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ChithrabhAnu Maarghazhi 19 , 
Sukla Paksha Prathamai , PoorAda Nakshthram 


Dear BhakthAs:

Let us enjoy the 9th slOkam of Sri DEvanAyaka
PanchAsath today:

SlOkam IX
vyAmOhithA vividha bhOga marIchikAbhi: 
visrAnthim-adhya labhathE VibhuDhaikanATa
GambhIra PoorNa madhuram mama dhIr-bhavantham
greeshmE taDAkamiva seetham anupravishTA 

Extended Meaning 
Oh DhaivanAyakA! In this world , during the scorching summer time , 
the one who suffers intenesely from the heat looks at the mirage ,
gets deluded and chases that unreal watery mass and runs after it
hither and thither to quench his thirst. After these futile and
wearing efforts, he comes providentially across a real pond 
with cool waters and immerses in it to relieve himself from 
the horrible sufferings arising from the summer heat. Similarly , 
adiyEn's mind ran after the perishable worldly pleasures 
thinking that they were permanent and got bewitched. Now adiyEn 
has realized that these vishaya sukhams are impermanent
and insignificant compared to being immersed in the enjoyment of 
Your KalyANa GuNAnubhavam. adiyEn's mind has become tranquil now
as a result of the enjoyment of Your limitless auspicious 
attributes , Your udhAra svabhAvam and Your nectarine 
svaroopa dhyAnam . adiyEn's mind has become peaceful and
is relieved of tApams like the suffering one , who dips 
deep in to a cool pond in summer . 

Additional Thoughts
The key words in this slOkam are: " Oh Matchless Lod of the DevAs !
" Mama dhee: adhya visrAthim labhadhE ". My buddhi (mind) has 
now attained a restful state. Earlier it was very agitated.
How can I compare this tranquil equalibrium and relief attained
by my mind ? I can only compare it to a weary traveler , who
recieves instant and immense relief from the scorching summer
heat by dipping deep in a cool pond . My mind was entranced 
before by the multitudinous bhOgams of the world that turned
out to be non-lasting just like the kaanal neer (mirage) 
seen during the hot summer days ( mama dhee: vividha bhOga
marIchikAbhi: vyAmOhithaa). After that horrible chase after
a nonexistent phenomena (mirage suggesting the presence of 
water), my mind experienced You ,who is of majestic noble 
temperament (GambhIran) and of a form that is most delectable 
to enjoy (madhuram) characterized by Your limitless auspicious
attributes (anantha kalyANa guNams ). My mind has now attained
tranquility (VisrAnthi) as a result of Your KalyANa GuNAnubhavam. 

VishNu Sooktham describes the rejuvenating flow of nectar 
that flows from the Lord's Thiruvadi , which is the banisher 
of all SamsAric ThApams : " VishNO: padhE paramE madhva uthsa:".

The incomparable bliss realized by the one blessed to have 
Bhagavath GuNAnubhavam is described by TaitthirIya Upanishad 
this way:

" rasO vai sa: rasamhEyAvAyam labdhvA nandhI bhavathi
kOhEyEvAnyath Ka: prAnyAth , yadhEsha aakAsa aanandhOna
syAth , yEsha hEyEvA nandhayathi " 

(Meaning): The Supreme Lord is the embodiment of Bliss
(Aanandamayan). He is Aanandha Rasamayan. Only through
experiencing this aananadham , the Jeevan is blessed with
true aanandham . If the samsAris do not hold this bliss
in their heart cavity , they will not experience any 
sukham in this world or in the other world . 

Swamy Desikan salutes the GaambhIryam , Maadhuryam and
ParipoorNathvam of Lord DhaivanAyakan of ThiruvahIndhrapuram
in this slOkam and points out that he has reached layam
(peace and tranquility ) now and is freed from the sufferings 
of SamsAric ThApams. 

Swamy NigamAntha MahA Desikan ThiruvadigaLE Saranam 
SrI Taranga Mukha Nandini SamEtha SrI DEvanAyaka SwaminE Nama:
Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan/SaThakOpan 

(The RathnAngi Kaimkaryam for the uthsava Moorthy of 
ThiruvahIndhrapuram will be entering an intense phase over 
the next few months and is expected to lead to the completion
of the Kaimkaryam by this year's PurattAsi SravaNam ,
the Thiru AvathAra Dinam of Swamy Desikan , who enjoyed 
this archA moorthy immensely. Please join in this Kaimkaryam
and let me know of your interest to participate).

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