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Dear SrI RanganAtha BhakthAs :  JitantE StOtram
is one of the most ancient stOtrams , whose history
is lost in the tracks of time . It is said to be linked to
the Khila bhAgam ( supplementary section ) of Rg Vedam.

The entire text of JitantE stOtram is found in the Paancha-
Raathram texts . We recite sections of Jitante stOtram
at the end of Bhagavath AarAdhanam . The audios on
the entire JitantE stOtram are at :
Sriman Sundar Kidambi has recited these slOkams
with his clear and delectable voice .Please enjoy
listening to these audio files.
Organization and content of JitantE StOtram
There are six sections (Six JitantEs ) to the JitantE
stOtram . There are a total of 128 and half slOkams
housed in these six JitantEs . The first JitantE has 20
slOkams , the second has 40 , the third has 16 ,
the fourth has 17 , the fifth has 20 and the sixth
has 15 and half slOkams . These 128 and half
slOkams distill the esssence of Sri VaishNavA's
approach to Sriman NarAyaNa in the most
devotional bhavanA (mood) . The six sections of
the Jitante stOtram have been linked by
the commentators to the Pancha Kaala PrakriyA
of ParamaikAnthis . The sixth JitantE  can be recited
at all times outside the PanchakAla dinasari ( Five assigned
time periods like Abhigamana , Ijya , UpAdhAna ,
SvAdhyAya and Yoga ) of SrI VaishNavAs. Swamy
Desikan has summarized in ten slOkams the Pancha
Kaala PrakriyAs based on the nithya grantham
blessed to us by AchArya RaamAnujA :
Pancha kAla PrakriyAs & JitantE StOtram
The Commentators of the six JitantE stOtrams
have suggested that the first 5 JitantEs have
to be recited at each five  of the Pancha kaalams:
The 20 slOkams of the first Jitante for instance
is to be recited at the end of the first of
these 5 Kaalams(abhigamanam) ... the fifth Jitante
is recommended for  recitation at the Yoga Kaalam
( just before resting for the night ) , the final kaalam
of the VaishNava Dinasari .The sixth JitantE once again
can be recited and reflected upon at any time of
the day or night .

Individual slOkams from the 5 JitantEs associated
with each of the Pancha Kaalams are :

1) slOkam 2.14 at the end of Abhigamanam
2) SlOkam 2.40 at the end of Ijyaa
3) SlOkam 3.16 at the end of UpAdhAna
4) SlOkams 4.15 and 4.16 at the end of SvAdhyAya
5) SlOkam 5.20 at the end of Yoga priod .
JitantE SlOkam as Mahaa Mantram
The well known First slOkam of the First Jitante
is considered as a Mahaa mantram  :

JitantE PuNDareekAksha ! namasthE ViswabhAvana !
namastEasthu HrusheekEsa Mahaa Purusha Poorvaja

This slOkam ( Jitante 1.1) is seen three times more
among the 128 and Half slOkams of the six JitantEs :
Jitante 3.1 , 5.1 and 6.1

The first slOkam of the 2nd and the 4th JitantEs are
close to the Jitante 1.1 :

JitantE PuNdareekAksha PoorNa-shADguNya Vigraha
ParAnandha Parabrahman nasatE ParamAthmanE -- Jitante 2.1

JitantE PuNDareekAksha namastEasthu VisvabhAvana
namastE VaasuudEvAya SaanthAnandha chidhAthmanE--JitantE 4.1

The commentaries for the JitantE stOtram :

The most elaborate and scholarly one is by
VyAkyAna Chakravarthy , Periya VaacchAn
PiLLai ( b 1228 C.E) . He is considered as
an avathAram of Lord KrishNa and He blessed us with
the commentaries for the first 14 JitantE slOkams .
It is our dhurbhAgyam that Pariya VaacchAn PILLai
did not complete the commentaries  on the rest of
the 114 and half slOkams . The MaNipravALa
commentaries of PeriyavAcchAn PiLLai for
the first 14 slOkams have been translated into English
skillfully by Dr. M.N.Ramanuja of Bangalore
at adiyEn's request and are accessible at:

During the last hundred years , Vaikunta Vaasis ,
PutthankOttakam SrinivAsAcchAr Swamy  and
MadhurAnthakam T.E. VeerarAghavAcchAr Swamy
have assembled brief commentaries on all the slOkams
of JitantE stOtram .

The most recent commentary of Jitante StOtram is by
Srimathy Padma Sudarshan of Chennai and it has been
released by the VisishtAdhvaitha PracahraNi Sabha of
Chennai two years ago . It has English translation and
brief notes on each of the slOkams . Dr.S.Padmanabhan
of the Department of Sanskrit has added Tamil translations
for each of these slOkams . The copies of this monograph
can be obtained at VisishtAdhvaitha PracharaNi Sabha ,
27 VenkatEsa AgrahAram , Mylapore , Chennai 600 004 .
Attempts at  a New Commentary 
adiyEn seeks the anugraham of the dhivya damapthis of
Srirangam residing as ArchA Moorthys at their temple in
Pomona , NY to undertake the task of providing traditional
commentaries on the 114 and half slOkams that have  not
been commented upon in detail sofar . adiyEn would attempt
to bring out  the central message of JitantE StOtram
summarized by Swamy ParAsara Bhattar in one of
His Mugdhaga SlOkam :

avidhyAthO dEva pariBrudatayA vaa vidhithayA
svabhakthEr bhUmnA vaa jagathi gathimanyAmavidhushAm
gathir gamyAschAsou Haririthi jitantAhvaya manO:
rahasyam vyAjahrE sa khalu BhagavAn Sounaka Muni:

(Meaning): Sounaka Rishi revelaed for us the central
meaning of the mantram revered as "JitantE " . He revealed
that Hari is the one and only UpAyam ( means) and UpEyam
(goal) for  all , be they ignorant ones about the Bhagavath
Vishayam or experts in Bhagavath vishayam or prominent
practioners of Bhakthi yOgam .That Hari is the Gathi and
Gamyam is the secret revealed by the JitantE Mantram .

Lord Hari is the sole refuge for us all , when it comes to
gaining freedom from the cycles of biths and deaths . He
alone can bless us to reside with Him at His Supreme abode
and grant us the incomparable nithya Kaimkarya SaamrAjyam
at Sri Vaikuntam .
AshtOtthara Satha NaamArchanai based on JitantE slOkams
In the next posting , adiyEn will start with an AshtOtthara
Satha NaamArchanai for Lord Hari from the Text of
the six JitantE stOtrams . Our prayers are to bless
the major fund raising campaign for Capital Improvement
and Modernization at the Pomona , NY Temple of
Lord Ranganatha .
Please visit the Temple web site and make your generous pledges :  and have the Darsana SoubhAgyam
of the ArchA Moorthys at the 8 sannidhis of the Temple .

NamO SrI RanganAthAya ,
Oppiliappan KOil VaradachAri Sadagopan    



Oppiliappan Koil Varadachari Sadagopan

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