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>SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha,>
>Translation of Paaduka Sahasram by U.Ve. Sri V.N. Vedanta Desikan Swamin 
>37. BhaktiprahvapurapraBhanjanajatAvAtIsanIdaspura
> tchUdAragvaDhavAsanAparimaLastyAnE stuma: PAdhukE
> RangakshONiBrudhamGripadmayugaLIpUrNaprapatthE: Phalam
> Nishchinvanti VipaschitasshamaDhanA nityam yaduttamsanam
>We praise the Paadukas which have acquired a strong fragrance from the 
>Konrai blossoms derived from the head marked by knotty locks of hair,
>of Siva (the conqueror of Tripura), who is bent-headed at the Lord's feet 
>with deep devotion. Vidwans, whose great wealth is their self-control, 
>give the considered verdict that the status of ever-bearing the 
>Paadukas on one's head is the reward and fruit of one's total surrender 
>performed at the lotus feet of Ranganatha.
>Namo Narayana,
>SriMuralidhara Dasan


(1)UtthamUr Swamy's anubhavam : The tranquil sages known for 
their strength of penance (thapO bhalam )adorn Sri RanganAtha 
PaadhukhAs on their heads and assert that act is equivalent to 
attaining the fruits of complete Prapatthi through mind , 
speech and body .In a similar vein , Ahirbudhnyan ( Parama Sivan ) 
stands witness to the glory of Lord RanganAthA's PaadhukhAs 
by adorning them on His matted-locks decorated with the golden 
yellow KonRai flowers. Through this sambhnadham , the Lord's 
PaadhukhAs are infused with the fragrance of the KonRai flowers 
decorating thejatai of Parama Sivan. By this display of His devotion 
to Lord RanganAthA's Paadhukhais , Parama Sivan, who destroyed 
the three cities through His roar demonstrates that He stands
in the front ranks of Sri VaishNavAs. 

(2)Andavan Anubhavam : Lord SivA wears the PaadhukhAs of His 
Lord ranganAthA on His head always.This results in the Paadhukhais
acquiring the fragrance of the KonRai flowers that decorate 
the jatai of Lord SivA.The evolved ones state that they have
performed SaraNAgathi to have the bhAgyam of wearing always 
the Lord's Paadhukhais on their heads.AdiyEn salutes the paadhukhais
of such illustrious repute .

(3)Swami Desikan refers to the PoorNa prapatthi performed by
the sages of great distinction in this slOkam through 
the adornment of the Lord's PaadhukhAs on their heads .
Poorna prapatthi is done through the SaraNAgathi with 
the unity of Mind , Speech and body . AzhwArs like NammAzhwAr,
Thirumangai and AchAryAs like AlavandhAr have performed such
Poorna prapatthi at the Lord's lotus feet . They ask 
the Lord to place His sacred feet on their heads .They
pray with folded hands ( Kaayikam), they appeal to Him 
(Vaachikam ) and seek it through prayer(Manas).Examples
of such PoorNa prapatthi are :

(a)-- nee oru nALL paDikkaLavAha nimirttha ninn paadha pangayamE
talaik KaNiyAi --ThiruvAimozhi:9.2.2 
( Oh Lord of ThiruppuLingudi ! Please place Your lotus
feet , in a size that will match my head and rest them
on my head as a mark of distinction and decoration for
my head )

(b) --kOlamAm yenn sennikku unn kamalamanna kurai kazhalE--
( Oh Lord! Please do come to me and place Your beautiful
lotus soft feet on my head . It will be a magnificient 
decoration for my head and good proof for our union 
and a pleasing response to the worship adiyEn performed).

(c) " AdicchiyOm talaimisai neeaNiyAi, AazhiyamkaNNA 
unn kOlap Paadham---" ThiruvAimozhi:10.3.6
(Oh KaruNA samudhram ! Oh KaNNA !Your eyes reveal
Your parama udhAra svabhAvam . Please place Your 
sacred feet on my head ).

(d) " KathA puna: ...Tvath CharanAmbhujam madhIya 
MoordhAnam alankarishyathi? " --Alavandhaar's
SthOthra Rathnam : SlOkam 31
( Oh ThrivikramA ! when would the pair of Your
lotus feet become my sirObhUshanam just as 
BharathA was blessed ?).

(e) The most direct reference to have the SatAri Soori's
golden feet on his head is that of Madhura Kavi
" naavinAl naviRRinbham yeithinEn
mEvinavan Ponnadi MeymayE "

NammazhwAr sought the boon of having the sacred
feet of the Lord on his head and carried them around
as SatAri Soori. His dear sishyar Madhura kavi did not 
seek the Lord's paadha Kamalam , but opted for 
the golden feet of his AchAryan as sarvasvam .
The PaadhukhA's mahimai is thus revealed to us...V.S

Swami Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam
Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan 

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