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Fourty seventh SlOkam ( Vaibhavam of PrapannAs)
nishkinjanathva dhaninA VibhudEsa yEna 
nyastha sva-rakshaNabharastava pAdha padhmE
nAnAvidha praTitha yOga visEsha dhanyA:
nArhanthi Tasya satha kOtitama amsa kakshyAm

General Meaning:
Oh DhaivanAyakA! Those with special sakthi and Jn~Anam
who understand the upaasanAs like Sadhvidhyai and Dahara 
Vidhyai taught in ChAndhOgya Upanishad are blessed to
practise the celebrated upAyam of Bhakthi Yogam to
gain MOksha Siddhi. Those who do not have that special
sakthi or Jn~Anam use their total insufficencies and
helplessness (aakinchanyam) as the capital to fall at 
Your sacred feet and seek Your sole protection. Such 
persons leave the burden of protecting them exclusively
(not by any other gods) at Your sacred feet. They become
thus PrapannAs . When one evaluates the relative glories of 
the Bhakthi Yogi and the Prapannan , it becomes clear that 
even the assembly of many Bhakthi Yogis will not become 
equivalent to even one part in hundred crores of
the glories of a Prapannan. Matchless indeed is
the Vaibhavam of a chEthanan , who has performed 
Prapatthi at Your sacred feet !

Additional Comments:
Swamy Desikan has blessed us with many SrI Sookthis 
celebrating the power and superiority of Prapatthi yOgam
and the ease of the anushtAnam of Prapatthi over 
the difficult to practise Bhakthi Yogam .Some of these 
Sri Sookthis elaborating the angams of prapatthi, 
the impediments for the realization of prapatthi 
(anya dEvathA AarAdhanam , Bhaagavatha apachAram), 
Prapatthi manthrams (Vaidhika and Taanthrika manthrams) are:
NyAsa dEsakam, NyAsa Vimsathy, NyAsa Tilakam ,
NikshEpa RakshA ,SaraNAgathy DhIpikA and Abaya 
PrAdhana Saaram. One of the Swamy Desika Sahasra
Naamam salutes him as " NyAsa nishEdha navkAnthakar"
for his kaNDanam ( rejection thru Tarkam and Saasthram )
of objections about Prapatthi's inapproriatenes for
Moksham through nine Vaadhams. He has established that 
Dhvaya manthram is the PradhAna manthram amonng Prapatthi
manthrams.He has established that Dhvayam is for one
and all ( SarvAdhikAram). He has demonstrated that 
Dhvaya manthram alone glorifies PrApya-PrApaka 
( UpAya-Phalan)visEshams to qualify as the PradhAna
Prapatthi manthram. Swamy Desikan has instructed that
one who chooses the difficult to practise upAyam of
Bhakthi yOgam should not undertake Prapatthi as 
the MokshOpAyam.

He has established that Bhakthi yOgam as an upAyam
for Moksham is of the form of DhyAnam of Bhagavan without
interruption until one passes away.Hence Bhakthi yOgam
for gaining Moksham is thus difficult to practise . 
Prapatthi yOgam on the other hand is an easy practise UpAyam ,
when accompanied by MahA VisvAsam . It takes few 
minutes.That is all! Hence out of compassion for us,
Swamy Desikan recommended Prapatthi yOgam for us 
and defended its superiority over the difficult Bhakthi yOgam.

SlOkam 48: (Aathma SamarpaNam by Swamy Desikan)
AathmApahAra rasikEna mayaiva dhattham
anyairadhAryam adhunA ViBudhaikanATa 
sveekruthya dhArayithum arhasi mAmm Thvadheeyam
chOrOpaneetha nija noopuravath svapAdhE 

General Meaning
Oh Dhaiva NaayakA! When one thinks that the Jeevan ,
which is a bonded servant and property of Yours 
and thinks that Jeevan is independent is a thief,
who has stolen Your property and does not comprehend
the nature of the theft.AdiyEn was like that and
considered myself independent of You and did not 
realize my status as Your leige and property.
Therefore, adiyEn stayed as a thief and was
engaged in enjoyment of Your property thinking
all the while that it was mine.Now, due to Your
grace, adiyEn has gained true Jn~Anam about Sesha-
Seshi relationship as one that between the Master
(Yourself as Sarva Seshi) and Servant ( adiyEn as Your 
Seshan).adiyEn has realized that this jeevan is Your 
unquestioned property and can not be protected by
any one else.AdiyEn has returned with humility Your
property that adiyEn had stolen.You should accept 
Your property and keep it as a protected entity under
Your sacred feet.Would n't You wear the ankle jewelery 
of Yours after the thief , who stole it came 
back and returned it with remorse for his heinous act.
Similar to that , You should accept this jeevan 
and protect it since it is Your own property 
and not mine. 

Additional Comments:
This is the slOkam , where Swamy Desikan performs
Prapatthi at the sacred feet of the Lord of Thiruvayindhai.
After nirvEdam over his past lapses of DehAthma Bramam,
AaathmApahAram , Swamy Desikan says that he has now developed
the Tatthva Jn~Anam about the Sesha-Seshithvam and as
a result has performed SaraNAgathy at the Lord's sacred
feet. He performs the Aathma NivEdhanam and hands over
the burden of protecting him to the Lord Himself .
Swamy Desikan follows the Vaak of Swamy AaLavanthAr:
" akinchanO ananyagathi: SaraNya! Thvath Paadhamoolam
SaraNam prapadhyE" and performs SaraNAgathy at
ThiruvahIndhrapuram PerumAL's Paadha Kamalam.

NamO SrI DevanAthAya,
Daasan, Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan 

P.S: May the unmatched Vaibhavam of PrapannAs
and Swamy Desikan's own Prapatthi to Lord
Dhaiva Naayakan inspire you all to take part
in the RathnAngi Kaimakryam for Him and recieve
His eternal blessings !

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