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ChithrabhAnu Kaarthikai Krishna Paksha TrayOdasi, 
SvAthi Nakshathram , MahA PradhOsham 


Dear BhakthAs:

Let us enjoy the Sixth slOkam of Sri DEvanAyaka
PanchAsath today:

SlOkam VI
ajn~Atha seemakam Anantha GaruthmathAdhyai:
tamm ThvAm samAdhi niyathairapi sAmi dhrushtam
thustUshathO mama manOraTa siddhidhAyI
dAsEshu Sathya ithi dhAraya nAmadhEyam 

Extended Meaning 
Oh DhaivanAyakA! Even the nithyasooris ( eternally
liberated souls) like AdhisEshan and Garudan do not
know the limits of Your glories .Further , those who 
strive hard to practise Bhakthi yOgam to experience You 
see only a small portion of Yourself . adiyEn who is
inconsequential and unfit has come boldly forward to 
praise You of limitless vaibhavam. Indeed You alone can
fulfill my wish to eulogize You . Only when You do so ,
Your title (birudhu) as Daasa Satyan will survive . Hence ,
adiyEn requests You to respond to me as Daasa Sathyan 
(adiyavarkku meyyan ) and protect this ThirunAma of Yours. 

Additional Thoughts
The appeal that Swamy Desikan makes to the Lord of
ThiruvahIndhrapuram is : " dAsEshu Sathya ithi nAmadEyam
dhAraya "(Please ensure that You bear the name of 
Daasa Sathyan/True to those who are Your dAsAs) and 
Natha Sathyan (True to those who bow before YOu and seek 
Your protection).These are two prominent names of 
Lord DhaivanAyakan . He is true to His adiyArs.He never 
lets them down . He is YathOkthakAri (Sonna VaNNam 
Seytha PerumAL) as far as His dear ones that seek Him 
are concerned.He is nearest to those who are His adiyArs 
and farthest (durlabaha:) from those , who express 
indifference and hatred (dhvEsham) towards Him .

The ThirunAmam of Sathyan & Sathya ParAkraman
The 107th SrI VishNu Sahasra nAmam is "SathyAya nama:"
Swamy ParAsara Bhattar points out that He is addressed
as Sathyan because He is well-disposed towards pious
souls(SamAsrithEshu sathsu Saadhu: ithi Sathya:). 
"The affix 'yat' comes after a word in the locative
case in the sense of excellent thereto" (Sathsu Saadhu:

The 873rd SrI VishNu Sahasra nAmam is again "SathyAya 
nama: ". Swamy Bhattar salutes the Lord as Sathyan for
two resaons : (1) Saathvika Saasthra PrathipAdhyan
( He is delienated by Saathvika SaasthrAs) (2) He is
YaTArTa Vaibhavan ( The greatnes attributed to Him 
is true and hence He is saluted as Satyan).

He is aasritha sulabhan ( easy of access ) for those ,
who seek His protection like Gasjendran , Dhroupathi 
and PrahlAdhan . He is far away from the likes of
SisupAlan, HiraNyakasipu . 

He is Sathya ParAkraman and Sathya Dharma ParAkraman .
Therefore He is called Sathyan . His attributes and valour
are true(sarvamEthath Rutham ). Swamy ParAsara Bhattar 
quotes the following verse in this context :

mumvAkEshu anuvAkEshu cha nishathsu upanishasu cha
gruNanthi sathya-karmANam SATHYAM sathyEshu Saamasu

(( " In VaakAs and anuvAkAs (different sections and
chapters of vedAs ) , Nishads and Upanishads , as well
in true Saama hymns,they declare that His acts are ever 
true , and He is truth itself" )).

Swamy Desikan appeals to the Lord of ThiruvhIndhrapuram 
to be mindful of protectinG His ThirunAmam as "Sathyan"
in this slOkam in the context of the Lord fulfilling his wish 
to euolgize Him ( ThvAm thushtUshatha: mama manOraTa siddhidhAyee

Swamy NigamAntha MahA Desikan ThiruvadigaLE saraNam ,
SrI Taranga Mukha Nandini SamEtha SrI DEvanAyaka SwAminE nama:
Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan/SaThakopan 

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