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NamO VenkatEsAya

Dear BhakthAs of Lord SrInivAsa of Thirumalai:

SrI VenkatEsa Sahasra Naamam 21
21 . (PraNavam) BhrAjishnavaE Nama:

Salutations to the resplendent One !

This is the 143rd SrI VishNu Shasra Naamam. The comment given
is " UpAsithrubhyO BhrAjishNu: sva-prakAsana seelatha: ".
The reference here is to His GuNam of shining for the sake of those ,
who are His UpAsakAs. His Svyam-JyOthi and Param JyOthi
Tatthvam are being saluted here.

22. (PraNavam ) GrasishNavE Nama:

There are two intrepretaions for this Sahsra Naamam :

(1) He digests even the greatest of sins of the BhakthAs out of
His Vaathsalyam for those , who seek refuge in Him.
Swamy Desikan refers to the limitless bundle of his sins
and tempts the Lord by saying that those bundles would give Him
a huge feast and therefore He should rush to him and protect him.

(2) He swallows the whole universe and its entities during
PraLayam to protect them from destruction and keeps
them safely in a small portion of His stomach. This is part of
His cosmic function as the most merciful Lord . The three cosmic
functions of the Lord as our Isvaran are the Creation , Protection
and Dissolution of the Universe. Here the protection at the time of
dissolution is referred to. The AzhwArs refer often to these leelais of
the Lord as "Padaitthu, uNDu and Umizhnthu " ( creating , swallowing
and releasing ) based on the pramANams of Vedam and Upanishads ,
AchArya RaamaanujA recognizes the Lord in this context as " attA "
( AttA charAchara grahaNAth --VedAntha SutrA: 1.2.9).The source
for the entire Universe ( consisting of sentient beings and insentient
matter ) being the food for Brahman is saluted by KatOpanishad( 2.25):
" Yasya Brahma ch kshatram ca ubhE bhavata Odana: "

Our Lord is the "Nikhila ChArAchara SamharthrA ParamAthmA".
He is the GrasishNu standing as SrI VenkatEsan on top of Venkatam

23. (PraNavam) VarthishNavE Nama:

Salutations to the Lord , who is eternally present at all times (YugAs)
to delight the hears of His loving devotees (BhakthAs).

He performs His leelAs in all the four yugams , protects the Saadhu Janam ,
destroys the dhushta Janam , maintains Dharmam and rewards
His BhakthAs with His vision and performs countless auspicious 
deeds on their behalf .

ParithrANAya SaadhUnAm VinAsAya cha DhushkruthAm
Dharma SamsTApanArTAya SambhavAmi YugE YygE 

---Githai : 4.8

" For the protection of the Good and also for the destruction of
the wicked , for the reestablishment of Vedic Dharma , I incarnate 
from age to age in the form of Gods , Men etc.". Thus our Lord
as Venkata KrishNan reveals His avathAra rahasyam . 

24. (PraNavam ) BharishNukAya Nama:

Salutations to the Lord , who is agaDitha gaDana sakthan.

He is beyond dhvandhvAs like Sukham and Dukkham ,
Poverty and wealth , light and darkness.This He does by
being the indweller of all " mutually non-co-existables".
The delusions of the pairs of opposites are destroyed by 
the grace of the Lord for those who worship Him with
steadfast devotion ( tE dhvandhva mOha nirmukthA bhajanthE 
Maam dhruda-vrathA: / GithA Vaakyam: 7.28).

Swamy NammAzhwAr's ThiruviNNagara Pasuram is the reference
for His AgaDitha GadanA sakthi (ThiruvAimozhi: 6.3.1) :

" Look at the marvellous splendour of my Lord ! He is (pervades) present
in and is the controller of all--yes, all even mutually non-co-existables ,
such as penury and prosperity , hell and heaven , enimity and kinship , 
poison and nectar and He is my Master too and when I longed to see Him 
and enjoy His presence (after lover's quarrel) , I saw Him at ThiruviNNagar
(Oppiliappan Koil) , where all families are affluent (in the spirit of

There is another version for this Naama : " BhavishNukAya Nama:".
This means that the Lord is present at all times. He is not affected by
PraLayam .At that time , He protects the Universe and its entities by
holding them safely in a subtle form inside a small section of His stomach
as He floats on a Pupil tree leaf as VaDapathra Saayee on
the fierce waters of PraLayam. He later releases them from the safe
abode of His stomach.

25, (PraNavam) KaalayanthrE Nama:

Salutations to the Lord who is the engine empowering the Time
Machine !

The entire World is under the control of Time ( Kaalam).
He is the Controller of that Kaalam.

Among the three Tatthvams ( Sentients/ChEthanam , insentients/achEthanam
and Iswaran) , Kaalam belongs in the insentient category made up of
Prakruthi, Kaalam and Suddha Satthvam. Kaalam divides into future,
Present and Past. Kaalam is eternal. Based on time divisions like Kaashtai
(Smallest unit of time) , Naazhikai, MuhUrtham (30 MuhUrthams in a day ) ,
Day, month , ruthus and year, Kaalam assists in the creation , existence
and destruction in this prakrutha lOkam. It has no effect in aprAkrutha
Lokam of SrI Vaikuntam.

26. (PraNavam) Kaala-gOpthrE Nama:

Salutations to the Lord, who protects Time( insentient Kaala Tatthvam )
for the benefit of mankind !

The Soorya NamaskAra Prasnams have salutations to the Lord as
the ordainer of the movement of the Kaala Chakram in
His role as its protector.

27. (PraNavam) KaalAya Nama:

Salutations to the Lord , who is Time itself !

He is the indweller and empowerer of Yama DEvan , the Lord of Death.
He is the Kaala Svaroopi and SamhAra Moorthy .

In the Visvaroopa chapter of Bhagavath GitA , He describes
Himself as the World-destroying Time:

" KaalOsmi lOka-kshayakruth pravruddhO
lOkAn SamAharthrumiha pravruttha :"

---GithA: 11.32

" I am the destroying Time .Manifesting Myself fully ,
I have begun to destroy the worlds here (at Kuru KshEthram)".

28. (PraNavam) KaalAnthakAya Nama:

Salutations to the Lord , who is the destroyer of Yama Devan !

The reference is to Sage MaarkaNDEya , who was saved from
Yama Paasam through the Lord's intervention. Yama was destroyed
for his overreach in trying to put an end to a great devotee of the Lord .

29. (PraNavam) AkhilAya Nama:

Salutations to the Lord , who is the Master of the limitless Universes
of His as AkhilANDa Koti BrahmANDa Naayakan !

Our Lord is immeasurable and as Visvaroopi , no one can comprehend
the limitless nature of His svaroopam and VibhUthi (Isvaryam).

His Visva Roopam as the Lord of the Hundreds upon Thousands of
manifold and Divine worlds are saluted in the 11th Chapter of Bhagavath
GitA. Our Lord responds to Arjuna's prayer to see His AkhilNDa
Koti BrahmANDa roopam and gives Him the divine sight to experience
that Visvaroopam . The form of the Lord facing all directions (visvathO
Mukham) was infinite in length and breadth and housed countless hosts of 
beings, DevAs , Rishis and achEthanams as well. That form of the Lord has 
no end , no middle or beginning ( SarvathO anantha roopa bhagavAn 
was infinite in dimensions). He was a TejOrAsi in His Visvaroopam and 
was blazing like a burnig fire in all directions.

ArjunA salutes this Akhila AaadhAra Moorthy and Visvaroopan movingly
at the end of the GithA Chapter devoted to the Cosmic form of the Lord:

Anantha DevEsa JagannivAsa Thvamaksharam Sadhasatta tathparam Yath
Thvam AadhidEva: Pursha: PurANas-Thvamasya Visvasya Param NidhAnam
vEtthAsi vEdhyam cha param cha dhAma ThvayA tatham visvamanantharoopam

--GithA : 11.37-38

" Oh Infinite , Lord of Gods ! Oh You , who have the Universe
for Your abode ! You are the imperishable individual Self ,
the existent and the non-existent and that which is beyond both.
You are the Primal God and the ancient Person . You are
the Supreme resting place of the Universe.You are the knower and
that which is to be known , and the Supreme abode. By You ,
Oh Infinite of Form , is this Universe protected".

This is the AkhilANDa Tatthvam of Lord VenkatEsan! 

30. (PraNavam) KaalagamyAya Nama:

Salutations to the Lord , who is the controller of Time and 
who leads the Jn~Anis to His Supreme abode after many births
for taking refuge in Him and realizing that "VaasudEva: Sarvam "
( VaasudEvA is all) .These great souls after innumerable auspicious
births ( bahUnAm JanmanAm anthE Jn~AnavAn Maam PrapadhyathE)
finds total refuge in the Lord . Passage of time is referred to here .
At the end of such a long time , the great soul (Jn~Ani) realizes
that VaasudEva and VaasudEva alone is the highest end and
also the means for attaining Him . In this context , Lord VenkatEsan
is Kaalagamyan. 

(To be continued) 

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