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Oppiliappan Multimedia Item List 

Multimedia CD ROM & Audio Tape Offerings

1. CD ROM : SrI VaradarAjan Thirumanjanam and SrIrangamVaikunta Ekadasi Seva Pictures , VaradarAja and Garuda AshtOttharams. Price : $15
2. CD ROM: SrI VenkatEsa AshtOttharam (BrahmANDa PurANam version and VarAha PurANam version) : Text and Meanings of each of the NaamAs along with 108 Dhivya Desa PerumALs and ThAyAr Images. VarAha PurANam version is used every morning at Lord VenkatesA's sannidhi for archanai. Price $30.
3. Multimedia CD ROM : AchAraya RaamAnujA's Life , His Nine Divine works and Thirumanjanam Video for His Dhivya MangaLa Vigraham at Melkote: Price $20   Note: The XP version is currently being readied
4. Mulitmedia CD ROM : Life, Vaibhavams and Dhivya Prabhandhams of the 12 AzhwArs: Part I (Poygai, BhUtham, PeriyAzhwAr, peY, Andal , ThiruppANar and ThoNDaradippodi : 7 AzhwArs ) ( Recordings of all of their dhivya Prabhandhams as recited by the Melkote AdhyApAka GhOshti , MangaLAsAsana dhivya dEsams of each AzhwAr). Part 1 Price $20 Note: Part 2 needs funding of $2000 to complete
5. Two Audio tapes : The sound track for the life and vaibhavam of the 12 azhwars CD ROMS without The Dhivya Prabandham recitations for younger generation : Price : $ 15.
6. CD ROM Vaishnava Temples in Karnataka ( Madhya Rangam , Sathyagalam et al)  : Price : $ 15.
7. DVDs on ThrkAla SandhyA Vandhanams for the followers of Rg, Yajur and Saama Vedams : 6 DVDs ( 2 for each Vedam).    Price: $40 for 1 Vedam - a set of two DVDs.
8. Life and Vaibhavam of Swamy  Desikan of Thuppul : Chithra Desikeeyam for the benefit  of children and beginners . Life of this great AchAryan in picture format  like Chithra RaamAyaNam .  Price : $15
9. A Magnum Opus CD ROM in support of Nithya AarAdhanam at Thuppul Swamy Desikan Sannidhi : PurattAsi SravaNam day MangaLAsAsanam of Lord VaradarAjan by Swamy Desikan on His birth day . Rare close ups of Swamy   Desikan and Lord VararAjan as well as Perum DEvi ThAyAr. Price : $20

For additional details please contact V.Sadagopan at 914-762-6690 or send e-mail