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Dear BhakthAs:
I posted an article on PavithrOthsavam in Oppiliappn List on Sep 19, 2003 .
I referred briefly there to ChathusthAna archanam( kumbham, MaNDalam, 
Bhimbham, Agni poojA ) , the Homams on different days, ShOdasa NyAsams ,
Pavithra Maaa DhAraNam  and other related observances to overcome the lapses
in AarAdhanam by the ArchakAs in the past year and asuddhi in the temple
since  the  last PavithrOthsavam at the Temple.
Today , I will translate the excellent Tamil article prepared at my request by Oppiliappan
Sannidhi SrI Varadha Bhattar, who is currently serving the Lord as His Archaka
at Pomona SrI RanganAtha Temple . He is anexpert in PaancharAthra Aagamam besides 
being a PoorNAdhikAri In Yajur Vedam and 4000 Divine Collect (Dhivya Prabahndham).
It is my pleasure to share his specially created article to get a deeper understanding of
the most important Vaidhic Festival of PavithrOthsavam at our temples. The material added in
paranthesis is my contribution in the spirit of adding explanations . I have also taken the liberty of
translating the original Sanskrit slOkams from PaancharAthra Aagamam provided by
Sri Varadha Bhattar into English.
The Kinds of Uthsavams at the VishNu Aalayams (Temples)
In the consecrated temples of the Lord SrIman NaarAyaNa ,
there are three  kinds of Uthsavams: NithyOthsavam ,
NaimithikOthsavamn and KaamyOthsavam.
Every month there are Pancha Parva Uthsavams that are
recognized as NithyOthsavams . These five Nithya Uthsavams
during each month are: (1)PerumAl's Thirunakshathram 
(Revathi for SrI RanganAtha , SravaNam forLord SrinivAsa) ,
(2) Two EkAdasis ( Sukla and KrishNa Paksha EkAdasis) ,
(3) First day of the Tamil Month ( Maasa PiRappu) ,
(4) AmAvasai ( New Moon Day).
This is a samprOkshaNa (Consecration ) Uthsavam , when any one
of these misfortunes happen: (1) The dhurbhiksham ( inauspiciousness)
caused to the community by Asubha graham combinations (2) Gathi
BhEdhams of the Moon and the Sun (3) the falling down of Gopuram ,
MaNtapams and temple structures (4) Epidemics and horrible diseases
( The Visha Jwaram at Thirupputtkuzhi Dhivya Desam during Swamy
Desikan's Times) , (5) the fracture of the consecrated images
( ThiruveLLUr Moolavar's hand , which was corrected by one of
the Azhagiya Singars, The shift in Peetam of ANDAL Uthsava
Vigraham at SrI PerumbhUthUr et al)  and (6) Failure of rains
in the land. These are the NaimitthikOthsavams.
This Uthsavam is to seek any one of the Four PurushArTams
(Dharma , Artha , Kaama and Moksham) from the Lord thru
prayers and observance of dedicated festivals ( Golden RaTa
Uthsavam at Oppiliappan Sannidhi).
This is a specail annual Uthsavam for the purposes of the banishment
of all blemishes , lapses in the Year's aarAdhanams by ArchakAs and
to restore Saanidhyam for the Lord . This is hence a Sarva DhOsha
NivAraNa uthsam.
It is carried out   during the time period between AavaNi month
and Kaarthikai month and is for the preethi of VishNu and for
chEthanam's Moksham . Sukla Paksham in these months are preferred
for the observance of this Sarva DhOsha NivAraNa Uthsavam .Prathamai ,
Thrutheeyai, Panchami , EkAdasi, Dasami ThrayOdasi , DhvAdasi , PourNami
thithis are to be selected for the start of this Uthsavam.
Regarding  Nakshathrams , RohiNi ( Lord KrishNA's Birth star), Pushyam ,
Mrughaseersham , ChithrA , SravaNa , Revathi , Asvini  nakshathrams are
preferred. From Sukla Paksha Prathamai to PourNami , the performance of
PavithrOthsavam on any one of the Nakshathrams are recommended .
It is Utthamam(most auspicious)  to initiate this uthsavam on such days.
This PavithrOthsavam can have a duration of 5 or 7 or 9 days . At minimum ,
it must be performed for 5 days .On the day of completion of this Uthsavam,
TheerthavAri ( like avabhrutha SnAnam at the end of conclusion of a Yaj~nam)
in the temple tank or the river is to be done.
Why the word Pavithram is linked to this Uthsavam?
Pavithram means Suddham and auspiciousness. Silk threads are
used to create the necklaces for the Lord. There are 5 different colored threads .
In the middle of the threads , there are knots (granthis) . Prathishtai (Consecration)
is done to these colored silk necklaces(garlands) thru invocation of the power of
the dhivya aabharaNams and Jewelery of theLord ( SrI Vasthram /PeethAmbharam ,
Kireetam/Crown , Kousthubham , Vana Maalai, Sudarsanam et al) . PrANa prathishtai
is next performed to make them fit for theLord to wear these Pavithra Maalais.
As an integral part of the PavithrOthsavam , the traditional observances such as
Bhagavath PrArTanai, Sankalpam , PuNyAhavAchanam , Mrudh SangarahaNam ,
Vaasthu Saanthi karmAs should be done. Thespecial Yaaga Saalai should be
constructed . DhvAra PoojA is performed for the Yaaga SaalA and PerumAL should
be requested to take His place in the Yaaga SaalA through Chathus-SthAnArchanam
for performing worship during the  Uthsavam days.
The Four SthAana archanam
Kumbham, MaNDalam , Bhimbham and Agni are the four SthAnams
(Focus sites) for the archanai (worship) of the Lord .
In the YaagasAlai Vedhikai , nine Kumbhams( Copper vessels adorned with
threads) are established to invoke VaasudEvan , SankarshNan , Pradhyumnan ,
Aniruddhan , Purushan , Sathyan , Ananthan, Achyuthan and Sudarsanan
for AarAdhanam.In the Kumbham , sacred waters from Ganga, Cauvery et al
are requested to be present and these theertha Svaroopa DevathAs are
invoked for dhana dhAnya abhivrutthi.
MaNDalam is BhagavAn's Chakra Aayudham that is drawn as Yanthram (Bhimbham)
and Lord Sudarsana is invoked there . ( Inthe MaNDalam , Sudarsana MahA Purushan
has  Sudarsana JwAla, Nemi , Aram , Naabhi and aksham ). There are also six adhvAs
in the MaNdalam (Shadadhvan NyAsam) : (1) TathvAdhvA (JeevAdhi Tatthvams) ,
(2)BhuvanAdhvA ( the 14 universes starting from ataLa ), (3) VarNAdhvA ( BheejAkAksharams of
Manthrams)  ,(4) KalAdhvA (64 Kalais) , (5) ManthrAdhvA ( Moola Manthram , Moorthy Manthram ,
Phala manthram , Nrusimha Manthram) and (6) PadhAdhvA ( KesavAdhi upavyUha Moorthys ) .
In the petals and also in the angles (kONams like AgnEyam ) , SrIvathsam , Sankham ,
ChaNDAdhi DevAs (dwaara PaakakAs ) , VisvaksEnar , VynathEyar (Garudan) are to be
invoked and worshipped.
This MaNDala AarAdhana rules (Vithi) are found especially in PaancharAthra Aagamam.
When Sudarsanar is invoked in MaNDalam directly , He removes all fears (Bheethi)
and confers auspiciousness.He burns away all blemishes . MaNDala aaraadhanam is
done to grace the BhakthAs and make dhushtAs powerless.   
PerumAl is brought to Yaaga SaalA and invoked for worship there.
The misfortunes in the land and that of the rulers are removed through
this Chathus-sTAna AarAdhanam .
Agni AarAdhanam
The YaagAgni Kuntams are constructed in the Yaaga Saalai as instructed by
the Aagmams. BhagavAn is invoked there in the middle of Agni in the Kuntam.
Homam is performed with PradhAna Manthrams. For consecration of'
the Agni used in the Yaaga Saalaa , GarbhAdhAna and Jaathakarma
ceremonies have to be done for the Agni , In AagamAs , Agni Prathishtai
is classified under three Categories: BaalAgni, VruddhAgni and YouanAgni.
For SamprOkshaNam , Dheekshai and other Saanthi KarmAs , BaalAgni 
is used. For Uthsavams such as PavithrOthsavam , BrahmOthsavam ,
VruddhAgni is to be used. BaalAgni is created by rubbing a special kind
of wood ( araNikkattai) against a holder and Agni is churned out(maTanam).
VruddhAgni is the Agni present with AgnihOthris or it is brought from 
the Madapalli (Kitchen of the Lord). 
Agni has seven tongues (Saptha JihvA) : KaaLI, KarALI, SumanA , lOhitha,
DhUmrA , Sphulingini and Visvaroopa. Each of them have  a specific location
in the Agni Kuntam . KaaLI is in the middle , KarALee is in Poorva dhig
and theothers are in the AagnEya dhig, VaaruNa dhig, West , North , Vaayu Dhig ,
and North East (IsAnyam) . For dhOsha Nivrutthi , Only offerings thru Agni or water
has to be made to other DevathAs that ultimately reaches their antharyAmi , SrIman NaarAyaNan.
VedAs declare that the Lord is in the formof Agni ( Yaj~nO vai VishNu:). Even the Yaj~nam
is VishNu Mayam.
In Yaj~na Kuntam , PerumAL is invoked and homam is performed with 
Moola Manthram, PanchOpanishad Manthram , Pancha VaaruNika manthrams .
At the end PoorNahUthi is done for the day.  These homams are done thrice ,
five times or 7 times during the day and on the last day ShOdasa Tathtva NyAsa
Homam and   Saanthi hOmam are performed to conclude the PavithrOthsavam.
ShOdasa Tathva NyAsa Homam
The first Tathva Homam involves PrANAdhi Dasa Vaayu NyAsam , PrANa PrathishtA
Homam , Moola Manthra Homam , Aayudha NyAsa Homam and BhUshaNa NyAsa 
Homam ( All the Aayudhams and AabharaNams represent different MahA Tatthvams).
The 16 (ShOdasa) NyAsams are :
1) PraNava NyAsam (2) VyAhrudhi NyAsam (3)Akshara NyAsam
4) Nakshathra NyAsam (5) Gruha NyAsam (6) Kaala NyAsam
(7) BrAhmaNAdhi VarNa NyAsam (8) ThOya NyAsam (9) Nigama NyAsam
(10) DevathA NyAsam (11) VairAjan NyAsam (12) Krathu NyAsam
(13) GuNa NyAsam (14) Moorthy NyAsam (15) Sakthi NyAsam
and (16) Shad GuNa NyAsam .
Each of these homams are done and the residue (samphAdham ) from
the Agni Kuntam is collected and applied to the Lord's limbs from
the sacred feet upto Siras (head).
Saanthi Homam
Chathur VyAhruthi  Manthra ( BhU SvAhA , Bhuva: Sva: BhUrbuhva: SvAhA )
homam are performed 108 times with honey ,milk , Curd and ghee .The SampAdham
from this Saanthi Homam is applied from the sacred  feet , Stomach, Face and the Siras
of the Lord.Thereafter , Jaggery, Honey , Ghee are used to the accompaniment of
VishNU Gaayathri (108 times) and oblationsare offered; at the end the SamphAdham
from this Homam is applied to all the limbs of the Lord.
PrANAhUthi follows ; PrAyascchittha Homam is done with PanchOpanishad
manthrams. The Sakthi from the Kuntam is transferred to the Kumbam and the Kuntam
is returned to yathA sTAnam . DhvAra Devathais are sent back to their homes
(yathA sTAnam) with reverential prayers. Then, the Sakthi in the ManDalam
is transferred to Kumbham . It is followedby Kumbha YaadhrA dhAnam and
the Kumbham is taken in procession to Moolavar sannidhi with all upachArams .
Kumbha Sakthi is now transferred to Moolavar (Dhruva bhEram) .All saanidhis are
sprinkled (prOkshaNam) with the water fromKumbham . TheerthavAri is carried out
and ChakratthAzhwAr is immersed in the waters by the archakAs . At the Moolavar
Sannidhi , JithanTE sthOthram is recited and is followed by the grand SaaRRumuRai
with Vedam, Upanishads, IthihAsams and  Dhivya Prabhandhams . PrasAdam is
presented . Theertham , SatAri, Ghoshti ViniyOgam of Bhagavad PrasAdham
conclude this annual PavithrOthsavam Festival at VishNu Temples.
ArchakA's Mnthra Bhalam keeps the Sannidhyam of the consecrated Images 
of the Lord at  the Temples.  ArchakA has to serve the Lord without anticipating
any gains (Aathmartha AarAdhanam) . Such an AarAdhanam will grant soubhAgyams
to the devotees. When the Archaka is not performing such aarAdhanam , he is
called an amanthraka archakan and the Lordruns away from him like a human
being confronting a Cobra and the animals of the forest , when they see a lion.
Archaka and the devotees have to recognizethe consecrated  ArchA images of
the Lord as SaakshAth BhagavAn and not as some image made of stone, metal or
wood. Those who consider that way will surely suffer in narakam.
The Archakan , who uses the prescribed AarAdhana Manthrams daily
causes the Saannidhyam of the Lord to growin the Consecrated Bhimbhams
of Him.When Archaka is blessed to perform such AarAdhanam without
expecting any returns , he reaches VishNu Padham at the end of his life on
this earth.This is what PaancharAthra Aagamam texts state.The Manthra
Veeryam (potency) of the archaka results in Saanidhyam (presence) of the Lord
at His sannidhis and PavithrOthsavam banishes any dimmunition in the Lord's
presence in His consecrated images at the VishNu Aalayams due to lapses
in AarAdhanams according to the prescribedaagamic rules .
Let us enjoy the upcoming PavithrOthsavamsat the Temples during
this season and appreciate the significance of these ancient rites.
LokAs-SamasthAs-sukhinO Bhavanthu
Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan  

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