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Dear BhakthAs:
As the first in the order of birth of Mudal AzhwArs ,
Poygai AzhwAr initiated the ThiruvandhAthi at
ThirukkOvalUr at the DehaLi of a sage's aasramam.
ThirukkOvalUr is saluted as "Amarar vEndhan Taann uhandavoor"
by  Thirumangai Mannan in Thirunedum ThANDakam . In today's
UpanyAsam , SrImath Azhagiya Singar elaborated beautifully
on PeriyavAcchAn PiLLai's commentary on the uniqueness
of the dhivya dEsam (6th Paasuram of Thirunedum ThANDakam ).
PeriyavAcchAn PILLai salutes this dhivya dEsam of 
ThirukkOvalUr as :
" Niradisaya BhOgyan vardhikkiRa dEsam ,       
 VirOdhi nirasana seelan vardhikkiRa dEsam "
This is the Dhivya dEsam chosen for nithya vAsam by
the Lord , who is insatiable nectar to experience and
who destroys the enemies(virodhis) of His BhagavathAs .
Let us sample today  some passages from Poygai AzhwAr's
Mudhal ThiruvandhAthi celebrating the anantha KalyANa
GuNams of the Lord :
Selected Examples Of Mudal ThiruvandhAthi of Poygai AzhwAr
(1) Paasuram 3: " aRihilEn NeeyaLavu kaNDa neRi " ( adiyEn
does not understand the subtelty of the method You used
to measure the Universe during Your avathAram as
Thrivikraman ) .You did not move around to measure
the Universe ; You stayed put at one place and grew
one of Your Sacred foot to measure the Earth and raised
the other foot to expand upto the AavaraNa jalam surrounding
the aNdam (the egg of the Universe) and measured the other worlds .
(2) Paasuram 6: " onRum maRanthaRiyEn Odhaneer VaNNanai
nAnn inRu maraPPEnO YezhaikAL " Oh poor people of the universe ,
who dwell on insubstantial matters not worthy of a moment's
thought  and forget the dhivya guNa rasAnubhavams of the Lord ,
which should never ever be forgotten ! adiyEn has seen the Lord 
from the moment of my residence in the womb of lotus at ThriuvehhA
PushkaraNi and turned my head then towards SrIrangam and
started worshipping Him from then on ( anRu karu arangatthuL kidantu 
Thiruvarangam mEyAn disai kaNDEn Kai thozhuthEn ). How can
adiyEn forget Him now after being blessed with Jn~Anam( Naann inRu
(3) 11 th Pasuram Passage: "Vaay Avanai allathu VaazhtthAthu ,
KaithAmm  Ulaham thAyavanai  allathu thozhA --uruvodu pEr allAl
kaNN kANA sevi kELA "  ( adiyEn's mouth will not praise any
god or vasthu except SarvEswaran ; adiyEn's hands will not
perform anjali for anyone except the Lord , who sprung forth
to masure the Universes ; adiyEn's eyes will not see any thing
except His ThirumEni and adiyEn's ears will not hear anything
except His sacred Naamams ).  
(4) Fourty Third Paasuram:
(meaning): Our Lord adorns the ever-fresh TuLasi maalai as
a symbol of His firm vratham to protect us Jeevans . The only
act on the part of Jeevan to secure His protection is to seek
the protection through SaraNAgathy at His sacred feet.
When the devotees bring water, flowers and all other accesories
for His worship and perform His AarAdhanam , all the trespasses
of the devotees are chased away and there is no special effort needed
for this desired result . The paapams wont approach such a Bhaagavathan.
Our Lord will assure that . Immeasurabale wealth in the form of
Para Bhakthi , Para Jn~Anam and Parama  Bhakthi will be acquired .
Nothing else needs to be done !   
(5) Sixty Third Paasuram: All my Indhriyams will not recognize
any one but my  Lord. My hands will not worship anyone but Him.
My body will not prostrate before anyone but Him. My ears will
refuse to hear about anything  except his divine charithram. My
tongue will not speak about anything except the nAmams of my
Lord; It will sing only  about His glorious Thriuvadi. My mind and
sensory organs are not tempted by the sensous objects that
pull every one down and away from the Lord.
(6) Sixty Fourth Paasuram: I will not covet for the Lord's property ,
the AathmA. I will not  make the mistake of calling it my own . I will
not associate with those , who call the AathmA as their own .
Only those who consider themselves as the bonded servants
of our Lord are Superior beings in the world . I will associate
only with them. I will not consider any god except Sriya: Pathi
as the one and only Supreme God. Now that I have become
the object of protection of the Lord by leading life with
the above vows ,  How can any sin or inauspiciousness
come my way ?  
(7)Seventy First Paasuram: An appeal to his (AazhwAr's ) Mind  :
" Aazhi nenjamE! adal aazhi koNDAn mAttu anbu vidEl .vENDinEn
kaNDAi". Oh My mind that has already been deeply rooted in Bhagavaan!
I am praying to You not to abandon ever the love (preethi) that you 
have developed for the Lord with the sharp Sudarsanam in His hand .
(8) Seventy Sixth Paasuram: The Superiority of the path of Bhakthi:
Oh Lord ! Those who stay rooted in Bhakthi maargam and worship You  
will unfailingly acquire the aathma svaroopam referred to in the faultless
Vedams  to reach Your Parama Padham .  There is no need to emphasize
this truism . The Lord of ThiruvEnkatam Hill , who once measured all
the Universe with two measures of His feet will  certainly grant the stay
at His Supreme abode of SrI Vaikuntam to enjoy ParipoorNa BrahmAnubhavam
and nithya Kaimakryam there to Him .
(9) The Ninety Ninth Paasuram of Mudal ThiruvandhAthi of Poygai AazhwAr
uLan kaNDAy nannenjE uthtaman yenRum
uLan kanDAy uLLuvAruLLat-thuLan kaNDAi
veLLatthinuLLAnum VenkatatthumEyAnum
uLLatthinuLLAn yenRu ohr
(Meaning): Oh My mind , which obeys me! The sReshta (Utthama)
Purushan is here for protecting us. He is here at all times to protect us
and that seems to be His purpose for existence . He defenitely lives
forever in the heart lotuses of those , who meditate on Him.  Oh my  mind!
Please know that the Lord , who rests on AadhisEshan at the milky ocean
and the One who has nithya vaasam on top of ThiruvEnkatam hills has
now entered our heart lotus for permanent residence .
Tomorrow, on the avathAra dinam of BhUthatthAzhwAr , 
we will enjoy selected paasurams of his Second ThiruvandhAthi.
NamO NaarAyaNAya ,
Oppiliappan KOIl VaradAchAri Sadagopan      

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