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SrI :
Dear Sri Devi BhakthAs :
SrI Sooktham , Sri Nanjeeyar's BhAshyam for it , Swamy Desikan's BhAshyam
for ChathusslOki ,ShraddhA Sooktham , Adhithi Sooktham are other PramANams
for understanding the Vaibhavam of SrI Devi celebrated in Swamy Desikan's
SrI Sthuthi , which arose in front of MahA Laskhmi at Kaanchipuram or Srirangam
are additional references for understanding MahA Lakshmi Tatthvam .
Let us focus on Adhithi Sooktham , Vaag Sooktham and NaacchiyAr SambhAvanA
Manthrams today in this context .
1. Adhithi Sooktham
Adhidhi Sooktham is in celebration of Adhdhi Devi , who is none other than 
MahA Lakshmi . One version of the Adhidhi Sooktham is housed in AruNam 
Prachnam 1-13.4 . The other versions are at TaitthirIya Upanishad , the First KaaNDam
of Samhithai . They all salute MahA Lakshmi or Her VibhUthi , BhUmi Devi .
Vaag Sooktham is about VaaNi , who is the dharma Pathnee of Lord HayagrIvan
in SrI HayagrIvAvathAram . 
Sriamthy Subha Venkatesan of Thiruvenkatam list sent us recently
the Tamil translations from an out of print Text of Adhithi , SraddhA ,
Vaag Sookthams   as well as commentary in Tamil on the individual
names of Sri Lakshmi AshtOttharam . adiyEn will draw from them to
comment on Swamy Desikan's SrI Sthuthi .
"Adhithi-dhyour-anthariksham , Adhidhir-MaathA sa PithA sa Puthra: ,
  VisvEdEvAAdhithi: panchajanA: , Adhithir-jAthamadhithirjanithvam " 
The above is the Text of Adhithi Sooktham about MahA Lakshmi .
(Meaning): Adhithi is Svarga lokam as well as anthariksha lOkam
( that between heaven and Earth ). She is SarvAthmikai ( present in
all forms ) as Mother , Father and Son .The Five kinds of people or 
Jnan~Endhriyams are manifestations ( VibhUthis) of Her . Nanjeeyar
identifies the Pancha Janams as the five Jn~Endhriyams and SaayanA
relates the Pancha JanAs to the five kinds of Jaathis : Brahmin , 
Kshathriya , Vaisya , Soodhra and NishAdha Jaathi people . She is
of the form of all that has been created and those to be created yet.
2. NaacchiyAr SambhAvanA Manthram
gruthavathee SavitharAdhipatyai: payasvathee ranthirASA nO asthu
dhruvA diSAm VishNupathnyagOrAasthyESAnA sahasO yaa manOthA
BruhaspathirmAthariSvOtha Vaayu: sandhuvAnA vAthA abhi nO gruNanthu
vishDambhO dhivO dharuNa: pruTivyA asyEsAnA JagathO VishNupathnee
( Meaning ) : Oh JyOthi  who is fundamental to all chEtanAchEtanams !
May Your grace bless us to be abundant with Milk, ghee etc in whichever
direction we look ; May those Iswaryams grow and grant us the capability
to nourish and protect our Bandhus and Friends ! Periya PirAtti , who blesses us
with freedom from fear is the One who also  grants the power of forbearance
through Her graceful rememberance of us . May She stay firmly rooted  everywhere !
May the AchAryan for the DevAs and Mukhya PrANan along with the other
PrANans be empowered by that grace to create auspicousness for us !
That Mahaa Lakshmi is aadharam (base) for both heaven and Earth .She is
the SahadharmiNi for the all pervasive VishNu . She has the rights to command
the entire Universe . 
3. Vaag Sooktham
This is housed in 2nd ashtakam , 8th PraSnam , 8th anuvAkam  .
ananthA manthAdhapi nirmathAm maheem
YasyAm dEvA adhadhurbhOjanAni
yEkaksharam dhvishadhou shadpadhAm cha
Vaacham dEvA upajeevanthy visvE
Vaacham GandharvA: paSavO manushyA:
VaacheemA visvA bhuvanAnyarpithA
Saa nO havam jushathAm-indhrapathni
Vaagaksharam praTamAruthasya
vEdhAnAm mAthAmruthasya nAbhi:
Saa nO jushANopayaj~namAgaath
avantheedEvee suhavA mE asthu 
yaamrushayO mantrakruthO maneeshiNa:
anvaicchan dEvathAstapasA SramENa 
Thaamm dEveem Vaachagum havishA yajAmahE 
Saa nO dhadhAthu sukruthasya lOkE   
Nanjeeyar's comments on the specific Manthra BhAgams
In his SrI Sooktha BhAshyam , Nanjeeyar comments on the key
words of the Vaag Sooktham to reveal the identity of Vaag Devi as
MahA Lakshmi ( wife of Lord HayagrIvan in that avathAram of Her Lord ).
Najeeyar intreprets "ananthAm " to mean that SrI Devi is not limited by
Desam , Kaalam and Vasthu . He intreprets " VaachAm dEvA: " as 
the One Iswari Tatthvam to be worshipped by all chEtanams including
the DevAs . The word " YaamrushyA: " in this manthram also refers to
Her being the fit object of worship by all ." Vaachee mE VisvA: " is
understood as the basis for all the Universe . " Amruthasya Naabhi:" 
according to Nanjeeyar means that She is Sarva Rakshakai . By the salutation ,
"Indhra Pathnee" , She is recognized as the Supremely rich VishNu Pathni .  
Meaning of the Vaag Sooktham according to SaayanaachArya :
The dEvAs thrive through the Vaak " Indhraaya SvAhA ". They earn
their food ( bhOjanam) through food offered in the homam invoking
the mantram : "IndhrAya SvAhaa". The reason(factor) behind their food is
Vaak . Therefore , the havis offering consecrated with this manthram
becomes the life-sustaining cause for the dEvAs . There is no kaala-
dEsa-Vasthu limitations to that Vaak (Vaag Devi). The utterer is
Deva Guru Brahaspathy ; the listener is Indhran , the king of DevAs.
Thousand deva ayanam is the time for reciting Vedams and yet dEvAs
do not reach the end of the time for adhyayanam ( Vedic recitation ) .
It is bigger than ParamEswaran .That Vaak is of PraNava Svaroopam .  
It is of two kinds : samskrutham and apasabdham and is united with
six languages : PrAkrutham , PaisAsam et al . Therefore , it is very big.
As mentioned before , all the dEvAs sustain themselves with the Vaak
invoked at the time of AahUthi. GandharvAs also sustain themselves
with that Vaak. The animals also sustain themselves with that HambhArava
roopa Vaak. Therefore all chEtanams carry on with ther sustenance
and existence through the grace and power of that Vaak (Vaag Devi) .
May that Vaag Devi, the protectress of IndhrA accept our Havis !
Vaak is the imperishable Brahmam . She is the Mother of Vedams .
She is the cause for attaining the status of DevAs . May She arrive at
our Yaj~nam with affection ! May She become my protectress and
respond to my call to arrive here and protect me ! May She be of
easy of approach and rspond readily to my call ! The intelligent sages like
VasishtA and other rishis (Mantra sampradhAya PravartakAs )
use with effort the power of their fierce penance to attain Her .
We offer our worship to that Sri DEvi of such eminence . May She bless 
us and place us in the lOkam , which is filled with PuNyams .
We will study SraddhA Sooktham ( 2 Versions ) next and then plunge in to
the anubhavam of Swamy Desikan's SrI Sthuthi next .
SrImath Azhagiya Singar Thiruvadi ,
Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan (SaThakOpan) .    

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