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Oppiliappan List Archive: Message 00139 Nov 1999

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>SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha,>
>Translation of Paaduka Sahasram by U.Ve. Sri V.N. Vedanta Desikan Swamin
>99. mUrDhnA dhaDhAnAm maNipAdhukE! thvAmutthamsitham vA puruSham
>BhavathyA vadanthi kEchith vayamAmanAmasthvAmEva sAkshAdhaDhidhaivatham na:
>Oh Paaduka! Some would regard You (who bear the Supreme Person) or the 
>Lord Himself (who is borne by You as a head-ornament as it were) as 
>the Deity to be worshipped. But we would, however, hold You directly as 
>the supreme Deity for us. 
>Namo Narayana,
>Adiyen,SriMuralidhara Dasan


(1) Sri UtthamUr Swamy's anubhavam: Oh Mani PaadhukE !
Those who place You on thier heads such as Rudran,
BrahmA and the fortunate human beings are considered by
some to be supreme Gods. This distinction is conferred 
on them by Your holiness . Hence, for us , You are
the supreme most among the Gods.

(2) Srimath Andavan's anubhavam: Oh MaNi PaadhukhE !
Some are of the opinion that the Paadhukhai that carries
the perrumAL should alone be worshipped . Others state
that the Lord , who is wearing the Paadhukhai should
only be worshipped. We opine that You without PerumAl 
should be the object of worship. 

The inner meaning is that between the two camps recommending
the exclusive worship of PerumAL or His Paadukhais (AchAryALs),
Swamy Desikan opts for the route of Madhura Kavi , who chose
the exclusive worship of his AchAryan and stated that preference
in his Paasuram , " thEvu MaRRaRiyEn ".

(3) Swami's clear statement on the preference for the worship 
of SadAchAryan (SatAri/NammAzhwAr here ) over the Lord Himself
comes out this way: " vayam thu SaakshAth thvAmEva na:
adhidhaivatham aamanAma:" ( When it comes to our preferred
choice,We opt for the exclusive worship of Yourself alone
as the One , who confers all auspiciousness on us)...V.S 

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