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Sri Venkateswara Ashtotthram 

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Thirupper Nagar Appakkudatthaan
 The 17th Naamam of SrI VenkatEsa AshtOttharam:
 SrI HarayE Nama:= Salutations to the Lord , who has a dark green hue!

 This is the 656th SrI VishNu Sahasra Naamam.

 Meanings of SrI Hari Naamam:
 Swamy ParAsara Bhattar intreprets this Naamam as the Lord with Green Hue. He is saluted as Young KrishNa living at the Govardhana Hill with the name of Hari. He is the reciever of the Havis/ Hari BhAgam (Sacrificial offerings in Yaj~nams). The Lord Himself states that the color dear to Him is green and therefore He is called Hari (varNasccha mE HARI: SRESHTA: tasmAth Hari ithi smrutha:).

 Additional Comments on the Hari Tatthvam
 SrI Hari is the specialist , who destroys our sins completely whether we utter His name sincerely or not and with knowledge about the glory of that name or not . The utterance of the "SrI Hari naamam  burns away our sins just as Agni scorches us , whether we touch it  knowingly  or not:

 " Hari: harati pApAni dushta chitthairapi smrita:
   anicchayApi samsprishtO dahatyEva hi pAvaka:

 The AraNyakam confirms this attribute of the Lord , while telling us that all the celestial beings  follow the Lord: "Harim harantam anuyanti dEvA: ".

 The mere utterance of  the two askharAs comprising the name of Hari confers on us merits that can be acquired through munificient offerings to Brahmins at the sacred sites of VaraNAsi , KurukshEtram and NaimisAraNyam:

 " VAraNAsyam KurukshEtrE NaimisAraNya yEva cha
    dattam syAt tena yEnOktam HARI: ithi akshara dhvayam"

 The doctrine of Hari is an ancient one. It is about KrishNA and hence this name follows the previous SrI VenkatEsa AshtOtthara Satha nAmam of " KrishNAya Nama:".

 In this Seventeenth nAmam, the prefix of SrI is added to the Naamam of Hari ( SrI HarayE Nama:). Thus the connection betweeen SrInivAsan and SrI Hari is established. He is not simple "Hari" but "SrI Hari" , the Lord accompanied by Sri Devi ( SrI RukmiNi SamEtha DwArakA NaaTan ).

 MahA BhAratham (The great War of BharathAs), the tenth canto of BhAgavatha PurANam and Hari Vamsam (Geneology of VishNu ) house abundant salutations to the glories of the avathAram of Hari NaarAyaNan as KrishNA . Hari Vamsam is the appended text (19th parvam ) of MahA BhAratham ; it was appended to MahA BhAratham around 4 C.E. It is thus an anubhandham to the main text of MahA BhAratham ; it has 317 chapters with 16 thousand plus slOkams . Hari Vamsam , with its impressive narrative vigor deals with the life of the Young KrsihNa as SrI Hari.

 The 12th century text of "Geetha Govindham " is yet another moving source book containing vibrant salutatations to Marakatha MaNI VaNNan, KaNNan and is hailed by the composer (JayadEva) of  this MangaLa-manjuLa-gItham as " Hari-CharaNa -Smruthi Saaram " ( The essence of reflections on the sacred feet of Lord KrishNA , adhi-adhbhutha KrishNAnusmaRaNam).

 This Hari NaarAyaNan is always accompanied by SrI Devi in every one of His avathArams to qualify as "SrI Hari NaarAyaNan " and is saluted as DasAvathAran by the KrishNa-bhakthi laden mind of Jaya Deva Kavi in his Geetha Govindham:

 " Kesava-dhrutha dasa-vitha roopa , Jaya JagadhIsa HARE "

 ( " You take the tenfold cosmic form , KrishNA . Triumph HARI , the Lord of the World !")...Song 1.15

 In the Fourteenth song of the 7th chapter of Geetha Govindham sung in Raaga VasanthA at the Poori JagannAth Temple, Jaya Deva Kavi prays to HARI to remove the dhOshams of Kali Yugam that drive us away from Him (Hari NaarAyaNan):

 " SrI JayadEva BhaNitha HARI-ramitham
   Kali-kalusham janayathu parisamitham "

 (" May Hari's delight in JayadEvA's song bring an end to this dark time" (Kali yugam).

 Such is the Vaibhavam of Hari united with SrI Devi as "SrI Hari!".

 When the Naama sankIrthanam of SrI Hari (SrInivAsan as Govindhan ) is done with KrishNAnusmaraNam , then the road to Moksham is paved through the intervention of SrI Devi.

 Such is the power and glory of SrI Hari's Name

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