protect them . In this paasuram , Thirumangai relates to
the happenings in MahA PraLayam . AvAnthara PraLayam happens at the end of
the day of Brahma Devan . MahA PraLayam refers to the end of the rule of Brahma
dEvan , which consists of many , many days and nights and years of Brahma devan . 
No Ocean or the Pupil leaf is seen during the MahA PraLayam . Moola Prakruthi
is encompassed inside Tamas . There is nothing else except the Lord and His
sankalpa Jn~Anam that serves as the stomach in the avAnthara PraLayam time.
The absence of Moola Prakruthi at that time of MahA PraLayam is saluted by
the VedAs as " Tasya Prakruthi-leenasya Ya: Para: Sa MahEswara: " . The Paasuram
containing these MahA Tathtvams are enshrined in Thirumangai's Fifth Paasuram .
Here " VayiRRiniladakki " does not mean retaining them for safety in the Lord's
stomach (VayiRu) but every thing being contained inside the Sanklapa Jn~Anam of
the Lord , the Aaadhi Purushan . All letters are gone now including akaram but
the meaning of that akaram ( ThiruviNNagarappan )  remains as the sole existing
entity . When Thirumangai refers to " Ohr uru aanavanE " in this Paasuram ,
he means that all avathAra roopams have disappeared to merge in the Aaadhi
NaaTan , ThiruviNNagarappan .
Thirumangai remembers that Lord in the state of MahA PraLayam
and reminds Him that the darsana soubhAgyam of that Aadhi NaaTan
at ThiruviNNagar in His archA form will kindle his VairAgyam to cast
aside this world and its temptations and transform him into a nithya kinkaran
for the AaakAsa Nagareesan/ThiruviNNagarappan  ( VyOmapureesan ).
ThiruviNNagar Paasurams of Thirumangai: Periya Thirumozhi 6.1.6
kaar kezhu kadalkaLum malaihaLumAi , yEr kezhum ulahamumAhi
mudalArhaLum aRivu aru nilayinai aayi , seer kezhu Naan MaRai aanavanE
ANDAi unnaik-kaNpathOr aruL yenakku aruLithiyEl
VENDEn manaivaazhkkayai ViNNahar mEyavanE
Oh Jagath KakraNA ! You became the dark oceans and Mountains and
the beautiful universe with its multitudinous sentients and insentients ; You reached
a stage during Your srushti vyApAram that was beyond the ken of even superior
beings like Brahma dEvan and Indhran et al . Oh Lord , who is celebrated through
the recitation of the four sacred VedAs ! If only adiyEn has the bhAgyam of
Your darsanam at archA form at Your dhivya dEsam of ThiruviNNagaram ,
I will reject utterly the anithya sukhams of this world and seek instantly
the nithya sukham of being Your servant at Your Supreme abode to
enjoy niravadhya Kaimkaryam to You , my Supreme Master .
In the four Vedams , Kaamya KarmAs are referred to . Those who recite them
would get the dEva padhavi , Svarga Vaasam and other perishable Iswaryam .
Oh Lord ! adiyEn does not seek them . adiyEn is praying only for Your
SaakshAthkAraam at ThiruviNNagar . 
Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan

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