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NamO VenkatEsAya !
Dear Swamy Desika BhakthAs:
Today is Mahaa Navami and Sarasvathi Pooja dinam.
Today is Sukra Vaaram , where the Lord of Sapthagiri
and AlarmEl Mangai ThAyAr enjoy their Thirumanjanam.
It is an auspicious day to start the postings on Desika
Prabhandham. May Lord HayagrIvan bless this effort from
the top of His abode on Oushada Giri at Thiruvaheendhrapuram !
AdiyEn's humble salutations to asmath AchAryan ,
HH SrI NaarAyaNa YathIndhra Mahaa Desikan of
AObila Matam at the start of this kaimkaryam. My
praNAmams to Vaikunta Vaasi SrI SrIrama DesikAcchAr
Swamy of Oppiliappan KOil, whose magnificent text
that adiyEn will be following for this entire kaimakryam.
He is my First AchAryan as a native son of Oppiliappan
KOil .
NaarAyaNa ! NaarAyaNa! NaarAyaNa!
RaamAnuja DayApAthram Jn~Ana VairAgya BhUshaNam
Srimadh VEnkatanATAryam VandhE VedAntha Desikam
Desika Prabhandham : Types of Tamil Poems
Swamy  Desikan used three kinds of poetic forms for His
405 Paasurams of His  Prabhandham. These are:
1) VeNN Paa (2) Aasiryappaa (3) Kalippaa
Eighteen of the 405 Paasurams are set in VeNN Paa (4.4%) .
One hundred and sixty eight of the 405 ( 41.5%) are set in Aasiriyappaa format.
Majority of them ( 219) however are set inKalippa form (54.1%) .
The genius of Swamy  Desikan as a Tamil poet and a great AchAryan
is abundantly evident in these treasures of Paasurams .It would be our
good fortune to study and reflect on them.
Introduction to Desika Prabahndham
SrIman Venkataraghavn of Bahrain has givena succinct introduction to
Desika Prabhandhams that would be valuableto refer to along with
the darsana soubhAgyam of Swamy Desikan inHis RathnAngi:
There are 19 individual prabhandhams that house the 405 Paasurams.
The first of them is Amrutha Ranjani with 39 paasurams.
Amrutha Ranjani: The First Desika Prabhandham
Swamy  Desikan took a lot of effort to remove the many confusions
created by other philosophies ---based on Vedic doctrines or otherwise---
in people's minds by composing a series ofSrI Sookthis revered as
ChillaRai Rahasyams . They are written in MaNipravALa Format (Sanskritized
Tamil) . The first part of these ChillaRai Rahasyams contains 17 rahasyams
(esoteric upadEsams in contrast to Sadhasyams, which are taught in public )
starting from SampradhAya Parisuddhi to Saara DhIpam.The purpose of these
SrI Sookthis is for us to gain a clear comprehension of the three Tatthvams 
and three Rahasyams and to lead a blessed life devoted to the service to
SrIman NaarAyaNan , the AchAryAs empowered by Him and His BhaagavathAs ,
who are very dear to Him..
In each of these 17 rahasyams , Swamy Desikan in his typicaly brilliant and
perceptive manner condenses the essence ofeach rahasyam/Tatthvam  at the beginning
and at the end in the form of a Paasuram .The beginning and the end Paasurams
of these 17 rahasyams are assembled together in the first of the Desika Prabhandham
revered by us as Amrutha Ranjani . Swamy Desikan gave this name to this Prabhandham
because He believed that this would delight the heart of the SrI VaishNavan who
reflects on it more than Amrutham (divine nectar ) would . Here, Swamy  refers to the spiritual
upliftment that He recieved from His AchAryAs ; He expands on the three Tatthvams
( ChEthanam , achEthanam and Iswaran) and reveals the true meanings of the three
Rahasyams( AshtAksharam , Dhvayam and Charama SlOkam ).
1. AchAryan's irreplacable help (UpakAram)
The First and second Paasurams of Amrutha Ranjani belong to
SampradhAya Parisuddhi Prabhandham , the First ChillaRai Rahasyam .
Our AchaaryAs out of their limitless compassion for us and Jn~Anam 
took upon themselves the responsibility touplift us ( the suffering jeevans)
from the  dangerous ocean of SamsAram. They instructed us on the deep
meanings of Tatthvams so that our minds will no longer be agitated by
any thing .They helped us to perform Prapatthi , which delights the heart of 
the Lord and thereby banished rebirth for us in SamsAric world.We have become
now fortunate through the links to our SampradhAyam established by AchAryAs
at the behest of SrIman NaarAyaNan and are blessed to enjoy the bliss of
MokshAnandham.We thus have recieved the loftiest of blessings of the Lord (Moksha
Sukham) by observing an easy to perform upAyam (SaraNAgathy) that takes
very little time (KshaNa Karthavyam) to practise .
2. Following the Path travelled by our AchAryAs
This Paasuram is also from SampradhAya Parisuddhi.
A very long time ago, our Lord churned themilky ocean and blessed
the DevAs with the nectar that He brought out. Our AchAryAs blessed us
with some thing that is even more enjoyable (bhOgyam) than the nectar
(amrutham ) itself (viz)., the Lord's Sacred Feet ( Thiruvadi) as the means 
for our resurrection .We are deeply engaged and committed to that sacred
anushtAnams of our AchAryAs and consider  them as the most revered way.   
3. The Indispensability of the Jn~Anam about the three Tatthvams
This Paasuram is from the ChillaRai Rahasyam of Tatthva Padhavi.
Oh Sentient Being ! The direct reason (kAraNam) for Moksham is
the blessing and grace (aruL) of our Lord.To become qualified for that
grace, You should gain a clear understanding of the three Tathtvams
( ChEthanam , achEthanam and Iswaran) and through that knowledge
practise one of the two upAyams for Moksham(Prapatthi or Bhakthi yOgam) .
4. The path to banish the sorrows caused by SamsAram
This Paasuram is from the ChillaRai Rahasyam of Rahasya Padhavi
Oh ChEthanam ! We can chase away the sorrows and fears of SamsAram
when we understand the three rahasyams ( Moola Mathram, Dhvayam and
Charama SlOkam ) with their meanings and then perform the UpAyam for
Moksha Siddhi.
5. The glories of SrI Sookthis of AchAryAs
This Paasuram is from the ChillaRai Rahasyam of Tatthva Navaneetham.
The sentients and the insentients are the body (sarIram) for the Lord.
He stays in there as the indweller (antharyAmi ) . During the time of
the great deluge (praLaya kaalam) , He swallows the entire Prapancham
and keeps it inside a small portion of His stomach just as He swallowed
curd and VeNNai during His incarnation as Lord KrishNa. Just as removing weeds
for the well being of the crops , He destroys the evil-minded ones , who cause
harm to His devotees. On the wrists of this glorious Lord are the Sri Sookthis
(Blessed works) of our AchAryAs shining like  brillinat bangles or like the conch
in His hand. They are like an aabharaNams on His wrists to signify that they are
trophies resulting from the victory over other mathams . They also shine like
the divine conch because these SrI Sookthis grow one's Jn~Anam.   
6. The greatness of BhaagavathAs
This Paasuram is also from the ChillaRai Rahasyam of Tatthva Navaneetham.
Gifted poets compare the Lord salutedby the apourushEya VedAnthams 
( the VedAnthams and VedAs not created by human beings ) as :
Waveless ocean of nectar , the nourishing rain-laden cloud that has 
absorbed the vast ocean , priceless indhraneela mountain (blue gem),
the brightness of an unusual day resultingfrom the combined lustre of 
the Sunshine and the radiance of the Moon and all such asambhAvitha 
( lofty and difficult to imagine ) meanings . There is however those ,
who have arrived at the Lord's sacred feet(HIs BhaagavathAs) that are
even loftier than the Lord Himself.There is nothing that the greatest poet
can concieve as comparison for theirglories. Therefore BhaagavathAs are
greater in their Mahimai than the Lord (as He Himself admits many times).
The meanings of Rahasyams blessed tous by the AchAryAs
This Paasuram is from the chillaRai rahasyam of Rahasya Navaneetham.
The SadAchAryAs fully conversant with the inner meanings of the Lord
(who grants us Moksham and who is saluted by the VedAs) instructed
us onthe nine meanings associated with the three rahasyams :
a) the THREE  meanings of Thirumanthiram ( AshtAksharam/Moola Manthram) are:
i)  Presentation/offering of our Svaroopam (SamarpaNam ) to the Lord
ii) Offering of the burden and duty of protecting us
iii) Offering of the fruits of our protection to Him. 
b) The THREE meanings of Dhvayam are:
i)  UpAyam (ii) Phalan (iii) the destruction of the enemy of avidhyA/ajn~Anam
c) The THREE  meanings of the CharamaSlOkam are:
i)   The act to be performed by the one performing SaraNAgathy(Prapannan)
ii)  The act performed by the Lord onbehalf of the SaraNAgathan
iii) The way of life to be observed by SaraNAgathan after performing SaraNAgathy
8. The VaikunthA Life right here on earth
This Paasuram is also from the ChillaRai Rahasyam of Rahasya Navaneetham.
We are now freed from the vipareetha ( inauspicious and  erroneous ) jn~Anam
of believing that I am my own Master (Swamy) , the responsibilities of
protecting me are my own and the fruits of such protective actions belong
to me. Fully understanding that all of these belong to our Lord , we have
placed the duties and fruits of our protection at the sacred feet of the Lord,
who is our unquestioned Lord. We have taken our Lord's sacred feet as
our UpAyam and Phalan.We have performed the UpAyam of Prapathi taught
by the Lord to Arjuna . We have now recieved all the boons granted by the Lord
to us as PrapannAs.We are staying on this earth reflecting on the great happiness
of traveling by the path of light (archirAdhi maargam ) to arrive at SrI Vaikuntam
to perform nithya Kaimkaryam to the Lord and enjoy there ParipoorNa BrahmAnubhavam.
All our worries (klEsams) are removed now.Our existence on His earth ( LeelA
VibhUthi) from here on is equivalent to that of the lives of the eternally liberated
souls (Nithya sooris) at SrI Vaikuntam (Nithya VibhUthi).
9.The Essence of AchAryA's UpadEsams
This Paasuram is from the ChillaRai Rahasyam of Tatthva Maathrukai.
The quinessence of the UpadEsams of our AchAryAs is the instruction on
the Svaroopams ( Uniqueness/Dharmi ) and SvabhAvams ( the nirubhAdhikams) 
of the three Tatthvams by our SadAchAryAs. The sacred feet of our SadAchAryAs
that revealed this MOkshOpAyam (Meansfor Moksham) is the refuge for us in this
world and the fruits enjoyed in the other world (SrI Vaikuntam).    
10. The act of those with discriminating knowledge (VivEkis)
This Paasuram is also from the chillaRai rahasyam of Tatthva Maathrukai.
The VivEkis learn the Svaroopams and SvabhAvams of the three Tathtvams
(ChEthanam , achEthanam and Iswaran) from their SadAchAryans at the time
when their good fotunes ripen . They also learn and hold dear the meanings of
AshtAksharam that they learnt from their revered AchAryans and as a result
are totally engaged in their ujjeevanam ( upliftment) without any distraction
11. The Tatthvams revealed by SadaAchAryans
This is the third paasuram from the chillaRai rahasyam of Tatthva Maathrukai.
The indwelling Lord who protects us is the   cause of every thing (Jagath KaaraNan) .
He shines with His Divine consort as SarvEswaran and rains the nectar of His
DayA as the most merciful dark rainy cloud ( KaaLa Megam). The Jeevans, who
are His body have the duty and privelege of competing with each other to perform
Kaimkaryams to Him in SrI Vaikuntam without let. The achEthana doctrines like
Moola Prakruthi, Kaalam and Suddha Sathvam exist in gross form (SthUla roopam)
as His body as well.We are sharing these Subtle meanings about the Tatthvams
as revealed to us by our poorvAchAryAs.
(To Be continued).
Swamy  Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam
Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan   

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